Children's cake with their own hands - for the most beloved sweethearts! Recipes simple and beautiful kids' do-it-yourself cakes

Children's cake with their own hands - for the most beloved sweethearts! Recipes simple and beautiful kids' do-it-yourself cakes

All children love cakes. Still would! Dessert is associated with holiday, happiness and fun. Will we please the most precious members of the family?

Your attention to the selection of simple cakes for children, which are very easy to do with your own hands at home.

Children's DIY Cake - General Cooking Principles

Most of the children's cakes are made on a sponge cake or from a sandy base.

It is very important not to use fatty and complex creams, since the children's digestive system may not accept them. Most often for a layer use condensed milk, sour cream. Oil is also added, but the amount is better to reduce.

Preparing children's cakes preferably for 10-15 hours before the event.

Dessert should not be long.

If fresh berries or fruits are used for decoration, then it is better to place them just before serving.

When extracting juice, the cream will start to deteriorate prematurely, the child may be poisoned.

Do-it-yourself children's cake with M & M

M & M - colored candy, which are very fond of children. Why not cook a cake with them for a birthday or other holiday? The dessert is very easy to decorate, it turns out bright, spectacular and will surely please the child.


• 100 g chocolate chip cookies;

• 6 eggs;

• 180 g of sugar;

• 300 g candy M & M;

• 175 g of oil;

• 1 b. condensed milk (can be plain or boiled);

• 200 g of flour;

• 2 bags of vanilla.


1. Pour one bag of vanilla or vanilla sugar into flour, stir it. We set aside.

2. Break eggs into a bowl, beat for five minutes at the highest speed of the mixer. Then add sand in portions, continuing to beat. The whole process will take at least 15 minutes. The foam should become very lush and thick.

3. Now add the vanilla flour, stir the dough.

4. Pour the mass into a mold with a diameter of about 20-23 cm, no longer needed. We put in the oven. Bake the cake for the children's cake for about 20-25 minutes at 180. Then remove it, cool very well. 5. While the sponge cake is ready, beat the butter, gradually add boiled or regular condensed milk, at the end add vanillin.

6. Put the cold cake on the board, cut it into three plates with a sharp and long knife (it can be bread).

7. Lubricate the cakes with cream. Top cake also cover.

8. Stick chocolate cookies on the sides of the cream. If it is badly kept, you can tie it with a thread or a ribbon, then remove it.

9. Pour the sweets on top, let the cake soak.

Children's cake made of biscuits and marshmallow

The version of the simplest children's cake with their own hands, for the preparation of which will take no more than half an hour. Cookies are better to take square.


• 300 g of marshmallow;

• 300 g of shortbread;

• 450 g of boiled condensed milk;

• 4 spoons of coconut;

• 90 g of oil;

• whole milk.


1. In all the marshmallows cut curly tops, set aside. They will need to decorate the cake. Cut flat pieces into two flat cakes.

2. Mix the butter with condensed milk.

3. Pour some milk into the bowl so that the biscuit can be wetted.

4. Put on a dish one layer of cookies moistened with milk. No need to hold it for a long time, just dip and remove. Expand the third part.

5. Gently grease cookies with condensed milk. Thick layer is not necessary.

6. Fold out half the marshmallow.

7. Now again cookies, condensed milk and marshmallows.

8. We lubricate the top of the cookies with condensed milk, slightly pass the sides, sprinkle them with coconut chips. You can take color.

9. From above we decorate cake with figured tops from a zephyr. Leave for two hours to soak.

Children's cake with their own hands “Turtle”

Another simple children's cake option that is easy to make with your own hands. The turtle turns out not only beautiful, but also very tasty. Kiwi fruit is used for decoration. The turtle turns out very bright and fun.


• 1.5 Art. Sahara;

• 6 eggs;

• 2 tbsp. sifted flour;

• 1 tsp. ripper.


• 2 tbsp. sour cream;

• 0.5 Art. Sahara;

• 100 g of oil;

• Kiwi 4-5 pieces.

Cooking 1. Make ordinary biscuit dough, beat all the eggs until fluffy, cover the sand, also beat, add baking ripper with flour.

2. Put a spoon on a pan of bread. We leave a little space between them, as they will spread and increase in volume.

3. Bake until golden brown in the oven. Cooling down.

4. For the cream, beat the butter, then do it with sugar or take the powder and only at the very end add sour cream.

5. Choose from the heap of cakes one similar to the head, also cut an elongated triangle, this will be the tail. We make paws, also cutting or choosing small oval flatbreads.

6. In the head we insert eyes - raisins or pieces of chocolate, nuts.

7. Putting a turtle. Dip the cakes in the cream, put the rounded shell, put the legs and tail. If the cream remains, then cover the cake additionally on top.

