Cucumber salad with onions for the winter is popular, fragrant and economical. Collection of cucumber and onion salad recipes for winter

Cucumber salad with onions for the winter is popular, fragrant and economical. Collection of cucumber and onion salad recipes for winter

A fresh, fragrant dish - cucumber salad with onions for the winter is a real salvation during the cold season. It not only helps to replenish the supply of vitamins, but also does not harm the figure, since it is one of the most low-calorie dishes.

In addition, it is easy to cook. This is a real economy option for those who want to please themselves and loved ones with tasty and healthy preservation.

The main thing is to strictly adhere to the proportions and the result will surpass all expectations!

Cucumber salad with onions for the winter - general principles of cooking

In order for preservation for a long time to retain not only its taste and aroma, but also vitamins, you need to carefully prepare the dishes and products. Tara and the vegetables themselves need to be well washed and cleaned of dirt, as cleanliness is the key to success.

First of all, you need to correctly sterilize the jars, because if it is done incorrectly, the preservation will quickly deteriorate. Most often containers are sterilized on a saucepan. All you need is to pour water into a container, put it on fire and put a metal grid or colander on top of which will be standing on the banks. Steam disinfects glass containers for 12-18 minutes. Then put the containers on a clean cloth and boil the lids for about 20 minutes in a saucepan.

Sterilization of the container can be made using a double boiler. The only drawback is that it holds no more than 2 cans. You need to put a clean container in the device and set the “Cooking” mode, the heat treatment time is 15-25 minutes.

Next, prepare the products. All ingredients need to be washed well, if you need to brush and cut the stem organ. Then the products are cut in accordance with the recipe and you can begin to prepare a salad of cucumbers with onions for the winter.

Common products for each recipe: cucumbers, onions and salt. Peeled and chopped vegetables are placed in a large saucepan, covered with salt and left for 35-45 minutes. This is necessary for the vegetables to release juice. These are the basic rules that can not be broken, but you can experiment with ingredients, spices and product form.

Classic cucumber salad with onions for the winter


• Cucumber - 4.5 kg

• Bulb onion - 1.9 kg

• Dill sprigs - 400 g

• Sunflower oil - 400 g

• Vinegar - 350 g

• Iodized salt - 90 g

• Granulated sugar - 80 g

Method of preparation

Clean vegetables should be finely chopped and dill cut. All products are thoroughly mixed and transferred to the pan with a large volume. There they are poured with purified water, sunflower oil, white vinegar, coarse salt and powdered sugar are added here.

The pot should be put on medium heat and cook until boiling. The salad of cucumbers with onions for the winter should boil for 18 minutes, it must be stirred until it is burnt. After this, conservation must be decomposed into sterilized banks.

Cucumber salad with onions for the winter (with aspirin)


• Fresh cucumber fruits - 4.8 kg

• Bulbs - 1.7 kg

• Ground sugar - 275 g

• Table salt - 95 g

• Sunflower oil - 300 g

• Vinegar - 250 g

• Acetylsalicylic acid - 5 tablets

Method of preparation

Fresh and clean cucumber fruits are cut into circles. Chop onions into medium or small cubes.

Vegetables should be moved to the pan, mix and pour purified water. This also adds sugar, rock salt, white vinegar and refined oil.

Separate warm up aspirin tablets and add to the container. This will protect the cucumber and onion salad for the winter from germs and swelling and make the vegetables more crispy. Then it must be infused for 4 hours and 30 minutes. The snack is laid out on a sterilized container and filled with marinade.

Golden cucumber salad with onions for the winter


• Average cucumber - 2.8 kg

• Onion bulb - 800 g

• Greens - 150 g

• Iodized salt - 65 g

• Acetic acid - 250 g

• Granulated sugar - 45 g

Method of preparation

You need to cook fresh vegetables in accordance with the rules. Then the peeled products are crushed. The ingredients are transferred to a large bowl, where they need to be mixed and covered with salt and sugar, pour vinegar. At the same time, sunflower oil is heated in the pan, after it has cooled down a little, it should be added to the salad. Then the cucumber salad with onions for the winter should stand for about an hour. Snack stuffed sterilized jars approximately in half. After that, put a large pot on the fire. They put lids in jars and fill them with water so that they are almost completely covered.

The salad is boiled until boiling, then you need to wait another 25 minutes and draw out the jars. In this case, you will notice that the vegetables have acquired a pleasant golden hue. The salad should be closed immediately after it is pulled out of the pan. Use towels to avoid burns.

Cucumber salad with onions for the winter (with carrots)


• Cucumber - 6 kg

• Bulb onion - 1.8 kg

• Carrot - 800 g

• Sprigs of green - 400 g

• Ground sugar - 60 g

• Cooking salt - 50 g

• Vinegar 30% - 80 ml

• Sunflower oil - 180/280 g

Method of preparation

Clean products should be finely chopped and mixed. Greens for cucumber and onion salad are taken for the winter any, it can be any greens, but most often they use dill. It should be finely chopped and added to vegetables. Then salt and granulated sugar, white vinegar and refined oil are added to the dish.

