Uzbek soup is an affordable exotic. Features of the preparation of Uzbek lamb soup, Uzbek noodle soup: recipes

Uzbek soup is an affordable exotic. Features of the preparation of Uzbek lamb soup, Uzbek noodle soup: recipes

No kitchen in the world develops in complete isolation.

The formation of Uzbek cuisine was influenced by Arab, Indian and Persian.

Most contributed to the cuisine of China.

It is not surprising, because in this country and Central Asia the same cultures are sprouting.

A large number of Uzbek soup ingredients are borrowed from these cuisines. Rice, noodles, Szechuan pepper (huadze) came from China, green mung bean plant from India.

Using and familiar to us vegetables, and those that are a wonder, you can cook new dishes and expand their culinary passions. Who knows, maybe one of the Uzbek soups will be able to settle down in our kitchen.

Uzbek mutton soup with noodles - general principles of cooking

It is a good idea to eat a rich and fragrant soup for lunch.

In the Uzbeks' home kitchen this dish is held in high esteem. Although more often soups are cooked in autumn or winter, when you need to warm up. After all, Uzbek soup is being cooked on a wood-burning stove in a cauldron, insulating the whole house.

In our conditions, the cauldron can replace the pot with a thick bottom.

Cooking of Uzbek mutton soup, as a rule, begins from roasting vegetables. That is, the usual for us meat broth is not brewed, where carrots, onions and other components are gradually loaded. On the contrary, water is added to the roasted vegetables. The hostess herself decides how much to pour it. In the same way, it determines the ingredients and their quantity.

Both onion, carrot, potatoes, bell peppers, tomatoes, and garlic are added to the lamb soup and noodles in the soup.

Often in the composition of the dish include mung bean - small green beans. Before cooking, they need to expand on a platter in a single layer and cover with water. After soaking, be sure to remove the hard kernels.

All vegetables are cut very finely and in turn are thrown into the cauldron.

The meat is also cut into small cubes and fried.

The peculiarity of making Uzbek soup is that it needs to be mixed almost constantly so that vegetables do not burn to the bottom of the cauldron. And ginger is added to the dish. It gives a special aroma, rich and exciting.

Among the spices in honor zira, savory, pepper and paprika, basil, berries of barberry. Fresh cilantro and parsley decorate the taste of the dish.

Soup is often seasoned with garlic and a milk product called katyk pounded with salt. It is successfully replaced by natural yogurt or kefir.

The composition of the Uzbek noodle soup necessarily includes long noodles or spaghetti. Add it to the dish at the very end of cooking.

1. Uzbek mutton soup with a wave

A large number of vegetables, rice and green beans - together all these ingredients create a nourishing and rich soup. Spices and seasonings bring an attractive and pleasant aroma to the dish.


• 300 g lamb.

• Three Art. spoons Masha.

• 50 g of ginger.

• Three garlic cloves.

• Carrot.

• Bulgarian pepper.

• Two tomatoes.

• Two potatoes.

• Onion.

• Art. spoon of tomato paste.

• Two tsp of Sichuan pepper (huadze).

• Pinch of jeera.

• Ch. Spoon of chili pepper.

• Two teaspoons of paprika.

• Salt.

• Two Art. spoons of natural yogurt.

Cooking Method:

All vegetables cut into the same cubes.

Ginger and 2/3 of garlic chop smaller.

Chop the lamb.

Add butter to the pan. While it is still not too warm, add Szechuan pepper. Fry it for a minute and remove the skimmer.

Pour garlic and ginger. Then add the meat. To fry and constantly stir.

Three minutes later put the onion and salt.

After the onions have become soft, load the carrot, cumin and tomato paste.

After a minute fall asleep tomatoes. Pour the chilli and paprika.

Add a glass of cold water, then add another as much.

Give the broth to boil for a few minutes and fall asleep. Next add potatoes and peppers. The soup is cooked until cooked green bean.

Crush a slice of garlic, add a little salt and rub with a knife. Mix with yogurt. Put in a bowl of soup.

2. Uzbek mutton soup with turnips

Very popular soup in northern Uzbekistan. The dish is universal, because it can be served for lunch and enjoy in the morning or in the evening. Ingredients:

• 0,400 kg of lean lamb.

• Two onions.

• Turnip.

• Three carrots.

• Three potatoes.

• Two tomatoes.

• 0.100 kg of rice.

