Ketchup for the winter from tomatoes: an indispensable sauce for any dish. The most delicious and original homemade ketchup recipes for the winter from tomatoes.

Ketchup for the winter from tomatoes: an indispensable sauce for any dish. The most delicious and original homemade ketchup recipes for the winter from tomatoes.

Ketchup is the most popular sauce in Russia. They eat meat, vegetables, dumplings, pasta, rice, stew vegetables, add borscht, make sandwiches. It is difficult to find such a refrigerator, in which there is no ketchup. Tomato sauce makers offer a huge range of popular product. And all would be nothing, but the purchased ketchup suffers from many sins. The most important are chemical preservatives and “waist killers” sugar and starch.

But you can make delicious and completely natural ketchup in the home kitchen! There are a lot of recipes for homemade ketchup, and you can cook the sauce for the future, processing the harvest of summer ripe tomatoes. Ketchup for the winter from tomatoes turns out fragrant, beautiful and incredibly tasty.

Ketchup for the winter from tomatoes - the general principles of cooking

Nothing special for making homemade ketchup is needed. The basis of the sauce - ripe red tomatoes, which will need to grind in any way. It’s good if there is a combine in the kitchen, but an ordinary meat grinder will do. In extreme cases, you can quite simply turn the tomatoes into a sauce with a banal grater.

Mixing chopped tomatoes with various herbs, spices, other vegetables, fruits and even berries, enhancing the taste with salt, sugar and vinegar, you can get many different variations of excellent ketchup. The traditional sauce “Krasnodar” today is perceived as a good old classic. Next to him on the pantry shelves, experienced housewives are able to build a whole army of jars with a more interesting, savory, spicy taste.

For the preparation of tomato sauce, you can use not only red tomatoes. If you want an unusual taste and variety, try to cook ketchup from green tomatoes. The result will surprise and certainly please.

Ketchup for the winter of tomatoes with apples and cinnamon

The original taste of apple-tomato sauce gives a combination of cinnamon and dry mustard powder. Ketchup for the winter of tomatoes with apples and cinnamon is quite sharp. If you need a softer option, then the amount of ground chili can be reduced. Ingredients:

• three kilograms of tomatoes;

• kilogram of sour apples;

• two heads of garlic;

• a glass of vinegar 9%;

• a glass of sugar;

• two tablespoons of dry mustard powder;

• half spoon ground cinnamon;

• the same ground chili;

• salt.

Cooking Method:

Select for the ketchup only ripe, dense tomatoes.

Apples definitely need sour. Especially good aromatic Antonovka.

Washed tomatoes and apples cut into pieces and cook for about an hour and a half until softened over low heat.

When the mass is completely cool, wipe the mash through a sieve with a metal mesh.

Re-send apple-tomato puree to the pan, add chopped garlic, salt, mustard and cinnamon powders, pepper, sugar. Boil the mixture on low heat for half an hour after boiling. Do not forget about the periodic stirring.

Three minutes before the end of heat treatment, pour vinegar.

Pour hot sauce into prepared jars or bottles, cork and cool. Cool banks should be the usual way for preservation: upside down lids and wrapped with a thick blanket.

Ketchup for the winter of tomatoes with bell peppers and cinnamon

A noble taste gets classic tomato sauce, cooked with Bulgarian pepper. Cinnamon powder and cloves add a touch of flavor to this ketchup variant for the winter from tomatoes.


• two and a half kilograms of tomatoes;

• half a pound of Bulgarian pepper;

• four medium bulbs;

• one pod of hot pepper;

• three-quarters cup of vinegar 9%;

• four studs;

• half a spoon of cinnamon and milled chili;

• a glass of sugar;

• one and a half large spoons of salt.

Cooking Method:

Tomatoes to get rid of the stalk and cut into large slices.

Internal partitions and seeds are removed from the bell pepper, also cut into large pieces.

Grind vegetables in a meat grinder. Use the blender carefully so as not to turn the vegetable base into a liquid puree.

Transfer the mixture to a wide saucepan, start cooking over medium heat. As soon as the first boiling bubbles appeared, make the fire minimal and cook the vegetables for two hours.

Pour vinegar into the vegetable mass, add pepper and cinnamon, sugar and salt, add cloves. Cook over low heat, not closing the lid until the sauce thickens enough.

Ketchup for the winter of tomatoes and apples “Spicy”

The next variant of ketchup for the winter from tomatoes is distinguished by a pleasant rather mild combination of tomatoes, apples and a large amount of onions. Not very spicy sauce is obtained by using apple cider vinegar, and not the usual table. A spicy cinnamon note and a fragrant clove diversify a bouquet traditional for Russian school of cooking.


