Desserts in a slow cooker - recipes for all occasions! A selection of the best desserts in the slow cooker: pudding, yogurt, strudel, etc.

Desserts in a slow cooker - recipes for all occasions! A selection of the best desserts in the slow cooker: pudding, yogurt, strudel, etc.

The slow cooker can do anything, even make delicious desserts!

A wonderful pot will help save time, money, delight with amazing delicacies. What would cook for dessert in a slow cooker?

Dessert in a Multicooker - General Cooking Principles

In the slow cooker for cooking desserts baking mode is mainly used. It is suitable not only for pies or cookies. On this program, casseroles, fillings are prepared, they heat or melt the products. For the preparation of sweet pilaf and dessert porridge use the appropriate program “pilaf”, “porridge” or “rice”. If you need to make jam, mashed potatoes, jam, then you can use the mode “Quenching”, “Cooking”.

It must be remembered that baking in a multi-cooker does not darken well on top. Therefore, many pies and muffins are required to flip to the other side. It is convenient to use a steaming basket. It is necessary to turn baking when it is almost ready. Otherwise, the cake can be precipitated and ruined.

Delicate dessert in a slow cooker - recipe for cottage cheese pudding

Recipe for cottage cheese pudding, very useful and tasty dessert in a slow cooker. From above, the pastry is covered with an amazing banana-flavored cream.


• 500 grams of cottage cheese;

• five eggs;

• 100 ml sour cream;

• 1 cup of sugar;

• 2 tablespoons of starch;

• vanilla.

Pudding Cream:

• 200 ml of cream;

• 1 banana;

• 3 tablespoons of powder;

• 2 tablespoons of grated chocolate.


1. Separate the yolks, throws them to the cheese.

2. Add sour cream to the cottage cheese mixture, add sugar and immediately add starch. We take a spoon and rub everything well, it should be a smooth cream. You can beat the blender.

3. Protein whip to a very lush and thick foam. We combine with the curd mass, stir gently and only with a spoon, the mixer cannot be used, otherwise the mass may settle.

4. We shift the air curd in a slow cooker, be sure to lubricate before this bowl. 5. Bake the pudding for an hour. Cooling down.

6. Mash banana to mashed. Whip cream with powder to fluffy foam, add banana to them.

7. Lubricate the cooled pudding with the resulting cream, sprinkle with grated chocolate.

Useful dessert in a slow cooker - a recipe for yogurt with dried apricots

It is very easy to squash yogurt in a slow cooker, but for some reason very few people do it, probably, they just don’t know how to do it right. Recipe for a useful dessert in a slow cooker.


• 1 liter of milk;

• 100 grams of natural yogurt;

• dried apricots, sugar to taste.


1. Heat the milk to 40 degrees, add a jar of natural yogurt. Or we plant a special leaven. It can be purchased at the store or at the pharmacy.

2. Spill the milk in dry and clean jars, close the lids or stretch the cling film.

3. Spread a towel into the crock-pot, arrange the prepared jars.

4. Close and turn on the heating for 20 minutes.

5. Disable, leave for an hour.

6. Dried apricots washed and dried, cut into pieces.

7. We decompose in jars dried apricots.

8. Turn on the heating again for 20 minutes, turn off, hold the yogurt for 8-10 hours.

9. Then you can remove the jars of homemade yogurt in the refrigerator, put the sugar to taste.

Dessert in a crock-pot - recipe for a cake with raisins

Variant of nourishing dessert in a slow cooker. A recipe for a raisin cake, which is cooked on margarine with eggs. But, if there is a great desire, you can use butter. Baking get more delicious.


• 0.2 kg margarine;

• 0.2 kg flour;

• five eggs;

• one lemon;

• 130 grams of sugar;

• 120 grams of raisins;

• 5 grams of ripper;

• 15 grams of butter.


1. Margarine needs to be melted in a frying pan, immediately add sugar to it, stir it.

2. With washed lemon we remove the whole zest, grind. Squeeze the juice in a separate bowl.

3. Beat all the eggs at once until fluffy foam, add melted but not hot margarine to them.

4. Stir, pour in lemon juice.

5. Mix the flour with the crushed citrus peel, throw the ripper to them, washed and dried raisins, then put it into the dough together. 6. Rub a slice of butter from the multicooker. Shift the dough for the cake.

7. Put the pastries, prepare the cake an hour.

8. Turning over using a double boiler, slightly browning the second side.

9. Cool, sprinkle with powder.

Easy dessert in a slow cooker - a recipe for baked apples

Variant of a real light, simple dessert in a slow cooker. The recipe for baked apples, but not quite simple, but with the real twist.


• 4 apples;

• 3 spoons of honey;

• 1 spoon of nuts;

• 5 grams of oil;

• 1 spoon with a mountain of raisins;

• 0.5 tsp. cinnamon


1. Raisin soak in advance. If there is not enough time, then pour hot water out of the kettle, leave for ten minutes, then squeeze.

