Recipe for pizza in the pan - original! The best pizza recipes in a pan of yeast, liquid or potato dough

Recipe for pizza in the pan - original! The best pizza recipes in a pan of yeast, liquid or potato dough

Pizza is a dish that has been loved by millions and has long been firmly established in our lives. People almost every day come up with all the new pizza recipes: experimenting, both with the base, and with fillers.

But many are so convinced that the pizza is cooked strictly in the oven or a special oven, that they do not see an alternative to cooking this dish. But pizza can be cooked in a slow cooker, microwave, and even in the most ordinary frying pan.

And there is no need to heat the stove, wait, glancing out the window of the oven, when, finally, the pizza is cooked and you can have a bite. After all, all pizza recipes in a frying pan are simple and fast, and their taste is not inferior to a dish from famous chefs.

Pizza Recipe in a Frying Pan - General Cooking Principles

For cooking pizza in a pan most often use a batter, the consistency is not fluid, but rather viscous. Prepare such dough from kefir, sour cream, mayonnaise, with and without eggs. There are lots of ways - and the main advantage is that there is no need to roll out the cake, just pour the dough into the pan, put the stuffing and wait 10-15 minutes.

But it is also permissible to make pizzas in a pan with a base of yeast-free, yeast-free dough - the main thing is to roll them thinly and, before making the filling, fry until ready on one side.

Many people do not like messing with dough, so they came up with an even easier way to cook pizza in a pan. In this case, take the usual bread or a loaf, fry, and lay out the top filling.

Also, some craftsmen have learned to cook a pizza-a full meal, so to speak. In this case, grated potatoes are taken as a basis, from which they make a tortilla, fry it, and then spread the favorite stuffing over it.

For pizza in the pan, as well as for any other pizza, you can use absolutely any stuffing: meat, mushroom, cheese, vegetable, sweet and many others.

1. Express-recipe of pizza in a pan of yeast dough

Tired from work came home, and hungry family at home, requiring dinner? It will help you quickly, satisfying and tasty to feed their households express pizza recipe in the pan. If desired, you can add grated sausage to the filling. Ingredients for the base:

• 420 grams of flour;

• glass of water;

• a pinch of salt;

• 30-40 ml of vegetable oil;

• 15 grams of fresh yeast.

Ingredients for the filling:

• 30 grams of tomato paste or sauce;

• two fresh tomatoes;

• 200 grams of cheese;

• a spoon of oregano and dried basil.

Cooking Method:

1. We need to knead a tight dough, a little steeper than for pies, but much softer than for dumplings: we dilute the yeast in boiled, cooled to room temperature water. We insist a little bit so that the mixture starts to bubble slightly, pour the yeast into the flour that has been pre-sifted and mixed with salt. Knead the dough, achieving the desired consistency by adding flour or warm water. We give the finished dough 10-15 minutes to rise, and at this time we ourselves are engaged in filling.

2. We wash the tomatoes and cut them into thin slices, rub the cheese into small chips. Dilute tomato paste with two spoons of water. Oregano and basil mix.

3. Divide the dough into five parts, each roll into a thin round layer across the diameter of the pan.

4. Pour oil into the pan, heat it, lay out the first layer, fry it on one side for three to five minutes, turn it over. Lubricate with tomato paste, sprinkle with spices, lay out tomatoes, sprinkle with cheese. We bake 2-3 more minutes.

5. Perform the same manipulations with the remaining layers.

2. Recipe for pizza in pancake flour pan

Ingredients for the base:

• incomplete glass of pancake flour;

• 50 ml of milk;

• one egg;

• a pinch of salt;

• 50 g butter;

• vegetable oil.

Ingredients for the filling:

• cheese;

• smoked sausage;

• olives or olives;

• tomatoes.

Cooking Method:

1. Mix the flour with salt and sift through a sieve.

2. Add softened butter, rub the ingredients into crumb.

3. We drive in egg, we pour in warm milk, we knead soft dough.

4. Roll out the resulting pancake dough that is suitable for the size of the pan size.

5. Put the dough in a greased pan, fry for 2-3 minutes on one side.

6. We turn over the pancake, put the stuffing on the fried side: sliced ​​sausage, tomatoes in thin circles, olive rings, spread grated cheese on top. 7. Cover the pan with a lid, reduce the heat, cook another 5-7 minutes pizza.