• four kilograms of tomatoes;

• a pound of apples;

• a pound of onion;

• one and a half glasses of sugar;

• half a spoon of cinnamon and clove powder;

• Spoon ground chili;

• two spoons of coarse salt;

• a glass of apple cider vinegar 6%.

Cooking Method:

Wash vegetables, peel, apple cut cores.

Grind apples and vegetables in a meat grinder or blender.

Apple-vegetable mixture to shift into a deep pan and heat until the first signs of boiling over medium heat. As soon as the mashed potatoes boil, reduce the heat to a minimum. Boil, stirring occasionally, for at least two hours.

After two hours, remove the pan from the heat, cool the mass completely.

Grind the mixture through a sieve with a metal grill and send to the fire again.

In a mixture, add salt and sugar, spices and seasonings. All stew for about an hour on a very small fire.

Pour apple cider vinegar, wait for boiling and remove from heat.

Ketchup for the winter from home-made tomatoes

A simple ketchup for the winter from tomatoes can be prepared from a minimum of ingredients. Only tomatoes, peppers, and onions are needed for this sauce. But the vinegar is not here, so the taste is not too spicy.


• two kilograms of ripe tomatoes;

• a pound of onion;

• a pound of sweet pepper;

• spoon of red pepper;

• two large spoons of dry mustard;

• a glass of large sugar;

• a quarter cup of salt.

Cooking Method:

Prepare the vegetables by washing them out and cutting the walls together with the seeds from the pepper.

Grind vegetables in a blender, combine or meat grinder.

Add the resulting mass to a deep pan and heat to a boil over medium heat. Then reduce the fire and cook the vegetable base for an hour and a half without a lid. So the excess liquid is better evaporated, and the sauce thickens. Add salt, pepper, sugar and mustard, mix everything thoroughly and prolong cooking for another ten minutes.

Ketchup for the winter of tomatoes with “Fiery” coriander

The taste of hot ketchup for the winter from tomatoes creates a combination of tomato base with onions, bell pepper and coriander. Fresh hot chili pepper in a company with two kinds of milled pepper adds sharpness to the sauce. “Fiery” tomato ketchup is especially good with baked meat.


• five kilograms of tomatoes;

• two bell peppers;

• two large onions;

• one hot pepper;

• a teaspoon of whole coriander;

• a glass of sugar;

• salt quarter glass;

• on the spoon of black and red pepper;

• Acetic acid spoon.

Cooking Method:

Grind onion and pepper in a meat grinder.

Sliced ​​tomato folded into the pan and send to the stove. Simmer on low heat for about an hour, until the mass is completely softened.

Wet cooled tomatoes through a colander or a sieve, turning it into a puree.

Pour the tomato base into a deep saucepan, transfer the chopped onion and pepper to the same place, add the pepper mixture, sugar, then salt and mix.

Heat the sauce over low heat until boiling.

When the vegetable mixture boils, dip the coriander prepared in a special way into it. Crushed coriander in a mortar or on a cutting board with a rolling pin, put it in gauze (a gauze envelope should be folded from three to four layers) or a cotton bag, carefully tie and dip into the boiling mixture.

Boil ketchup for two hours, without closing the pan with a lid.

Remove the coriander, add acetic acid, mix thoroughly.

Ketchup for the winter with cucumbers "Garden Freshness"

Is it possible to find in the stores tomato ketchup with fresh cucumbers? But homemade sauce can be prepared according to the original recipe “Garden freshness”. You can enjoy the taste of summer until the very spring - if, of course, this variant of ketchup for the winter from tomatoes is not eaten by this time.


• two kilograms of tomatoes;

• two large cucumbers;

• Hot chilli peppers;

• a teaspoon of dry mustard;

• two tablespoons of vinegar 9%;

• black pepper if desired; • three spoons of sugar;

• four spoons of coarse salt.

Cooking Method:

Wash cucumbers, remove ripe coarse skin and seeds from overripe fruit.

Wash tomatoes, cut into slices and grind in a meat grinder.

Transfer the tomato mass to a deep pan and reduce by half exactly.

Roll the cucumbers through the meat grinder.

Finely chop the paprika hot pepper.

Introduce peppers and cucumbers with tomato base.

Add mustard, ground pepper, sugar and salt.

Bring sauce to a boil, boil for another half hour, pour in vinegar and mix.

Ketchup for the winter of tomatoes “Plums in society”

The unusual sweet and sour taste has ketchup for the winter of tomatoes “Plums in society”. A large number of ripe plums make this sauce a gourmet treat. Serve ketchup to meat and fish.


