How to preserve beans in tomato sauce: tips for home cooking. Canned beans in tomato sauce: summer preparations for any dishes

How to preserve beans in tomato sauce: tips for home cooking. Canned beans in tomato sauce: summer preparations for any dishes

Someone loves dishes with beans, but doesn’t cook them often, because beans require time for soaking, long cooking, and time for modern women is expensive. There is always a way out of any situation. In the case of beans, it is necessary to spend one day a year on its preparation in order to save time for a whole year on the preparation of your favorite dishes. In addition, fresh beans have a more delicate casing, which significantly simplifies the cooking process, compared to dry beans, which have a very dry and tough casing.

Most of the summer harvesting of beans in a tomato in winter can be used as an additional ingredient to soups and borscht, as separate side dishes for meat dishes.

Canned beans in tomato sauce - the main technological features

The main feature of canning beans is the choice of raw materials. Beans for canning are collected in the stage of milky ripeness, when they have a soft shell, and the grains can be easily crushed with your fingers. This requirement applies to all varieties of beans. Therefore, it is best to pick beans for canning at the dacha, and immediately start canning, since they dry up within 12 hours after harvest, losing their softness.

Dry grain of beans not only requires long cooking, but also acquires other properties during storage - the coarse shell increases the carbohydrate content that causes fermentation, which increases the time it takes to prepare the beans for canning and shortens the shelf life. Hard grains are boiled to softness, thoroughly washed with hot boiled water, and only then proceed to further processing.

The easiest way to harvest beans, green peas, sweet corn - in the presence of an autoclave, but such a device is not available in every home. All the fermentation too complicates the process of conservation. In the listed vegetables, besides carbohydrates, there is also a large amount of protein, which is fraught with swelling of cans, if the canning technology is not carefully followed. The only way to save the crop in banks - a thorough preparation of the beans. It is known that microorganisms that cause fermentation, die during dehydration, prolonged sterilization at high temperature, with a change in the acidity of the environment in which they are located. In addition to the standard requirements for home preservation, the beans are sterilized at temperatures above 100 ° C. Such conditions sterilization in the home environment is difficult to provide, but possible. Modern kitchen appliances allows for such a temperature regime. In extreme cases, you can resort to a simple way: to sterilize the jars of beans in a conventional oven at the minimum level, as for baking protein dough, at the minimum temperature. Only after sterilizing the cans do not rush to get them out of the oven so that they do not burst from a sudden change in temperature. To avoid cracking, place the jars on a tray filled with water. But water, evaporating at boiling, should not settle in the form of steam on the surface of filled cans. Therefore, it is necessary to put filled cans in the oven only in closed form. It is even desirable to use screw cans for lids, which need to be twisted almost tightly so that when heated from the inside, air is released, but steam cannot penetrate inside the can. After cooling, the lid tightly pulled to the bank, formed by a vacuum inside the can. It will only be necessary to check the quality of the closure and, if necessary, to fasten the lid more tightly. This should be done while the bank is still quite hot.

Now about the optimal acidic environment in which the beans should be after canning. Again we turn to the scientific knowledge that must be applied in practice. The growth and development of bacteria inhibits excess sugar or salt. These substances dehydrate microorganisms. But what if the beans are not needed in a tomato, not too salty, or, especially, very sweet? Calmly add salt and sugar to taste, and to avoid unnecessary losses and hassle, use regular table vinegar, just add it at the very last moment, pouring beans into the jar on the surface, and germs - the end! There is another way to combat microorganisms, it is used in industry, when preserved in autoclaves, not only legumes, but also fish and meat. Pouring brine, sauce, broth or marinade with sodium chloride is poured into the raw materials for canning. This salt has an antiseptic effect and at a concentration of 8-12% in solution, it completely suppresses microorganisms.

Sodium salt does not have a pronounced taste, and therefore canned foods do not seem to be salty. For humans, this salt is safe, but in home canning, in the absence of an autoclave, sodium chloride solution can be used only at the stage of pretreatment of beans, as a disinfectant. In normal home pasteurization, a solution of this salt can be added to the sauce. The finished solution can be purchased at any pharmacy. You can also, without adding sodium chloride in canned beans, use the solution for pre-boiling the beans, and prepare the tomato sauce with vinegar, sugar and cooking salt, as usual.

1. Canned beans in tomato sauce - preparation for first courses and garnish


Tomatoes 3 kg

Baby beans 1.5 kg

Garlic 10-12 cloves

Chile green 2 pcs.

Sugar 140 g

Salt 80 g

Vinegar 60 ml


Take the young beans, cover with water, salt a little and put to boil. When the beans are fully prepared, drain the water. Make sure that she does not boil soft. Ready beans are easily pierced with a fork, soft. Peel the garlic and pepper, and pass them through the meat grinder with the prepared tomatoes. You should have a slightly thick sauce. To keep its consistency smooth, wipe through a sieve, removing the seeds and peel of the vegetables. Add sugar and salt, and boil for 10 minutes. Pour the sauce into the beans, cover and stew for about an hour. In the meantime, pasteurize half-liter jars over steam and lids in boiling water. Spread the beans over the jars, pour in the vinegar, separately into each jar, and roll. Then turn the jars, and wait until they cool down. Keep canned beans in a dark and cool place.

2. How to preserve beans in tomato sauce with eggplants


Cooked beans 800 g

Ripe Tomatoes 3.6 kg

Onions 600g

Bulgarian pepper 500g

Carrot 600g

Eggplant 400 g

Oil 200 ml

Refined sugar 60 g

Cloves, coriander, paprika

Vinegar 75 ml

Kitchen salt 50 g


Peel the carrots, chop large, chop the onion. Fleshy salad pepper and peeled eggplant cut into cubes. Cooked vegetables, fry separately, with the addition of vegetable oil.

