Two gifts in one, if it is a basket of flowers. Technology decorating the cake "Basket with flowers", do it yourself

Two gifts in one, if it is a basket of flowers. Technology decorating the cake

Cake, it's almost always a holiday. And what else give the hero of the occasion? True, flowers! Well, if you combine two surprises in one and arrange the dessert in a floral style?

As a rule, it turns out very effectively, the main thing is not to get carried away only with the decorative side, the cake, first of all, should be tasty!

Technology of decoration and manufacture of decorations for the cake “Basket with flowers” ​​with your own hands

• A basket with flowers is the design of the cake design, not a specific look. This method of decorating is mainly resorted to when making biscuit cakes, but, if desired, it is fashionable to give the appearance of a basket of flowers to any dessert. The shape of the cake also does not matter, it can be both round and oval, square or rectangular.

• Decoration made from mastic or applied with cream. The cream mass is the simplest version of the basket design, but not every novice chef can squeeze out beautiful flowers the first time. Mastic is easy to prepare, just like a creamy mass, it is easy to dye in any color, and it is much easier to mold decorations in the form of flowers from it. The only caveat - before attaching to the cake decorations, its surface must be well aligned with an oil cream.

• Cake "Basket with flowers" can be made with or without a pen. Such an additional element is made, as well as decorations, from mastic or baked from a special dough. To create a pen use cream. The element is attached last, when all the decorations are already attached and only after that they are made out. Before fixing, they decorate only the inner side of the bent part, since after fixing this is difficult to do without breaking the already fixed ornaments.

Recipe for butter cream under the mastic for cake “Basket with flowers” ​​with your own hands

So that the decorations do not fall off and stick well to the surface of the cake, it should be covered with a thin layer of butter cream before making it. In its simplest form, it is prepared from two products: butter and whole condensed milk. This cream can even the sides of the dessert. If the concavity is large, add a little biscuit crumb to the cream mass. Ingredients:

• ordinary condensed milk - 200 gr .;

• butter, high fat oil - 200 gr.


1. Transfer the oil from the package to the bowl and leave it at room temperature for at least half an hour. It should be soft.

2. Cut the cooking oil into pieces and beat with a mixer until fluffy.

3. Without stopping the process, thinly pour condensed milk to it and continue to beat until the mass becomes dense and homogeneous.

How to make a cake “Flower Basket” with your own hands with forget-me-nots from mastic with marshmallows

Flowers are made of mastic based on elastic marshmallow marshmallow. To fix the heads on the cake, for the “stalks” you need a special pastry wire, which can be purchased at a specialty store or supermarket.


For mastic:

• two full spoons of butter;

• white marshmallow - 200 gr .;

• a pound of powdered sugar.


• water;

• honey;

• food colors: green, pale pink, lilac and blue.


1. To make the mastic, put the marshmallows in a fireproof bowl, add butter and put in a microwave for half a minute.

2. When the airy “marshmallow” is melted, start kneading by hand, gradually adding sugar powder to the mass. When the mass starts to stick well off the hands - mastic is ready. Mix it in a bag and place in the cold for an hour and a half.

3. Mash the cooled mastic with hands to room temperature, roll out with a thin, large layer, round shape and transfer to the cake, the sides of which are pre-leveled with an oil cream. Gently press the layer to the cake with your hands, cut off the remnants. One-third of the remaining mastic and scraps paint in pink, soft blue, pale pink, green and lilac with gel dyes, and leave the rest white.

4. Cut out the flowers with four petals from the colored blanks with special cutting, and the leaves from the green ones. Petals of flowers slightly bend up and lay all the blanks on the parchment, so that they are slightly dried. 5. Put a small ball of white mastic on one edge of the thin pastry wire, thread a flower onto the wire. To dry, hang the wires down with flowers.

6. From white mass prepare parts for weaving baskets. Roll it into a layer of half a centimeter thickness and cut it into centimeter width strips. Their length should correspond to two distances between the twigs of the “basket”. Prepare the twigs themselves from the same mastic. They should be slightly thinner than transverse billets.

