Tomato paste for the winter is a universal preservation. How to cook a delicious pasta from tomatoes for the winter: thick and spicy

Tomato paste for the winter is a universal preservation. How to cook a delicious pasta from tomatoes for the winter: thick and spicy

Tomato paste - a product that must be present in every kitchen. After all, tomato paste, made from fresh, selected products, when added to various dishes, sauces, makes them more fragrant and tastier.

Tomato paste for the winter - the general principles of cooking

Pasta from tomatoes for the winter not only gives dishes a beautiful color and enriches their taste, but also contains a lot of useful trace elements.

In general, tomatoes surprisingly well retain all their properties after heat treatment. This means that tomato pasta is rich in iron, phosphorus, magnesium, zinc, nickel and other substances. It also contains vitamins B, A, C and E.

And although today on the shelves, the choice of pasta from tomatoes is huge, having familiarized with the composition, you realize that it is unlikely that it carries as much benefit as we would like. Therefore, cooking pasta from tomatoes for the winter is better at home, especially since it is not so difficult and long.

The composition of homemade tomato paste in addition to tomatoes necessarily includes salt. The rest of the ingredients can be taken depending on what kind of pasta you want to get: sweet, spicy, with spices or greens. As always happens in cooking, the scope for imagination is unlimited. We offer you the best recipes tested by time, and whether to supplement them with ingredients or follow the recipe precisely - you decide.

Recipe 1. Tomato paste for the winter “Home”


• three kilograms of ripe red tomatoes;

• two large onions;

• 100 g of sugar;

• half a cup of vinegar;

• half a glass of water;

• salt.

Cooking Method:

1. We wash the tomatoes, cut off the stalks, remove, if necessary, rotten places. Cut into several slices. 2. Put the prepared tomatoes in a deep enamel bowl, put the peeled and chopped onions here.

3. Pour water into the vegetables, cover the pan with a lid, set to cook.

4. As soon as the contents boil, reduce the gas to a minimum, we boil down about 15 minutes. This time should be enough to soften the tomatoes and let the juice.

5. Turn off the gas, cool the mass itself.

6. Put the tomatoes on a sieve and carefully grind.

7. Puree is sent to languish on moderate fire. Periodically, stirring the mass, cook until the mashed potatoes are reduced in volume by five times.

8. At the end of cooking, add sugar, vinegar and salt to the paste.

9. Mix well, mix for another five minutes, pour into pre-prepared cans.

10. Banks with a paste of tomatoes for the winter roll up, cool under a blanket, remove for storage.

Recipe 2. Tomato paste for the winter, cooked in the oven


• four kg of tomatoes;

• 120 g of salt;

• ground pepper;

• 10 g ground coriander;

• 10 g cinnamon;

• 10-12 buds of cloves;

• two or three dill umbrellas;

• two celery stalks;

• a few sprigs of fresh basil and parsley.

Cooking Method:

1. Prepare tomatoes: my, pruned, chopped.

2. Put it in a saucepan, stew until the tomatoes are limp and juice is not allowed.

3. We put the tomatoes on a sieve and grind well, we only need mashed potatoes, skins and seeds can be thrown out.

4. Mix tomato puree with salt. We spread in a deep form for roasting. Exhibit heated to 200 gr. oven for two to two and a half hours. Do not forget to stir the pasta from time to time.

5. As soon as the mass thickens, add the washed greens, celery, dill umbrellas, and spices. We mix, we press for about half an hour.

6. Remove greens and celery from ready-made pasta from tomatoes for the winter, mix again, pour into sterile containers. 7. Cool the mass under the coverlet, send it to storage.

Recipe 3. Tomato paste for the winter, cooked in a slow cooker


• a pound of tomatoes;

• two small onions;

• four cloves of garlic;

• 50 ml of vegetable oil;

• 15 g of salt.

Cooking Method:

1. Thoroughly washed tomatoes cut into small pieces. We spread in a deep bowl.

2. There we also send onions and garlic, peeled and cut into several pieces.

3. Grind all vegetables with a submersible blender to a puree state.

4. Mix tomato puree with vegetable oil and salt.

5. Pour the mass into the multi-cooker bowl.

6. Set the “Quenching” mode for one hour, bring the mass to a boil with the lid open, then close the lid and simmer the remaining time.

7. We mix the prepared tomato paste for the winter, pour it into jars, roll it up.

Recipe 4. Tomato paste for the winter with apples


• three kilograms of tomatoes;

• two large sweet-sour apples;

• onion;

• salt;

• 35 ml of vinegar.

Cooking Method:

1. Tomatoes and onions are washed, cut into slices, grind in a blender.

2. Do the same with apples: wash, remove seeds, cut and grind blender.

3. Mix tomatoes with apples.

4. Put the mass in an improvised bag, made of cotton fabric. We suspend the bag with mashed potatoes for about 6-8 hours in order to make the glass excess liquid.

5. At the expiration of the time, we put the mashed potatoes in a saucepan, add salt and cook on medium heat for 30 minutes.