All ingredients are thoroughly mixed in a large saucepan and infused day. After that, the salad must be poured into sterile jars and canned.

Cucumber salad with onions for the winter (with coriander)


• Fresh cucumber - 3.8 kg

• Bulb - 1.4 kg

• A bunch of greens

• Granulated sugar - 185 g

• Large iodized salt - 40 g

• Sunflower oil - 200 g

• Acetic acid - 145 g

• Ground coriander - to your taste

Method of preparation

Pure cucumber fruits cut into thin rings (about 1 cm). Each onion should be cut into rings and disassemble them.

Then you need to take a pan with a large volume, shift the vegetables into it and mix everything. Then crushed greens are added here, most often dill, but you can choose any one of your choice. In the salad you need to add sugar, sunflower oil, vinegar and salt. The salad of cucumbers with onions for the winter has a major chip - this is ground coriander. This spice makes the dish incredibly aromatic. All components are thoroughly mixed and filled with filtered water. You need to put the pot on low heat and stir occasionally. When it boils, time 12 minutes and remove from the oven. It is important that cucumbers do not acquire a yellow tint.

After that, the snack must be decomposed into sterilized jars. Make sure that the products fit close to the bank. Now you can roll it up.

Nezhinsky cucumber salad with onions for the winter


• Cucumbers - 1.9 kg

• Onion - 850 g

• Fennel bunch

• Slightly allspice

• Table salt - 95 g (1 t. For each jar)

• Ground sugar - 95 g (1 tbsp. For each can)

• Vinegar - 180 ml (1.7 tbsp. For each jar)

• Several bay leaves

Method of preparation

Well peeled and dried vegetables are ground. Cucumbers should be cut into rings of medium thickness (about 1 cm). Cut the onion into very small cubes. And the greens can be simply broken or coarsely chopped.

Fragrant peas, powdered sugar, table salt, white vinegar, laurel leaves and lettuce are put into sterilized containers. Then everything is filled with boiling water so as to cover the vegetables almost completely.

Containers filled with salad should be covered with lids and sterilized for no more than 16 minutes. Then the cucumber salad with onions for the winter is closed. When serving, refuel with sunflower oil.

Cucumber salad with onions for the winter (with butter)


• Fresh cucumber - 1.9 kg

• Onion - 800 g

• Fennel bunch

• Sunflower oil - 150/250 g (45 g per can)

• A bit of black peppercorns

• Caster sugar - 30/40 g (third part for each can)

• Kitchen salt - 30/40 g (one third per can)

• Vinegar - 9/10 Art. spoons (1.7 tablespoons per jar)

• Some dry laurel leaves

Method of preparation

Fresh, peeled cucumbers are cut into circles, the onions are crushed into small cubes, and the dill is cut into medium pieces. Salad of cucumbers with onions for the winter with seasoned butter. Vegetable oil should be heated in a skillet, and then let it cool. A portion of oil (45 g) is poured into a 0.5 liter jar, where you also need to put lettuce, pepper, dill, granulated sugar and salt, white vinegar and dry leaves of laurel. Then everything is poured with boiled water, so that it reaches the sides of the container. Banks are covered with lids and infused for 18 minutes. Then they need to sterilize 20 minutes and close. At the time of sterilization, the container should be checked for air.

Green cucumber salad with onions for the winter


• Cucumber Fruit - 3 kg

• Onion - 400 g

• Large bunch of dill or parsley

• Vinegar - 120/140 ml

• Sunflower oil - 13/15 Art. spoons

• Granulated sugar - 70 g

• Coarse Salt - 65 g

Method of preparation

Green salad of cucumbers with onions for the winter so called because of the large amount of green in its composition. Peeled vegetables must be minced. Fruits of cucumber are cut into thin rings, and bulb onion with halves of ringlets.

In a pan with a large amount of the main ingredients are added, they need to add acetic acid, sunflower oil, powdered sugar and salt. All ingredients are thoroughly mixed and infused 4 hours and 30 minutes.

After the salad has released the juice, you need to move it to a low heat and simmer until it starts to boil. After 10 minutes of boiling it can be removed from the fire. And finally, the appetizer is decomposed on a sterile container and twists.

Cucumber salad with onions for the winter - tricks and tips

• When choosing cucumbers for seaming, pay attention to its spines. If they are white, the fruit is not suitable for preservation, as these varieties quickly deteriorate. The most suitable for seaming cucumbers with dark needles. Their size also matters, the ideal option for preservation is the fruit of medium size. Such vegetables have a richer flavor, the presence of large amounts of vitamins, minerals and low calorie content. • It is better to prepare the container for seaming in advance. To do this, simply wash the jars and sterilize them together with the lids. This will help not to be distracted from the process of cooking cucumber salad with onions for the winter.

• Cucumbers will be more tasty and crunchy if they lie in cold water for about 2-3 hours before rolling. To improve the effect in the water, you can add a few ice cubes.

• In order to better saturate the vegetables with the marinade, close the container in which they are placed with a lid and shake it several times.

• The best place to store such conservation is the basement or storeroom. The main requirements for the place of storage - there should be cool, dry and dark.

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