• five kilograms of ripe plums;

• two kilograms of fleshy tomatoes;

• ten medium sized bell peppers;

• a glass of sugar;

• a glass of peeled garlic;

• Hot chilli peppers;

• three tablespoons of salt;

• a tablespoon of vinegar 9%.

Cooking Method:

For red and dark plums you need to take ordinary tomatoes and red peppers. If the plum is yellow, you need to find a company of yellow peppers and tomatoes for it.

Wash plums, remove bones. The total weight of the pitted plum to decrease, it must be reduced to five kilograms.

Cut partitions from peppers, remove seeds, chop.

Cut dried tomatoes into pieces.

Mix all the vegetables and plums in a deep pan, cook for thirty to forty minutes.

When the mass has cooled, wipe it through a colander or a fine sieve and place in a saucepan again.

Add sugar to the base, add chopped garlic, salt. Boil the sauce for fifteen minutes.

Pour vinegar, mix and transfer to prepared jars or bottles.

Ketchup for the winter from tomatoes with celery

The special taste of celery will make ketchup for the winter of tomatoes softer and more subtle. Strengthen the delicate taste of basil and paprika. Serve the sauce with meat, but it will give a special taste to rice, potato and stewed dishes.


• four kilograms of tomatoes;

• a tablespoon of dried celery; • one and a half tablespoons of dried basil;

• kilogram of onions;

• the same amount of bell pepper;

• a teaspoon of black finger;

• three tablespoons of oil;

• two tablespoons of fine salt;

• four tablespoons of sugar;

• three tablespoons of vinegar 9%.

Cooking Method:

Wash and clean the vegetables.

Twist in a meat grinder pepper, onion slices and tomatoes.

Pour the vegetable mixture into a deep pan.

Pour dried celery and basil in a gauze envelope (described above) or a cotton bag, tighten it with a piece of cotton and put in a vegetable purée.

Boil down the mixture takes three hours, occasionally stirring and not covering the lid.

Salt, add butter and sugar, vinegar and black pepper, mix and cook for another hour.

Ketchup for the winter of tomatoes “Provencal bouquet”

Rich aroma, accentuated sharpness and thick texture make ketchup for the winter of tomatoes “Provencal bouquet” ideal for any second course. The highlight of the sauce is brown sugar, amazing Provencal herbs and an abundance of spices.


• three kilograms of tomatoes;

• three hot pepper pods;

• three medium onions;

• a large spoonful of salt;

• three tablespoons of brown sugar;

• 30 ml of vinegar;

• ready-mix “Herbs of Provence”;

• favorite spices: allspice, ground cardamom, bay leaf, cloves, if desired.

Cooking Method:

Prepared vegetables are random, but rather finely chopped.

Seeds of hot peppers do not clean.

Mix all the vegetables in a saucepan and simmer for about an hour.

Cool the boiled vegetables and rub them with a wooden spatula to a state of a fairly smooth liquid puree.

Add vinegar and sugar, salt.

In a gauze envelope pour herbs and spices.

Lower the bag into the vegetable sauce and cook without active boiling until the mashed potatoes are doubled. The process is quite long - about three hours, so you need to mix ketchup, otherwise everything will burn.

Pour hot sauce into prepared containers.

Ketchup for the winter of green tomatoes

Unusual green ketchup? Easy! The original ketchup for the winter of green tomatoes can surprise guests by inviting them on homemade skewers. Ingredients:

• three kilograms of green tomatoes;

• a pound of onion;

• tablespoon of salt;

• two tablespoons of apple cider vinegar;

• three tablespoons of sugar;

• a mixture of black pepper, ginger, turmeric and ground cloves to taste.

Cooking Method:

Cut green tomatoes into slices, cover with cold water, leave for six hours.

Drain the water and put the tomatoes in the pan.

Chop the onions as small as possible and add to the tomato slices.

Boil the vegetables for forty minutes until softened.

Furry in any way and send back to the pan.

Season with salt, spices, sugar and vinegar and boil ketchup for about an hour.

Ketchup for the winter from tomatoes - tricks and useful tips

The correct ketchup for the winter from the tomatoes should be quite thick, so thick tomatoes with a minimum of juice should be selected for it. Boil down the sauce will be faster and easier.

Perfectly suited for ketchup substandard tomatoes. It is only necessary to remove the spoiled places.

It is not necessary to have metal lids for sealing ketchup. A great way to seal the bottle is a dense salt cork. You need to fold a piece of gauze or bandage, close the neck, and on top tightly fill large salt. Tighten the “lid” with a gauze or cotton cloth.

Do not be afraid to experiment. Ketchup should always be tried before sealing to salt. Apples are easily replaced with quince, and Bulgarian pepper with onions in the same quantity.

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