How to pickle trout caviar at home? Very simple! Cleaning methods, recipes and tips on how to pickle trout caviar

How to pickle trout caviar at home? Very simple! Cleaning methods, recipes and tips on how to pickle trout caviar

Bought a trout with caviar? Well, that's wonderful! A pleasant addition can be very easily salted, in just a few hours you can get a real delicacy, very tasty and healthy! And without preservatives and chemistry. What is the best salt pickle trout caviar at home?

How to pickle trout spawn - general principles

Caviar of any fish is suitable for salting: sea, river, fresh, frozen. Naturally, the better the original product, the better the result will be. Among all the methods of salting emit dry and wet, that is, the product is simply poured with salt, or it is prepared with the addition of liquid. Not only taste, but also the shelf life of caviar depends on the selected recipe. But in any case, it is advisable not to keep your homework for a long time, use it until it is as fresh and useful as possible.

Caviar cleaning methods

Before salting the trout spawn, the product must be freed from the yashka - protective film. Manual selection of eggs immediately disappears, since it is long, painstaking, tedious.

Cleaning methods:

1. Gauze. Fold a large piece of gauze in 4 layers. In the central part we have caviar. Dip gauze in the basin or in a pot of warm water, begin to rotate. Gradually, the film will move away, the pieces will remain on the gauze. The method is convenient, simple, but long and time consuming.

2. Hot. Relatively fast way. Caviar is filled with hot water for a few seconds. All films depart from the balls. The disadvantage of this method is the need to choose pieces from the product.

3. Massage. Neat, but also quite a long and painstaking way. Yastyk is cut in half or in 3 parts, the eggs are gently drawn.

4. Whisk. Yastyk is torn in several places, the caviar is filled with warm water, the whisk is immersed and the product is stirred. Gradually, films will be wound on the rim. Then the eggs are poured into a sieve, the remaining yastok is chosen by hand.

Each method has its advantages and disadvantages. Choose the one that is most convenient for you.

How to pickle trout caviar in a brine

The most common way how to salt pickle trout at home. Tuzluk - concentrated brine. According to the rules of salt, add this amount until it dissolves.


• 200 g of rock salt;

• 200 g of sea salt;

• trout roe;

• litere of water.


1. Put a saucepan with a liter of water on the stove, add both types of salt, boil the brine after boiling on low heat for about three minutes. If there is no sea food salt, then you can take all the rock salt.

2. Cool the brine. Makes the temperature of the concentrated brine just above room temperature.

3. Immerse the caviar. If you endure for 5-8 minutes, you get a lightly salted product with high taste with a shelf life of up to 5 days. Most often only 3 days are stored in the refrigerator, then the caviar begins to deteriorate.

4. If you hold the caviar in a brine for 20 minutes, the product will be saturated with salt and will be stored longer.

5. Merge caviar on cheesecloth. Leave for ten minutes to drain brine.

6. Glass jars are thoroughly washed out, preferably with boiling water and dried. Covers are also processed.

7. Carefully transfer caviar, twist caps containers, store in the refrigerator. We give salt to be distributed in the product. The first sample can be removed after 12 hours.

How to pickle trout caviar in a fast way

Formulation for those who do not want to wait long. Such caviar will be ready in four hours. The way is dry, the product turns out salty, but for sandwiches with butter and salads is ideal.


• caviar;

• sugar;

• salt.


1. Caviar should be cleaned in any convenient way. Details about them can be viewed above.

2. Salt and sugar are mixed in a ratio of 2 to 1.

3. Caviar is poured with a dry mixture, gently mixed, so as not to damage the integrity of the balls, not to spoil the product.

4. Set aside for ten minutes. During this time, salt and sugar should melt.

5. Strain through gauze, let it drain all liquid.

6. We shift in a jar, put in a refrigerator for 3-4 hours. 7. We get a jar of caviar, gently mix. If the fluid is formed again, then it is also drained. We use as intended!

How to pickle trout spawn in sugar brine

Another great way to salt pickle trout in brine, but not in brine. This option is prepared with sugar, which greatly improves the taste of the blank.


• 70 g of salt;

• 1 liter of water;

• 35 g sugar;

• caviar.


1. Clean the eggs from the films, rinse, leave in gauze for draining the liquid.

2. Prepare the pickle. If caviar is used immediately, then it can be not boiled. It is enough to dissolve the salt with sugar in purified water. If you plan to keep the product for several days in the refrigerator, then pour the filling to boil, cool.