6. Pour in the vinegar, grind for another five minutes.

7. Pour the paste into jars, cover them with lids and send them to sterilize in a heated oven for 10 minutes.

8. Roll up, cool, remove for storage.

Recipe 5. Tomato paste for the winter with greens


• 3 kg of tomatoes;

• bow;

• 20 g of sugar;

• 40 g of salt;

• 50 ml of apple cider vinegar; • bunch of basil;

• a bunch of parsley;

• vegetable oil;

• leaves of laurel;

• peppercorns;

• to taste coriander.

Cooking Method:

1. We select ripe fleshy tomatoes, wash them, if there are defects - prune.

2. Cut the prepared fruits into small slices, simmer for about 15 minutes.

3. Mass slightly cooled, grind blender.

4. The fire is subtracted, we thawed tomato puree for about an hour and a half. The consistency of the finished paste should resemble thick sour cream, if the mass is not boiled down, as it should be and turned out to be watery, increase the time of languor.

5. 12-15 minutes before the pasta is ready, add salt, chopped greens, sugar, coriander, peppercorns, a few leaves of laurel, and pour in vinegar.

6. When the paste is ready, lay it in a sterile container hot.

7. In each jar on top of the paste, pour a spoonful of vegetable oil, roll the jars themselves, cool the mass, remove for storage.

Recipe 6. Tomato paste for the winter with mustard and juniper berries


• 3.5 kg of tomatoes;

• 600 g onions;

• 450 ml of vinegar;

• pound of sugar;

• 10 juniper berries;

• Spoon crushed laurel leaf;

• 60 g spicy mustard;

• 120 ml of water;

• spices.

Cooking Method:

1. We put tomatoes, as well as shredded onions, thoroughly washed and cut into slices in a deep enameled bowl.

2. Fill the ingredients with some water, stir, bring the mass to a boil.

3. Remove the pan from the stove, add the washed juniper berries, mustard, sugar, salt and spices, pour in vinegar. Grind all the ingredients in a blender.

4. Heat the oven, reduce the heat to minimum.

5. Pour the tomato puree with spices into a deep form, send the mass for five hours in the oven for complete evaporation of the liquid. Do not forget to stir the pasta from time to time.

6. Ready-made pasta should get rich burgundy color and thickness of sour cream. 7. Cool the pasta from tomatoes for the winter, transfer them to special sealed containers for storage, send them to the refrigerator.

Recipe 7. Tomato paste for the winter with sweet pepper


• seven kilograms of tomatoes;

• kilogram of sweet pepper (red);

• 60 g of salt.

Cooking Method:

1. We clean the sweet pepper from the seeds, cut the stem, carefully wash and cut into large pieces.

2. Cut the washed tomatoes into two parts, remove the core with seeds.

3. We put the prepared vegetables into the pan, turn on the minimum heat, simmer for about an hour, during this time the tomatoes put the juice in, the vegetables soften, the skin of the fruit will melt, and the mass will be reduced two or three times.

4. The resulting vegetable puree is slightly cooled, add salt, chop the ingredients in a blender.

5. Put the mashed potatoes in the pan again, turn on the gas slowly and boil the mass to the consistency we need.

6. We spread the tomato paste in sterile jars, roll up the lids, turn them upside down, wrap the jars in blankets, keep them there until they cool down.

7. Remove the paste for storage in a cool room or refrigerator.

Recipe 8. Squash adjika with tomato paste for the winter


• 2.5 kilograms of young zucchini;

• half a cup of peeled garlic;

• chilli;

• 300 ml of vegetable oil;

• 130 g of sugar;

• 80 g of salt;

• 280 g of pasta from tomatoes (any suitable, prepared using the methods listed above);

• 60 ml of vinegar.

Cooking Method:

1. Wash zucchini and chili. With zucchini remove the skin, remove the tips. Pepper cleaned of seeds.

2. We skip both ingredients through the meat grinder.

3. Put the resulting puree in a large enamel pan, pour in the oil, add salt, tomato paste, granulated sugar.

4. Thoroughly mix the mass, bring to a boil, simmer on low heat for about an hour and an hour and 15 minutes. 5. At the end of cooking pour vinegar.

6. Spill the finished adjika with a paste of tomatoes for the winter in banks, roll up.

7. We cool the billet, turning it upside down during the day, then remove it for storage.

Tomato paste for the winter - tips and tricks

• Pasta from tomatoes for the winter can be added to vegetable stews, in hot first courses. It is also good as a dressing for meat sauces. Use it when canning, adding to vegetable caviar, lecho, tomatoes in their own juice. If tomato paste is diluted with water, you will get wonderful tomato juice.

• If you have a thin variety of tomatoes, it is better not to add water during cooking - the paste will turn out to be watery.

• If you do not be lazy and remove the seeds from the tomatoes, then the paste will turn out to be a richly vinous color, because it is the tomato seeds that give the finished product a pale tint.

• Spread the spices only after the main mass boils, so their aroma bouquet will open better and will not kill the taste of tomatoes.

• Do not forget to stir the pasta during cooking so that it does not burn.

• If you put the greens in the paste only to give flavor, tie it in a bun - it will be much easier to remove the greens from the finished mass.

• To ensure that the open can of tomato paste is not moldy for the winter, lightly salt the top and apply a thin layer of sunflower oil.

• For storage it is best to use small jars: 200, 300, maximum 500 g.

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