Pancakes with milk

Pancakes with milk

Even if you mostly eat out, you still really need the ability to cook pancakes, because this is a quick breakfast, a simple dessert, and an excellent basis for many sweet and snack dishes. The recipe for pancakes in milk is the easiest - without yeast and soda, only due to the fact that the eggs themselves are well loosened when heated (remember the omelette), the pancakes are tender and porous. At first, do not put a lot of sugar in the dough, because it produces the notorious “pancake lump”, but when you already have some experience and “feel” the dough, you can make the pancakes a little sweeter.


  • chicken eggs - 2 pieces;
  • fresh milk - 100 ml;
  • oil (olive, vegetable) - 1 tbsp. l .;
  • flour -150-180 g;
  • sugar - 40-60 g.


1. Prepare the products. Measure out the specified amount of milk and sugar. Flour can be sifted through a sieve (previously or directly into the dough) so that the pancakes turn out without lumps.

Pancakes with milk

2. Drive eggs into a large bowl. We do this carefully so that the shell particles are not caught. Pour milk and a spoonful of vegetable oil (without a sharp, pronounced smell) to them.

Pancakes with milk

3. Mix the resulting mixture and add flour with sugar. Do not forget to add quite a bit of salt to taste.

Pancakes with milk

4. Stir to a uniform consistency, so that there are no lumps and all the ingredients are well distributed.

Pancakes with milk

5. Pour a small amount of butter into the pan and distribute it over the entire surface. Heat up We spread scoop - half a dough, depending on the thickness of the pancake, which we want to get. First, on one side, fry to a characteristic brownish hue.

Pancakes with milk

6. Then we turn it over to another.

Pancakes with milk

7. Serve with sweet sauce, jam or sour cream. Also, if desired, add fruits or berries.

Pancakes with milk
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