7. Dissolve honey in a 1: 1 ratio and coat the paste with which the cake was coated. Attach along the entire perimeter of the cake first long bundles, and then, threading through one, attach small strips. It should turn out basket weaving.

8. Weave two long flagella of mastic between each other and attach on top of the entire circumference of the cake. Make another one of the same weaving and attach it at the bottom of the “basket”.

9. Along the surface of the cake, place the flowers strung on the wires evenly, and between them attach with the help of a mixture of honey leaves.

How to decorate the bottom of the cake “Basket with flowers” ​​with your hands chocolate mastic and roses made of mastic with marshmallows

Decorations based on marshmallows can be colored not only with special pastry colors. If you melt such marshmallows with chocolate, the mastic will acquire not only a pleasant chocolate taste, but also become brown. It, like no other, is well suited for decorating a chocolate cake in the form of a basket. Flowers are made from white mastic, painted with food dyes.


For chocolate mastic:

• chewing marshmallow (marshmallow) - 50 gr .;

• a spoon of milk;

• 50 gr. bitter or milk chocolate;

• spoon of butter.

For white mastic:

• marshmallow - 10 gr .;

• juice from a quarter of a lemon;

• food colors: pink, red and green.


• wooden toothpicks.


1. Put the chocolate pieces, marshmallows, butter in the microwave to heat in the microwave, add the milk and put in the microwave. 2. As the chocolate and butter are melted, when the marshmallow swells, mix into a homogeneous mass.

3. Gradually pouring the powder, sifted through a sieve, carefully knead the mastic. It should be uniform and not stick to hands. Wrap a layer of cling film, leave on the table.

4. Just as in the preparation of chocolate mastic, heat marshmallows with lemon juice in a microwave and, stirring until homogeneous, knead, pouring powder into small masses. Separate one-third and color in green. Divide the rest in two equal parts and mix one with red and the other with pink dye. Wrap the pieces in film and temporarily set aside.

5. You can start decorating the cake only after the oil cream applied on the cake has frozen well.

6. Cut a cake-sized circle out of any paper and cut it into twelve segments. Place the template on the surface of the cake and mark it on the sides of the cake. The distance between them is divided in half and just as accurately draw on the cream line.

7. From the half of the chocolate mastic roll out long thin sausages, cut them into pieces slightly longer than the height of the cake and attach to the cream along the marked lines. Wrap loose edges on top of the cake.

8. Roll the remaining mastic into a thin layer and cut into strips up to a centimeter wide. The length is equal to twice the distance from one to the other, already attached to the cake, plus the width of one such strip.

9. Attach the decor to the cake, imitating basket weaving. The cream layer and the mastic do not need to be lubricated, they are so well bonded to each other.

10. Place woven basket cake in the fridge, and make yourself a rose. Roll out the pink and red mastic in thin layers and squeeze the glasses out of them with a glass, these will be the “petals”. Collect pieces, knead well and roll into a ball.

11. Pinch off a bit of the mastic of one of the colors, make a droplet (middle) out of it and attach it to a toothpick. Then begin to stick petals of the same color to it until you form a flower of the desired size. Carefully unscrew the edges of the petals and transplant the rose on the cake, sticking a toothpick into a biscuit. Of the products in this recipe, you can mold at least 35 roses. 12. From the mass of green color make the leaves that you put between the roses.

A simple recipe for mastic on gelatin to cake “Basket with flowers” ​​with your own hands

Thanks to gelatin, mastic retains plasticity for a long time and hardens only after the flowers have already been fashioned. To prevent the plastic mass from becoming chapped during work, store it in a plastic or plastic container with a tight lid.


• two spoons of gelatin granules;

• 40 ml of water;

• powdered sugar - 250 g;

• spoon of glucose solution.