Blanch the tomatoes and wipe the flesh. Put all the vegetables in the pan with the beans. Pour in tomato puree, salt, add sugar and boil for about an hour, mixing everything thoroughly. In finished form, tomato sauce has a thick texture. Season with spices, add vinegar at the end of stewing. Packed beans with vegetables Packed in prepared jars, and roll up. Put the jars upside down before cooling.

3. Canned beans in tomato sauce, spicy with mushrooms

In the middle lane, the season of ripening beans coincides with a rich harvest of chanterelles in the forest. If during the “quiet hunt” lucky to collect a basket of mushrooms, prepare a delicious side dish for the winter. If there are no chanterelles, you can replace them with other forest mushrooms or champignons. In the southern regions of the beans time to ripen twice, so the second harvest coincides with the season of autumn mushrooms, the most delicious mushrooms, if they are fried.


Tomatoes 3 kg

White beans 1.5 kg

Garlic 90g

Red chili 3 pcs.

Granulated sugar 140 g

Salt 80 g

Table vinegar 150 ml

Fresh Dill

Bay leaf

Refined sunflower oil 250 ml

Onion 1.0 kg

Mushrooms 3 kg


Boil the beans until tender, but do not allow the cooking. It should be slightly stiff. Peeled garlic, pepper, skip with prepared tomatoes through a meat grinder. Rub through a sieve to make mashed potatoes. Add sugar and salt, simmer tomato sauce 10 minutes before thickening. Boil the prepared mushrooms and fry with onions, adding vegetable oil to the pan. Season with spices. Combine mushrooms with boiled beans, cover with cooked tomato sauce, cover, cook for about an hour. Pack in prepared jars, pasteurize for 20 minutes (0.5 l), close immediately. Turn the jars, cover and allow to cool.

4. Canned beans in tomato sauce “Vegetable garden on the table”

Product Composition:

Cooked beans 800 g

Onions 600g

Cauliflower 1.2 kg

Tomatoes 3 kg

Bulgarian pepper 500g

Salt 40 g

Carrot red 600 g

Oil 300 ml

Sugar 90 g

Vinegar 50 ml


Peel or chop peeled carrots into medium-sized bars, cut onions into cubes of medium size. Blanch the cabbage inflorescences in salted water, adding laurel leaves, celery or parsley roots, ground spices to taste. Pass the onions and carrots until soft. Pepper, diced, also passe or bake whole in the oven, and then, removing the skin and removing the seed part, wipe together with the blanched tomatoes to a state of mashed potatoes. Rinse the boiled beans and tilt them through a sieve. Combine all the prepared ingredients, salt, add sugar, and put to boil for about an hour, carefully mixing everything. Spread the mass on the banks, and roll up. Turning the jars upside down, wrap them, and stand until cooled.

5. Red canned beans in tomato sauce


Beans, young 1 kg

Tomatoes 3 kg

Pepper pods, sharp 2 pcs.



Cilantro (or ground coriander)

Cumin, ground

Bay leaf

Salt 70 g

Granulated sugar 120 g

Oil, vegetable 100 ml

Vinegar 150 ml


Boil the pre-soaked beans and drain. Grind hot peppers to a pasty consistency. If you want to reduce the sharpness of the dish, first remove the grain. Wear gloves.

Blanch the tomatoes, cook mashed potatoes. After adding pepper to the puree, all the spices and butter, cook the sauce at a low temperature of 10 -15 minutes. Prepare the sauce, pour the beans and place on a slow fire for half an hour. In the process of cooking, add a few leaves of bay leaf, adjust the taste. Spread the finished beans hot in the cans, pasteurize: 0.33 l and 0.5 - 10 minutes jars; 0.7 liters - 20 minutes.

6. Canned beans in tomato sauce with garlic


White beans 2 kg

Tomato puree 2.5 l

Garlic 1 large head

Cilantro and parsley (fresh leaves) to taste

Olive oil 350 ml

Salt, sugar, pepper

Vinegar 250 ml


Sort the beans and cook until ready, trying not to boil it. Rinse under running water, pour boiling water and drain. Crush fresh greens, garlic. Combine chopped greens with beans, add spices and mix. Combine the tomato puree with butter and bring to a boil. Add beans to the sauce, boil for 10-15 minutes. Add the vinegar to the beans at the very end of cooking, and immediately pack in hot and dry sterile jars. Screw the lids on and place the jars in the oven, preheated to 120 ° C for 15 minutes. Leave the jars in the oven to cool completely after turning off the oven. Check the quality of the capping.

How to preserve beans in tomato sauce - useful tips

For canning, carefully sort the beans: they must be the same size, you cannot mix different types of beans in the same batch of blanks.

Red beans have a more pronounced flavor, and white beans have a neutral taste. Other varieties of beans differ in taste and aroma. This feature must be taken into account by combining beans with other vegetables in one jar and using all sorts of spicy and aromatic additives.

Pay attention to the shape and size of cutting vegetables, consider the way they are heat treated, trying to imagine how appetizing the cooked dish will look like after a long cooking and storage. Vegetables of the same density should be the same size. This will provide them with a beautiful appearance and the same degree of readiness.

Do not try to chop onions, peppers or carrots too thin: after a long cooking, stewing, pasteurization, these vegetables will turn into an ugly boiled mass, to which dense beans are added. If soft vegetables are accidentally overcooked, then it is better to wipe them through a sieve and add to the tomato puree.

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