Pickled cabbage - the best recipes. How to properly and tasty cook pickled cabbage for the winter.

Pickled cabbage - the best recipes. How to properly and tasty cook pickled cabbage for the winter.

Pickled cabbage - general principles and methods of cooking

Pointed and crispy pickled cabbage is loved by almost everyone. Simple calculations show that 2 kg of pickled cabbage contains only 763 kcal. This is really a welcome snack on any table, a great addition to meat, fish, boiled potatoes and other dishes. Now there is no need to pickle cabbage in large quantities - it is an available vegetable at any time of the year, and during long-term storage it darkens and becomes slightly grayish. You can cook 2-3 jars for the winter, and then try another recipe from an infinite number of options.

Pickled Cabbage - Food Preparation

You can pickle any variety of cabbage - both white and red. She gets a very delicate taste after a few days. The difference between pickled and pickled cabbage is the addition of vinegar and a small amount of sugar. As a rule, a hot pickle is prepared first. Red cabbage itself is more rigid, but if you marinate, it becomes soft and tender. White cabbage is just made for pickling. Any kitchen in the world can provide us with their recipes.

Pickled cabbage for the winter - the best recipes

Recipe 1: Classic pickled cabbage with carrot

This is the easiest recipe, economical, requiring a minimum of products. Cabbage, carrots and a few cloves of garlic are enough to get a few kilograms of delicious snacks in any dish — meat, vegetable, or mixed.

Ingredients: cabbage (2-3 kg), garlic, carrots (2 pieces), ground pepper. Brine: 1 liter of water is half a glass of sugar, 2 tablespoons of vinegar and 2 tablespoons of salt. Spices to taste, be sure to bay leaf.

Method of preparation

We cut cabbage into square slices, carrot into half rings, and skip garlic and red pepper through a press. We put cabbage and carrots in a jar, shifting it with a bay leaf. For brine, dissolve salt and sugar in hot water, add vegetable oil and vinegar. Fill the jar with brine, cover with a lid and insist at room temperature for 1-2 hours. Then put in the fridge for a day. You do not have to store such cabbage in the refrigerator for too long - it is eaten very quickly.

Recipe2: Marinated Cabbage in Georgian

Among the countless methods of cooking cabbage in Georgian we will choose the one where the cabbage is cut into squares and the beets are shredded into straws. Greens can be chosen to your liking, Georgians prefer celery. According to this recipe, cabbage is obtained, though crunchy, but soft outside. Marinated vegetables without sweet taste, with an emphasis on salt and acid.

Ingredients: cabbage (1, 5 heads, about 3-4 kg, beets (1 pc.), Carrot (2 pcs.), Garlic (1 head).


Water (3 liters), bay leaf, black peppercorns, allspice, salt (8-9 tablespoons), sugar (1-1.5 cups), vinegar (50 g), red hot pepper to taste.

Method of preparation

Prepare 2 three-liter banks. Cut the head into 4 pieces, then one more time along. Cut across the pieces into large squares. We sort on leaflets, we receive accurate large small squares. Beets and carrots rubbed on a coarse grater. Finely chop the garlic and mix with the carrot. In the banks lay out the cabbage and vegetable mixture. Each layer is tamped with a pestle or hands. Leave the beets on top of the carrots.


Put sugar and salt in a saucepan, put bay leaf and spices. Fill with water and bring to a boil. Cool the brine slightly and pour it into jars. It should make 3 liters of marinade, this is enough for 2 three-liter jars of cabbage. Put cooled cabbage in the fridge for 1 day. Every day cabbage will only get tastier.

Recipe 3: Spicy pickled cabbage, Korean hot Chimcha

Korean dishes are firmly established on our tables. The main secret is not only in soy sauce and an abundance of spicy seasonings, but also in an incredibly simple cooking method. It is enough just to comply with the technology correctly, so as not to miss the little secret in this particular dish. Chimcha also has a secret. This is a very salty pickle, initially without spices. After the cabbage is well salted, the cabbage is smeared with spices by hand. You can take an ordinary white cabbage, but Koreans love Beijing. Ingredients: cabbage (10 kg), salt (0.5-1 kg), garlic (200-300 grams), bitter red pepper.

Method of preparation

We breed salt in warm water. Prepare the cabbage - cut the fork into 4-6 parts and fill it with salt solution. We leave to ask for 3-4 days. Spicy impregnation - in a meat grinder to twist red pepper and peeled garlic. Remove the cabbage from the brine and rinse in running water. Spray the cabbage leaves with an acute mixture and place it in the container. From above we put the oppression and withstand souring. Without hot pepper, cabbage is stored longer, in which case it is added directly to the plate and mixed just before eating. Keep refrigerated.

Chimcha can be cooked a little differently. Chop the cabbage finely with a shredder and grind with hot pepper. Add salt and garlic and put in brew. The oppression is not needed.

Recipe 4: Pickled Cabbage with Mushrooms

Marinated mushrooms with cabbage - a fairly common combination. Forest autumn mushrooms are most suitable - they are stored longer and have a richer taste. It is best to use white, boletus, russula, ryadovki, boletus mushrooms, honey agaric.

Ingredients: cabbage (2 kg), carrots (1 kg), boiled mushrooms (2 kg), onions (1 kg) vegetable oil (0.5 liters), vinegar (300 ml), salt 3 st . spoons, sugar 7 tbsp. spoons.

Method of preparation

Boil mushrooms in advance, rinse with cold water, let the water drain. We wash and clean vegetables, chop cabbage, grate carrots on a coarse grater, and simply cut onions into small half rings. Stew the onions and carrots in the oil, add the cabbage and boiled mushrooms, add a little oil. Simmer for 30-40 minutes over low heat. We mix the finished cabbage and place it in the jars, roll it up and cool it. Perfect snack for any table - a festive or ordinary dinner is ready! Store in a cool dark place.

Recipe 6: Pickled Cabbage with Horseradish

This is a favorite snack of all, you can cook it with red cabbage. Ingredients: cabbage (2 kg), horseradish root (30 grams), currant leaves (10 grams), parsley, celery. Tarragon, dill seeds, red perengi (5 grams), garlic (20 grams). Marinade: water (1 liter), salt, sugar (20 grams), vinegar (1 cup).

Method of preparation

First, prepare the marinade - dissolve the sugar and salt in boiling water. In the cooled solution pour in vinegar. Shred in the form of cabbage thin straws, the root of horseradish skip through a meat grinder. Garlic simply cut into slices. The bottom of the jar is covered with leaves of currants and greens, we put the seeds of dill and cabbage. Pour marinade. A few days later the appetizer is ready.

Pickled cabbage - useful tips from experienced chefs

- You can make a salad from ready-made pickled cabbage and pickled mushrooms. Add a little green onion and 3-5 cloves of garlic, season with vegetable oil. You can also make a salad with pickles or pickled peppers.

From the history of cabbage

Cabbage was introduced to the culture in the most ancient times. If you believe the archaeological excavations, it was used during the Stone and Bronze Ages. The ancient Egyptians mastered the technology of growing cabbage probably the very first. Then they were joined by the ancient Greeks and Romans, in their arsenal there were 3-10 varieties. In 1922, when compiling his book, Decandol described about 30 varieties; today their number has increased to 100. He highly appreciated the beneficial properties of Pythagoras cabbage. The ancient Greek mathematician and philosopher himself was engaged in its selection. Cabbage came to the Slavs from the Greco-Roman colonists from the Black Sea coast. This annual plant grows all over the world, especially in countries with a temperate climate. The vegetation period is 125-175 days, late varieties grow to 245 days.

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