Cupcake on sour cream - an elegant taste in the English style. The best ideas recipes muffins on sour cream: with berries, candied fruits, chocolate

Cupcake on sour cream - an elegant taste in the English style. The best ideas recipes muffins on sour cream: with berries, candied fruits, chocolate

This delicate and at the same time simple, exquisite recipe is not inferior in its popularity to other famous desserts in the world.

After its birth in ancient Rome, the cupcake repeatedly traveled around the world, absorbing all the new interesting details inherent in many national cuisines each time.

Sour cream cake - basic technological principles

Some historians claim that cupcakes, muffins or German adits gained their distribution only in the 16th century, thanks to the appearance of sugar, which was supplied from the colonies of America.

In ancient Rome the common rule in the preparation of cupcakes was the mixing of dried fruits, varieties of nuts, pomegranate seeds and other ingredients in a beaten egg mass.

The English, who so respect their traditions, bake a delicacy of wheat flour, adding a little salt, sugar and fresh yeast with cheeses, various berries and herbs. Since the British do not use high-quality flour, all bakery products are often prepared strictly before serving. In English cuisine, traditional baking muffin recipes do not use any baking molds; they are cooked on a baking sheet. An important fact in the preparation of English muffins is their small size. The value should not exceed the diameter of an ordinary tea cup. The British prefer to eat this delicacy in “Five o'clock”, in a warm form, with jam. Later, going outside of England, baking cupcakes became widespread throughout Europe and beyond.

German gallery is the most ancient traditional recipe in Germany. The first mention of him was in the XIV century, when he was prepared as a gift to the bishop. Traditional German cake was prepared exclusively from herbal products, such as: water, oats, flour, lots of fruits, herbs, a combination of nuts and candied fruits. And only at the end of the 15th century the church allowed, exclusively for the nobility, to use the addition of butter for a fee. Since then, this ingredient has become traditional in the preparation of Christmas cake. Having received widespread in the American continent, mainly in the northern part, the cake on sour cream acquired new qualities and flavors. Cocoa, chocolate, various vegetables and fruits, nuts, syrups, vanilla, herbs and soda (or baking powder) were also added to the cupcakes. They also began to bake in paper, silicone and other forms. After such changes, in the American recipes muffins went into the category of yeast-free bakery products. The traditional basic principle of cooking in the American version is this: dry ingredients and liquid are separately mixed, and then mixed quickly without using a mixer so that the dough does not turn out to be heavy.

The dough must have a thick, uniform, filling consistency. In the recipes for cake on sour cream any sweet additives are allowed. Fortunately, the harsh medieval bans of the church are in the past.

In Russia, cupcakes gained their popularity not so long ago, and they also made additions and a variety of new taste qualities. The basic recipe was the American version.

Recipe 1. Cupcake on sour cream, black currant berries


Sour cream 300 ml

Oil (82.5%) 120 g

Flour (high grade) 450 g

Ammonium powder 15 g

Yolks 3 pcs.

Powdered sugar 350 g (including powder)

Black currant 250 g


Eggs 2 pcs.


Combine flour, powder in one large container (leave 50-70 g to decorate the finished products), ammonium. In the flour mixture, add the currant berries, after sorting them, washed and dried thoroughly. In another bowl, beat the eggs and yolks, adding to them, alternately, sour cream, softened butter. In the dry mixture, make a well and, pouring in the liquid mass, gradually, knead the dough. Try to work with a spatula gently so that the whipped mixture remains fluffy and the air bubbles do not evaporate ahead of time.

Do not reheat the oven above 180 ° C, despite the fact that many people advise you to bake cupcakes at a higher temperature. Let them be baked more slowly - if only they were not damp inside and burnt on top. Pour the dough into prepared, oiled forms and immediately send to the oven, no less than half an hour. However, when the caps are reddened, try piercing the dough with a wooden stick. If you get it dry, then the cupcakes are ready.

Recipe 2. Cake on sour cream, rum, with candied orange


Yolks 6 pcs.

Baking Powder 15 g

Sugar 250 g

Sour cream 200 g

Oil 120 g

Rum 30 ml

Vanilla (powder) 3 g

Orange essence, alcohol 5-10 drops

Flour 450g

Candied orange 150 g

To decorate:

Protein 6 pcs.

Fresh, orange juice 2-3 tbsp. l


Powder 350 g

Fresh orange peel 1 pc.


Heat the oven to 180 degrees and prepare muffin molds (large or medium rings).

Pound yolks with butter and sugar, add sour cream, flavor. In the sifted flour, place the finely chopped candied fruit (you can use not only orange). Add also a mixture of ammonium and soda. Make a well in the flour and in parts pour the prepared liquid mass for cake, on sour cream. Pour homogeneous dough into molds, bake at medium temperature, an hour or more. Willingness check wooden skewers. Put the cooked products on a damp napkin, then turn the mold over and place the muffins on the dish. Beat whites to a stable foam, before the end of beating, add sifted powder, vanilla and a little fresh juice. Cool cooled, but not cold, cupcakes with a protein mass, then immediately sprinkle with a grated zest of fresh orange.