1. Pour the gelatin into a wide cup or small bowl, pour the granules with cold water, mix. After 10 minutes, dissolve in a water bath, remove from heat, add glucose and mix thoroughly.

2. Add sugar powder to the gelatinous mixture and prepare a thick mass carefully, kneading slowly.

3. Put it on the table, powdered with powder and continue to knead like dough, pouring parts of powder until the mass becomes like clay. She can stick a little to her hands.

4. Put the mastic in a plastic container, let stand for at least five hours, tightly capping the container with a lid. After that, paint it in the desired color and make flowers for the cake.

5. The basket can be decorated with oil cream, tinted in brown or the same mastic. In this case, it will need almost twice as much.

Recipe dough and manufacturing techniques for the cake “Flower basket” with your own hands

Any cake can be added with a pen. It is baked from dough, which requires a minimum of ingredients to knead. Making the handle you need to correctly calculate its thickness. Note that after making the cream the thickness of the handle may double, and if you bake it too thick, the cake will look rough.


• one protein;

• 60 ml of milk;

• spoon of sugar.

Manufacturing technology:

1. First prepare the dough for the handle. Whip the protein with sugar, add milk and, adding flour, knead a rather stiff dough. 2. Divide it equally, into two parts, roll it into sausages and intertwine the resulting flagella between them.

3. Transfer the “weave” onto a greased baking sheet, shape the handle. Pay attention to the distance between its ends was equal to the diameter of your cake.

4. Bake the billet until a tender golden blush appears, cool it.

Recipe for butter cream cake decorating “Basket with flowers” ​​with your own hands with a handle

The cream should be tight, keep well shape and not melt. Therefore, for its preparation should be taken only high-quality products, and oil with the highest fat content.


• one and a half cans of white condensed milk;

• 700 gr. cream "farm" oil;

• 2 gr. vanilla powder;

• food colors.


1. Beforehand, soften the butter for the cream and cut it into large pieces. Put in a deep bowl and start to beat. When the mass becomes completely homogeneous, without stopping the beating, pour the condensed milk into it and bring the cream to readiness. Beat until it thickens well.

2. Transfer one third of the cream to a separate bowl. Slightly less than half of the remaining stain in dark brown color, and the other part in a lighter tone.

3. After assembling the cake, level the main cream with its sides. On the pastry bag, install the nozzle “asterisk” and transfer the brown cream of a light shade into it.

4. On the side of the cake with a knife edge, slightly receding from each other, mark horizontal lines. In order for weaving to match, there must be an even number of them.

5. Apply the first vertical strip to the light brown cream. Then, starting from the top, squeeze out short strips, leaving a distance between them with a width of one of these strips. The length of the strip should reach the next vertical line.

6. Next to the cream, draw another horizontal line and draw on it short stripes similar to the previous one, but start drawing from the empty space in the previous one. Again, apply a vertical strip on the sidewall and continue drawing. Horizontal lines should always begin with emptiness and overlap the vertical stripes. For applying horizontal strips, you can use a flat nozzle, but then most of the cream will need to put in the bag on which it is installed. 7. When decorate the bottom of the cake, insert the handle and decorate it with a darker cream. You can choose the picture yourself or make a blank by squeezing small drops of cream through the same nozzle onto it.

8. Paint white cream with colored food dyes and squeeze flowers and leaflets onto the surface of the cake through special nozzles.

Tricks of making a cake “Basket with flowers” ​​with your own hands and useful tips

• Before making mastic, powdered sugar should be well re-sifted, and only roll on a well-powdered table. Powder should also be used only peresevnoy, otherwise the lumps can violate the integrity of the thin layer.

• If you use oil cream for decoration, use only high-quality oil with the highest percentage of fat in cooking. Otherwise, the cream mass will flow, and all the work will go down the drain.

• If you do not know how to form flowers from a cream, mold them out of mastic, and decorate the basket itself with a creamy mass.

• Before fastening the jewelry, be sure to let the cream layer harden slightly. Flowers will stick better and will not slip in the process of registration.

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