3. Recipe for pizza in a pan from sour cream batter


• 300 grams of flour;

• 80 grams of mayonnaise;

• two eggs;

• 100 grams of sour cream;

• Filling as desired: it can be sausages, meats, mushrooms, tomatoes, olives, gravy and more.

• cheese - to taste.

Cooking Method:

1. Mix sour cream with mayonnaise, beat eggs, lightly whisk.

2. Pour the sifted flour into a liquid basis for dough, mix everything well.

3. The dough should end up the same as the pancakes, but slightly thicker. If necessary, add some more flour.

4. Pour half of the dough into the pan with a non-stick coating.

5. Spread the filling in any desired sequence, rub the cheese on top.

6. Cover with a lid, cook on low heat for 15 minutes.

7. From the remnants of dough make the second pizza.

4. Recipe for pizza in a frying pan “Five minutes”


• 450 grams of flour;

• 25 ml of sunflower oil;

• egg;

• 100 ml of milk;

• salt;

• bacon or hunting sausages;

• tomato paste or fresh tomatoes;

• 180-220 grams of cheese.

Cooking Method:

1. In a deep bowl, mix the egg with salt and sunflower oil, pour in the milk, beat all the ingredients until smooth.

2. Pour flour in small portions, constantly stir the dough so that no lumps form. The result should be a thick, sticky dough.

3. Cut the tomatoes, clean the sausage and also cut, rub the cheese.

4. Pour dough into the greased pan, spread the filling.

5. Cook for 10 minutes under the lid closed.

5. Recipe for lazy pizza in a pan “Student”


• polbatona;

• two eggs;

• two or three sausages;

• ketchup;

• cheese.

Cooking Method:

1. Cut the loaf into five or six portioned thin slices (depending on how long it fits on the bottom of the pan).

2. Lightly fry the pieces of loaf on both sides in a greased pan.

3. Mix the eggs with salt, pour over the roasted loaf.

4. There we send sausages, cut into circles.

5. Draw a mesh ketchup, evenly distribute the cheese.

6. Cooking under the lid closed for 5-10 minutes.

6. Recipe for an unusual pizza in a pan

Did you know that in order to cook a pizza it is not necessary to have a dough, a loaf or other popular pizza ingredients for the base? It turns out that for the base you can take an ordinary potato. Pizza is cooked incredibly fast, it turns out very tasty.


• two tomatoes;

• four potatoes;

• two eggs;

• two tablespoons of flour;

• 150-200 grams of boiled meat, sausage, bacon or ham (which turned out to be on hand);

• cheese (80-120 grams);

• fresh greens;

• salt pepper;

• mayonnaise.

Cooking Method:

1. Mix eggs with flour, salt and pepper.

2. Peel the potatoes, grate them on a coarse grater, gently squeeze, mix with the egg mixture.

3. Heat the oil in a pan, lay out the potato base in an even neat layer, fry on one side for 5-8 minutes.

4. Turn over to the other side, lay out sliced ​​sausage, tomatoes.

5. Sprinkle with grated cheese and chopped herbs.

6. Fry under the lid for another ten minutes.

Pizza Recipe in a Frying Pan - Tricks and Useful Tips

• For cooking pizza in a frying pan, it is advisable to use a frying pan of large diameters - ideally 18-22 cm.

• Pizza base can be yeast dough, unleavened, layered, as well as white bread and even potatoes.

• Be sure to add mayonnaise, ketchup or sauce, pasta for juiciness. But so that pizza does not flow, you should not put these components in large quantities.

• Cheese. It can be put in any quantity. The more cheese, the tastier the pizza.

• If the cheese did not have time to melt during the cooking of the pizza in the pan, cover the pan with a lid and hold the pizza on a slow fire for some time.

• Use oregano, Italian herbs and other tasty spices to make pizza. Take spices in small quantities, so as not to kill the taste of other ingredients, but only to give the dish flavor.

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