Recipe 3. Chocolate cake with sour cream, almond flakes


Milk, condensed (8.5%) 450 g

Vanilla and rum essence (for perfume)

Sour cream 100 g

Almond chips 250 g

Eggs (yolks) 4 pcs.

Flour 600 g

Ammonium powder 20 g

Chocolate (black and white, for decoration) 200 and 50 g

250 g oil

Cocoa 80g


Combine all the liquid and dry ingredients for the cupcake dough separately. Flour and cocoa flour before starting work. Pound egg yolks with sour cream and condensed milk. If you like sweets, you can add sugar. Combine the flour and the liquid portion of the dough and add the almond flakes to it. Pour the dough into prepared molds and bake. Meanwhile, melt separately white and dark chocolate, with a small amount of milk (1-2 spoons), in a water bath. Add 2-3 chocolates (mint caramel) to each serving of chocolate. Cover the finished, cooled cupcakes with dark chocolate glaze. White chocolate, put the picture on top. To do this, you can use a pastry syringe with a thin nozzle, or an ordinary plastic bag, making a small hole in the corner and filling it with white icing. Recipe 4. Cake on sour cream, with raisins, in a slow cooker


Sour cream 15% 400 g

Margarine, creamy 400 g

Sugar 400 g

Wheat flour 4 tbsp.

Eggs 4 pcs.

Baking powder dough 20 g

Vanillin 4g


Put the margarine in the multicooker bowl, after cutting it into pieces, and turn on the frying mode. After the margarine is completely melted, you need to get it, let it cool at room temperature. Next, take a bowl, add sugar and break eggs there. Ingredients must be carefully moved until a uniform consistency is formed. When the margarine cools, pour it into the eggs and sugar, add sour cream and stir. To do this, you can use any method convenient for you - a mixer, blender, whisk or spoon. The main thing is that the composition was well mixed. After all the ingredients are mixed, add the sifted flour, vanilla and baking powder to them. Flour should be poured gradually, while stirring the dough, so that there are no lumps. Do not hammer the dough with flour, it should not be dense. If desired, you can add raisins. To do this, before cooking, it should simply be soaked in warm water and added to the dough during kneading. In the bowl of the slow cooker, remaining after melting the margarine, spread on the walls and, as soon as the dough is ready, it must be poured into this bowl. Sour cream cake should be baked for 60 minutes using baking mode. When the slow cooker turns off, it will be better to put the cake for another 10 minutes in the heating mode. Then turn the bowl on a plate, thus laying out the cupcake. If desired, you can sprinkle with icing sugar.

Recipe 5. Cake on sour cream, with cottage cheese

The recipe for these cupcakes is special. His secret is not to use wheat, and oatmeal, which will make the cake on sour cream much more useful, and the curd more tender and tasty.


Sugar 4 tbsp.

Icing sugar 4 tbsp. l

Sour cream 2 tbsp. Eggs 7-8 pcs.

Cottage cheese 400 g

Refined oil1 st.

Vanilla sugar 3 sachets

Flour oat 6 tbsp.

Soda 1.5 tsp.

Salt pinch


Turn on the oven and heat up to 180 ° C. In a large bowl, mix the sugar and eggs. Take a blender or mixer and beat until the eggs form a white foam. Then add soda, salt and vanilla. Mix everything again. Pour in vegetable oil, sour cream, add cottage cheese and mix thoroughly, until a homogeneous mass. When all the ingredients are thoroughly mixed, you must carefully add the flour. It should be poured little by little, while kneading the dough, otherwise it may form lumps. In order for the flour to swell a little, and the dough to become thicker, it must be left to rest for 15-20 minutes. Spread the dough into silicone molds. Put bake in a preheated oven for 30-40 minutes. After the dessert is ready, you can decorate it using icing sugar.

Recipe 6. Cupcake on sour cream, berry “Colored” with sea buckthorn, raspberries, blueberries and green grapes


Baking powder 5 tsp.

Berries (in equal shares) 1 kg


Sugar 300 g

Sour cream 2 tbsp.

Flour 800 g


Rinse the berries, rub through a sieve (to remove the seeds) into a puree mass, individually - each type of berries. Mix the sifted flour, sugar, vanilla and baking powder. In the mixture, add sour cream, quickly stir. Divide the dough into 4 equal parts in different bowls; connect each separately with berry puree. Spread out separately into forms, filling in a third of its size. Bake in a preheated oven, at a temperature of 140 - 160 ° C. Baking time depends on the size of the form, but not less than 15 - 20 minutes.

Cupcake on sour cream - useful tips and tricks

  • When baking, until a crust forms on the surface of the cake, forms cannot be moved in the oven; and it is also impossible to open the door to look, so that the dough does not settle.
  • Dry fruit supplements thoroughly after washing. In the fat test, the presence of moisture is undesirable.
  • Pay attention to the freshness of the baking products. This requirement applies not only to the preparation of cake on sour cream, but also to any kinds of flour products. Their quality depends on the freshness of the products.
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