2. Chop the nuts, combine with honey. Add cinnamon and pressed raisins. Stir well.

3. We wash apples, wipe dry.

4. From the side of the branch we make a hole in the apple, but not through. It should make a kind of keg. Similarly, we cut all the apples.

5. Spread the filling over all the apples, swap them into the slow cooker. The bottom of the cup must be lubricated, it is better to take the butter.

6. We put baked, cooking will take from 15 to 40 minutes, depending on the variety of apples.

Berry dessert in a slow cooker - cherry pie recipe

The recipe is very fragrant and delicious cake with cherries, which can be cooked with berries, fresh, frozen and even compote. But first we take out the bones and let the juice drain so that it does not make the dough thin.


• four eggs;

• oils 200 grams;

• 1.5 tsp. ripper;

• 1 cup of sugar;

• 2.3 cups of flour;

• 400 grams of cherries.


1. Pour a glass of sugar in a bowl. Add the softened butter.

2. Immerse the mixer and whip at the highest speed for ten minutes. The mass should be brighter, more airy.

3. Alternately split to the oil one egg at a time. We continue to beat.

4. Put the flour and immediately pour the ripper. Stir the dough with a mixer or spoon as convenient.

5. Add cherries. They should already be pitted, stir. 6. Shift the dough into the saucepan from the slow cooker, before that we well coat the bottom and the bottom of the sides with a piece of butter.

7. We put baked. Cherry pie is prepared in 60-70 minutes.

Fragrant Multicooker Dessert - Apple Strudel Recipe

The recipe for a wonderful strudel, which is prepared in a slow cooker, and even from puff pastry. Nobody will guess how simple and easy dessert is.


• 0.2 kg puff pastry;

• 2 apples;

• 1 tsp. cinnamon;

• 20 grams of oil;

• yolk;

• 2 spoons of crackers;

• 40 grams of sugar, better than brown.


1. Lubricate the slow cooker with oil, throw the rest into the frying pan and put it on the stove, let the pot warm up.

2. Cut the washed apples into slices, fold them into a frying pan and simmer for five minutes, covering the dish.

3. Add sugar to apples, stir and evaporate the remaining water over high heat. Sprinkle with cinnamon, cool.

4. Roll out the elongated rectangle of dough. We pour a strip of crackers under the filling. But you can just add them to the apples.

5. Spread on apple stuffing crackers. We twist the free roll.

6. Shift the strudel with the seam down into the slow cooker. We twist in a spiral that did not fit into the circle.

7. Lubricate the yolk.

8. Close the slow cooker, bake dessert 40-45 minutes. Cool, cut into pieces before serving.

Rich dessert in a slow cooker - a recipe for sweet pilaf

A wonderful recipe for sweet pilaf, which is very easy to prepare in a slow cooker. The dish is great not only for dessert, but also for breakfast, lunch, dinner, afternoon snack. Rice used is white.


• a glass of rice;

• 1 apple;

• 1 carrot;

• 4 spoons of sugar;

• 100 grams of dried fruit;

• 1 spoon of nuts;

• 70 grams of oil.


1. Wash dried fruits, pour boiling water for ten minutes. Drain the water. If you use large dried fruits, for example, dried apricots, then you need to cut into several parts.

2. Cut the apple into cubes.

3. Carrot shred straw or cut into cubes.

4. Mix the sugar with 2 slightly incomplete glasses of water. 5. Cut the butter into small cubes and place it on the bottom of the multicooker. If it is softened, it can be spread on the bottom with a thick layer.

6. Put sliced ​​carrot on the butter, followed by apples and dried fruits.

7. Rice is washed away from starch until the water becomes crystal clear. Sprinkle cereal products on top.

8. Pour the sweetened water. Instead of sugar for the dish, you can use honey, pilaf will get even more aromatic.

9. Add cinnamon to the pilaf, vanilla, but you can not put anything.

10. Turn on the pilaf mode, you can cook on the program “Rice”.

11. After 40 minutes, open, mix well. Serve can be in a cold or in the form of heat, separately offer honey, condensed milk, jam.

Desserts in a Multicooker - Tips and Tricks

• Often, in desserts, they suggest replacing sugar with honey to make delicacy more useful. But you need to remember that honey is very allergenic, many people can not use it. Especially neat is to offer such a treat to children and in no case do not prepare desserts with honey for children's parties.

• Dried fruits are often used in desserts, but few know that they can be soaked beforehand. Raisins, dried apricots and prunes will become much tastier and juicier if you hold them a little in warm water. Nuts, on the contrary, need to be dried or roasted, so that the nucleoli reveal their taste.

• To prevent pastries from sticking to the walls of the multicooker, it is customary to lubricate the dishes from the inside with butter. But can be used for baking parchment, baking paper. Place the saucepan on a piece of paper, circle it with a pencil and cut it out. The resulting circle should be smeared with a drop of oil and put on the bottom of the multicooker.

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