Chicken breast is a unique ingredient for any meal. How to cook chicken breast: how much time it is necessary to cook until cooked

Chicken breast is a unique ingredient for any meal. How to cook chicken breast: how much time it is necessary to cook until cooked

It is especially suitable for people who have chosen the hard way of proper nutrition. This is the front part of the chicken carcass, many consider it most useful.

There are several distinctive features of chicken breast: white color, fibrous structure and a large amount of protein, which is part of.

This part of the chicken carcass is used in its menu by both professional athletes and ordinary people, preferably choosing for themselves dietary products.

In the process of eating chicken breast pieces, a person receives the following minerals and trace elements: copper and manganese, cobalt and chromium, fluorine and zinc, sodium and magnesium, iodine and calcium, as well as vitamins of group B, A, C and H.

In today's reality, it is simply necessary to eat chicken meat at least 2 times a week in order to get all the substances needed by a person.

How to cook chicken breast

Once you have decided that this particular product you lack in your daily diet, you need to choose a method of cooking meat. The most popular is the usual cooking. But many newcomers to the culinary business make a number of mistakes, which lead to the fact that the chicken becomes tough and tasteless, and sometimes not at all edible.

Every novice cook should prepare before cooking the breast.

First, the meat must be prepared for cooking, and, second, follow a strict procedure:

• To defrost chicken breast should be slowly and gradually, so defrosting in the microwave - the worst option of all. Also, do not use hot water, as it just wash all the nutrients. It is best to leave the fillet on a plate at room temperature, and the defrosting process will occur naturally;

• After that, pieces of meat at room temperature should be washed with cold water to remove all dirt and excess mucus;

• If you are preparing a dietary version of the dish, then the skin should be removed, but you can cook with it. This will not affect the taste and quality of the meat. Just for the broth it would be preferable to leave the chicken breast on the bone and with the skin, because so it will turn out more nourishing and tasty; • Place the breasts in the pan. For salads, meat is boiled, pre-filled with hot water, and for broths - cold. Just because of the hot water, all the minerals and vitamins remain inside, because the protein is denatured (curtailed) and does not release them outside. And with the help of cold you can boil chicken, and all the substances will go into the soup. Then just boil the meat until tender.

Chicken breasts can be cooked in a regular saucepan, and in a slow cooker or double boiler.

How much time until ready to cook chicken breast

Of course, the cooking time depends on the size of the piece of chicken meat, as well as on how well the hot plates on your stove heat up the pan. In most cases, the chicken will be ready within 30-40 minutes after boiling. Then she needs to stand a little and cool, and then you can eat. If you want to have time to cook a chicken breast in the shortest possible time, then one little trick can help you: chop the fillet into pieces 2-4 centimeters wide. Due to the greater area of ​​contact with hot water, minced meat will cook much faster than whole breasts. In addition, you can shorten the cooking time with another trick: just cut the breast off the bone and peel it off.

How to cook chicken breast: recipe number 1

Thanks to this recipe, we get an aromatic and delicious chicken breast. For this we need a small set of ingredients: 2 chicken fillets, salt, spices, garlic and carrots.

The first step will be the preparation of the breasts. First, defrost the meat and rinse with water. If you have not bought a fillet already cut, then you will have to do it yourself, separating the meat from the bones and removing the skin. Next you need to make in the breasts oblique cuts along the entire length at a distance of 2-3 centimeters from each other. Rub spices and salt all over the periphery of the breast, especially pay much attention to the “pockets”: they should be filled with spices.

Now we clean the garlic and carrot. They need to be cut into plates with a thickness of 3-5 millimeters and a maximum of 2 centimeters long. We insert them into improvised “pockets” so that the carrot and garlic pieces do not stick out and definitely do not fall out. Pour warm water into the pot and set it on fire. Dropping breasts there and boiling for another 30-40 minutes after boiling. The readiness of the meat can be checked in one simple way: stick the edge of a knife or fork, if the point enters easily, then the fillet is ready. Let it cool, and you can start the meal.

How to cook chicken breast: recipe number 2

Now let's talk about other ways of cooking chicken breast, for example, cooking in a slow cooker. For this option, we also need 2 chicken fillets, but besides this is also butter, sauce (in our case mustard) and spices.

Meat preparation consists of the same steps as in the first recipe, except that we do not make any cuts, leaving the chicken breast in one piece. Next, we carefully rub it with spices and lubricate with oil. In addition, pour some oil into the bowl of the multicooker.

The next question is cooking the sauce. In our case, there will be a ready-made purchase option - mustard. Generously we coat all sides of the fillet, and also add 2-3 tablespoons in the crock-pot to the butter and mix them. Put the missed chicken fillets inside the device.

Next, you need to run the multicooker. To do this, select the mode if you have a multifunctional multicooker. For her go modes such as "baking", "stewing" or "steaming." Often breasts prepare for about 40 minutes, but after 30 you can check the degree of their readiness with a fork. If they are still raw, steam them 15-20 minutes extra.

How to cook chicken breast: recipe number 3

There is another unusual way to cook chicken breast - in the microwave. No specialized devices are needed - just a deep plate and a lid.

Prepare the meat according to the plan we already know and rub spices into it. Put the chicken fillet in a deep plate and fill it with water so that it covers it completely. Water add some salt, add some more spices. Top cover and send in the microwave.

First, we set the maximum power and in this mode we “cook” the fillet from chicken breasts for 10-15 minutes, then set the average power and “add” another 10 minutes. After that, we leave it right in the microwave, without opening the lid, the meat is still 10 minutes long so that it is infused and juicier. After cooling it can be eaten both separately and added to salads.

How to cook chicken breast: recipe number 4

The last recipe will tell you how to make broth based on chicken breast. For this we need onions, potatoes, carrots, spices and chicken breasts.

Prepare the meat in the standard way, peeling potatoes, potatoes and onions. Crush them, cut into cubes. Fill the pan with cold water and put the chicken fillet and spices there. Do not forget to salt the water. Next you need to bring the fillet to a boil and remove the foam.

Then you can add potatoes, carrots and onions. Cook another 20-30 minutes all together. The longer the chicken fillets are cooked from the breasts, the broth will be rich. After that, it cools down for another 10 minutes and everything: the soup is ready!

How to cook chicken breast. Tips hostess

Every woman has some secrets in stock that help her work wonders in the kitchen. I want to share a few of them:

• It is very easy to determine the age of chicken meat if you use a simple trick: young chicken meat is compressed easily, and the old one is practically not squeezed;

• To gently cut chicken meat from the bone, you need to move the knife in the direction perpendicular to the meat fibers;

• It is best to cook the breast of an old chicken, cut in half, and the young one — whole piece;

• It is better to soak the fillet of old chicken in milk, then it will be much softer and tastier;

• There is another way to prepare dietary dishes besides cooking - this is baking. Many recipes for cooking can be remade and for use in the oven.

• According to the rules of healthy eating, carbohydrates are needed as a side dish to the breast - the ideal option would be whole grain pasta with vegetable roasting, rice or mixed vegetables.

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