3. Caviar transfer to a deep plate.

4. Fill the product with brine. The amount of fluid should be twice as large.

5. Leave for a quarter of an hour.

6. During this time, pull a piece of gauze on the pan. You can also use a bowl, but the pan is convenient because the tips can be tied to the handles of the pot.

7. Pour the caviar on the gauze with brine, do not make a thick layer.

8. Leave another quarter of an hour for all the water and eggs to dry slightly.

9. Fold in a clean jar, refrigerate.

10. After two hours, the product is ready for use.

How to pickle trout caviar fast and easy

Recipe for salted caviar for lazy housewives. You do not need to clean the yastik or wait a long time for the preparation of the product. Everything can be much easier! Brine with added sugar, which improves the taste of the main product.


• 1 liter of water;

• 5 tablespoons of salt + about 300 grams;

• 1 spoon of sugar.


1. Cooking brine. Together we join, send to the stove and boil for a couple of minutes. Strain to get rid of random impurities.

2. We introduce more salt, stir constantly. As soon as the particles no longer dissolve, we stop adding.

3. Cool the brine to 50 degrees. The temperature in this recipe is very important. It is not necessary to lay eggs in hot or too cold pickle. 4. Immerse the eggs directly in the pickle, take a whisk and begin to mix. We try to drive in a circle bowl, while dissolving and breaking the film yastika.

5. Leave the eggs in brine for half an hour.

6. Re-immerse the whisk, stir the eggs again for a few minutes, let the backed films wrap around the bends of the device.

7. Merge caviar into stretched gauze or into a colander. Hands remove the remnants of the films. Perhaps they will remain quite a bit.

8. We shift the caviar stepped from the brine into jars. We try to lay tight, put in the refrigerator.

9. After four hours the salt is evenly distributed in the product, it can be consumed. Such caviar is stored in the refrigerator till 4-5 days.

How to pickle trout caviar in a spicy way

Variant of very fragrant and spicy brine for caviar. No, the product will not lose its fishy taste and smell, but will become more fragrant and noble.


• 0.5 liters of water;

• 40 g of salt;

• 15 g sugar;

• 3 peppercorns;

• 1 pinch of ginger;

• 0.5 bay leaf;

• 1 clove.


1. Boil in a saucepan water with salt and sugar for about five minutes, add all the spices and immediately turn off. Ginger goes ground and dry. If there is a fresh spine, then you can take it.

2. Let the marinade cool under the lid so that all the aromatic substances disappear into the water.

3. Strain the brine, it is desirable that it has a temperature in the region of 45-50 degrees.

4. Immerse the caviar. For this amount of brine 100-150 grams is enough, carefully stir and leave for a quarter of an hour.

5. Pour into a sieve, try not to damage the eggs, you can spread gauze. Dry 10 minutes.

6. We shift in a jar, send for a couple of hours in the fridge.

How to pickle trout caviar with lemon

Option stunning caviar with amazing lemon flavor. It is advisable to cook the pickle with sea salt, it is ideal for trout, even if the fish is river. For watering using any vegetable oil.


• 150 g of caviar;

• 0.5 lemon;

• 2 tablespoons of salt (with a slide)

• 1 spoon of sugar:

• 2 spoons of butter; • 0.6 liters of water.


1. Clean caviar in one of the convenient ways. The film on the product should not be.

2. Remove from the lemon thin yellow crusts, that is, zest. Squeeze the juice in a separate dish, you can immediately strain if you accidentally fell bone or flesh.

3. Cooking brine. Boil lemon peel in water for three minutes, add salt and sugar, cook a little more. Cooling down.

4. Strain the brine. Fluid temperature should be around 50 degrees.

5. Immerse the caviar, squeeze the lemon juice from the half of the citrus that remains.

6. Stir, leave for a quarter of an hour.

7. Pour caviar into a sieve, leave to drain the liquid.

8. We shift the product in clean jars, pour oil on top and ready!

Salting trout roe - useful tips and tricks

• Despite the fact that caviar is tastier under-salted, it is still better to over-salt the product. Salt will not only prolong the shelf life, but also destroy harmful microbes and helminths, make the preparation safe for humans.

• If the caviar is about to expire, and it has not yet been consumed, then rather put the product in the freezer, it is better to freeze it in small portions. After thawing, caviar can be used for any dishes.

• Not only a whisk, but also an ordinary plug can be used to separate the yaste films. Only you need to drive the device carefully in order to preserve the integrity of tender eggs as much as possible.

• Any of the recipes for salted trout caviar can be adapted to another product. In fact, it is not the salt concentration that is important, but the exposure time. The easiest way to determine it is to try caviar more often, but only after pre-shaking the salt.

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