8. Now we put it in the refrigerator so that it is better to decorate a kiwi turtle before serving.

9. Kiwi we clean, cut into thin plates, decorate the shell of an emerald turtle and delight children!

Children's cake with their own hands “Anthill”

Variant of homemade children's cake with their own hands, which can be made very fun, if you make ants with mastic. But without them, too, it turns out well.


• two eggs;

• 0.2 kg of oil;

• 5 Art. l Sahara;

• 7 g ripper;

• 0.15 kg sour cream;

• 0.4 kg of flour.

For the cream you will need 1.5 cans of condensed milk and 150 g of butter, but you can reduce the fat content by increasing the amount of boiled milk. To decorate one chocolate.


1. Making dough for an anthill. Combine eggs and sugar, add the crumpled butter, then sour cream and flour, knead, do not forget about the baking powder.

2. Divide the dough into equal lumps, the size of an egg, send to the freezer for twenty minutes.

3. You can turn on the oven. Let the oven warm up to 180.

4. We take out balls, we throw in a meat grinder, we establish a grid with large cells. Mel, making chopsticks. Spoon on the baking sheet. You need to fit everything to bake at a time.

5. Prepare the base of the nest of 20 minutes. Cooling down. 6. We throw off the cooked cookies in a large bowl, knead.

7. Making the cream, mixing the condensed milk and butter, mix with the base of the anthill.

8. Spread sweet mass on a flat plate.

9. Chocolate grate large, sprinkle an anthill. Let the baby cake soak for at least 10 hours.

Children's cake with their own hands “Lazy Anthill”

Variation of the previous children's cake with their own hands, for which you do not need to bake anything. Used ordinary shortbread cookies.


• 800 g biscuits;

• 160 g of oil;

• 350 g of boiled condensed milk;

• 40 g coconut chips;

• 50 g chocolate;

• 2 bananas.


1. Crumble cookies, but finely not needed. Make pieces of 0.5-1 cm. Immediately throw in the bowl.

2. Mix the butter with a condensed milk recipe, you can not whisk.

3. Combine with cookies, stir. If the condensed milk is thick and the mass is not very wet, you can add sour cream or condensed milk, it will not be worse, the anthill will still harden.

4. Bananas cut into slices.

5. Putting the anthill in parts, inside we hide the bananas.

6. We rub chocolate, we mix with coconut flakes, sprinkle the cake on top.

7. Put an anthill for four hours in the fridge.

Children's DIY Cake with Berries

Option cake without baking based on cottage cheese and sour cream. Insanely tasty and healthy children's dessert, which adults will also like. Berries use any, it is better to take assorted.


• 600 g of cottage cheese;

• 500 g sour cream;

• 30 g of gelatin;

• 120 ml of milk;

• 210 g of sugar;

• 1 bag of jelly any;

• 600 g of berries.


1. Combine the milk with gelatin, stir and leave for 20 minutes. You can use juice or plain water.

2. Whip sugar with curd and sour cream. The easiest way is to use a blender. The mass will turn out gentle, homogeneous.

3. Gelatin melt, mix with cottage cheese.

4. Wash berries, dry, pick 100 g of the most beautiful, smooth and dense for decoration. The rest of the berries gently mix in the cottage cheese.

5. Pour the future cake into a split form. We set for 2 hours in the fridge, the top layer should grab. 6. We pack the bag with jelly according to the instructions, you need at least 250 g of the product, you can make a layer thicker, this is optional.

7. Cut the left berries beautifully, try not to knead.

8. We take out the cottage cheese foundation, lay out the berry composition on it.

9. Fill the top with diluted, cooled, but still liquid jelly. Let the dessert stand for another 5 hours in the cold so that it is completely strong, then remove the ring of the split form.

DIY handmade cake made from ready-made cakes “Easier than simple”

Ready biscuit cakes are a wonderful product, but how to make a children's cake with your own hands? Easy peasy!


• 3 cake layers;

• 1 b. condensed milk;

• 100 g biscuits;

• 1 item of oil;

• 50 g marmalade;

• 50 g chocolate;

• 50 g marshmallow;

• 100 g of fine chocolates.


1. Mix soft butter and condensed milk.

2. Lubricate the cakes with cream. Since the purchased biscuit is usually thin, it is not necessary to soak it. If boiled condensed milk, cream is thick, then you can slightly sprinkle the cakes with juice or stewed fruit.

3. Biscuits mash to crumb, fall asleep sides of the cake.

4. Top decompose all the sweets that are listed above. Or take a few packs of M & M and just fall asleep.

Do-it-yourself children's cake - useful tips and tricks

• Mastic figures do not have to be done independently. Animals, cars and characters from the cartoon can be ordered from the pastry chef, then sit on any homemade cake.

• To decorate children's cakes, you can use any ready-made sweets: gummi bears or berries, corn sticks, candy and even chocolate eggs. Children will be only too happy.

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