Meat in sour cream - the best recipes. How to properly and tasty cook meat in sour cream.

Meat in sour cream - the best recipes. How to properly and tasty cook meat in sour cream.

Meat in sour cream - general principles and methods of cooking

No matter what vegetarians and representatives of animal welfare society say, but meat is tasty, healthy and satisfying. It is a valuable source of protein, many trace elements, amino acids and vitamins. He was cooked, cooked and will always cook. Meat is boiled, fried, baked, both separately and with the addition of vegetables - potatoes, cabbage, onions, carrots, spices, mushrooms, ketchup sauces, mayonnaise, sour cream.

Meat cooked in sour cream, is soft, with a delicate creamy taste. It is possible to enrich and diversify by adding various spices, herbs, greens, mustard, mayonnaise, tomato paste to the dishes. To cook meat with sour cream, you can use absolutely any kind of it - beef, pork, chicken, turkey, rabbit. Only the cooking time will differ. The quickest cooked chicken meat, longer - beef.

Meat in sour cream - preparation of products

Before stewing or frying, a solid piece of meat is cut into slices of the desired thickness. Sometimes, when the pulp of an adult animal is used, the meat is beaten with a kitchen hammer to soften the muscle fibers and shorten the cooking time. Then, in order to preserve the meat juice and make the slices look more attractive, they are roasted over high heat until a fried crust forms. Next, the meat is mixed with chopped vegetables, usually onions, carrots, tomatoes, poured sour cream and stew until done.

Recipe 1: Meat in sour cream slices (beef stroganoff)

The famous beef stroganoff dish, which is very popular among hostesses, is nothing but small pieces of meat stewed in sour cream. According to legend, Count Stroganov was very fond of meat, but by his old age he lost all his teeth and could not eat it anymore.

Then his chef found a way out by offering a new dish, based on meat, scraped off into thin slices from a large piece and stewed in sour cream sauce. Anyway, Count Stroganov and the cook went into oblivion, but the recipe remained. The truth is now the meat is not scrapped, and cut into small pieces. The dish can be made from any meat, but, according to the classic recipe, use beef. Ingredients: 500g of beef, 2 onions, 200 ml of sour cream, 1 table.lozh. tomato paste and flour, salt / black pepper, vegetable oil.

Method of preparation

Cut a piece of meat across the grain. The resulting slices beat off with a hammer and cut into smaller pieces - straw. Roll in flour. For convenience, put all the meat in a plastic bag, pour flour into it, spin it and shake it. So pieces on all sides evenly covered with a thin layer of flour.

Lightly chop the onions in the oil, then add the meat. Make the fire stronger and fry it for five or six minutes. Salt and pepper during frying. Mix sour cream and tomato paste, you can add a little water and simmer with a small boil, cover with a lid, about twenty minutes, if the meat is young, and about an hour if old and tough. If the sauce starts to burn, it is necessary to gradually add boiling water.

Recipe 2: Meat with mushrooms in sour cream

Mushrooms and meat are great with each other, so they are often cooked together. Delicate cream sauce, soft meat and fragrant mushrooms give this dish a satiety and delicious taste.

Ingredients: 800g of meat, 300g of fresh champignons, 2 onions, 250ml sour cream, 1 carrot, salt, vegetable oil, black pepper.

Method of preparation

Cut the meat into strips or medium slices. Fry in hot oil. In another skillet, fry julienne carrots and onion slices cut in half rings.

At least put the slices of mushrooms. Fry for about ten minutes. Combine with meat, mix, pour a glass of boiling water or hot broth and simmer until the meat is soft. Sprinkle with pepper and salt. At the very end of the quenching put sour cream, you can a couple of bay leaves, and warm the meat for seven to eight minutes.

Recipe 3: Meat in sour cream with cheese

For the dish, chicken fillet is used, which means it cooks quite quickly. This meat can be served as hot for the holiday table or cooked for a family dinner. With a minimum of simple components it turns out very tasty!

Ingredients: 600g chicken fillet, 250ml sour cream, greens, 150g cheese, vegetable oil, spices.

Method of preparation

Cut the fillets into pretty small cubes. And try to make just cubes - so the meat looks more beautiful on a plate and evenly roasted. This is easy to do if you cut into a not completely thawed piece. Heat the oil, and pour it generously to fry each piece until golden beautiful crust. While the meat is in the pan, make a sauce. In sour cream add salt, spices and seasonings to your taste. You can restrict only black pepper, as you like. Finely grate the cheese, mix with sour cream and pour the cubes of meat into the sauce. Simmer for about fifteen or twenty minutes (with the lid closed on a small fire).

Recipe 4: Meat baked in the oven with sour cream

The dish is somewhat similar to meat in French. The crushed ingredients are stacked in layers on a baking sheet, poured sour cream mixed with grated cheese, and placed in the oven. It turns out very tasty meat casserole.

Ingredients: 0.5 kg of meat, 200g of fresh champignons, 1 tomato, 2 onions, 100g of cheese, a mixture of herbs (seasoning), 150 ml of sour cream, black pepper, lean little, salt.

Method of preparation

Meat cut into portions, discard the slices, salt and fry for one minute on each side.

Shred mushrooms, fry for five minutes in oil, salt.

Onion cut into thin rings, tomato - slices.

Pour some water into the pan or pan or thinly oil it. Put slices of meat on them mushrooms. Next, onions and tomatoes, evenly leveling around the perimeter, salt.

Finely grate cheese, mix with sour cream and herbs, salt. The resulting sauce put the last layer and bake for twenty to thirty minutes (180C).

Meat in sour cream - useful tips from experienced chefs

- If the meat needs to be cut into small pieces, it is more convenient to do it until it is completely defrosted.

- Too thick sour cream, in order to avoid burning during the quenching of the meat, it is necessary to dilute it with water so that the mixture becomes more liquid.

- For meat dishes with sour cream, you should choose lean meat, with a little fatty streaks.

- To make the meat of an old animal softer, it is pre-marinated for at least twelve hours in white wine, water with vinegar or mineral sparkling water.

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