• Four cloves of garlic.

• Salt.

• 60 grams of salad oil.

• Art. spoon of soy sauce.

• chilli pepper.

Cooking Method:

Heat oil in a cauldron.

Onion cut into half rings, carrots, potatoes, tomatoes and turnips - into small cubes.

Crush garlic with a knife and further chop.

Cut the lamb into small pieces as much as possible.

Put in a cauldron 1/3 onions. Fry it until golden brown and add garlic.

In a minute to fall asleep in a cauldron. Add the rest of the onion and soy sauce. Fry for about seven minutes.

Pour carrots into the cauldron, and a minute later - turnips, then tomatoes. Fry until half ready.

Add potatoes and fry it on all sides.

Add one and a half liters of water. When it boils, add the soup and put the whole chilli pepper.

Carefully remove the foam. Leave to boil on low heat for about twenty minutes.

Add rice When it boiled, the cooking of the Uzbek soup was over.

3. Uzbek lamb soup “Two in one”

Soup is called unhurried, because it is cooked on a very small fire. We must make sure that he does not start to boil.

Cooking such Uzbek soup will help the hostess save time. After all, it replaces the first and second courses. Potatoes and meat are poured into a small plate and broth with other vegetables is poured into a deep plate.


• 450 g of mutton with fat.

• Two bulbs and carrots.

• Sweet onion.

• Three medium tomatoes.

• Two Bulgarian pepper.

• Four potatoes.

• Three chili peppers.

• Q. spoon of coriander seeds.

• On a spoonful of basil and garden chabra.

Cooking Method:

Cut two onions into rings and divide them into feathers. Chop carrots and tomatoes with medium ringlets.

Bulgarian pepper removed from the seeds and cut into half rings.

Cut the lamb into medium pieces. Pour into a cauldron with cold water and bring to a boil. Remove the foam.

Add the onion, and after a minute fill the carrot. Put chili pepper in the soup.

Mash coriander seeds in your hands and throw in a cauldron.

Add tomatoes and bell peppers.

Coarsely chop the potatoes and pour in the soup. Let it cook for about twenty-five minutes.

Put basil and savory.

Rings cut sweet onion. Add it to the pot and after seven minutes, turn off the already fully prepared Uzbek soup. Carefully remove the chili.

4. Uzbek noodle soup with meat and vegetables

A rich and appetizing soup with a pleasant aroma of roasted vegetables and spices will decorate and diversify the diet. He successfully replaces the already bit annoying familiar soups.


• 0.3 kg beef.

• 0.1 kg long noodles or spaghetti.

• Carrot.

• Two onions.

• Three potatoes.

• Four Art. spoons Masha.

• Three green bulbs.

• 1/2 tsp paprika and black pepper.

• Pinch of jeera.

• Salt.

Cooking Method:

Cut onions and potatoes into small pieces.

Grind carrots with a medium grater.

Fry onion until golden brown.

Chop the meat, add to the cauldron and fry.

Pour out the carrots and cook until she lets the juice out.

Add potatoes and spices. Fry for at least five minutes with constant stirring.

When the potatoes are fried, fall asleep mash. Pour about two liters of water. Cook for about forty minutes until mash starts to burst.

Add chopped green onions. Salt the soup. Pour noodles. Cook for another twelve minutes.

Let the Uzbek noodle soup brew for a few minutes. Then you can pour into beautiful deep plates.

5. Uzbek soup noodles with white wine

The soup should be eaten fresh, hot, enjoying its pleasant aroma and rich taste.


• 0.35 kg of beef.

• 0.100 kg of noodles.

• Tomato.

• Onion.

• Clove of garlic.

• A slice of ginger (2 cm).

• 0.125 kg of white cabbage.

• Art. spoon of dry white wine.

• Art. spoon of soy sauce.

• 1/2 teaspoon of red and black pepper, nutmeg, cloves.

• Half Art. spoons of sugar.

• Art. spoon of vinegar.

• Cilantro bunch.

• Salt.

• Sunflower oil. Cooking Method:

Cut beef into medium strips and boil broth. Remove the meat and fry over medium heat. Salted. Put the pieces of meat on a paper towel to remove the oil.

On the top of the tomato make a cut. Pour hot water and release from the skin.

Cut the tomato into several pieces and remove the seeds completely. Cut the remaining hard into small pieces.

Grind the onion. Chop the garlic.

Ginger peel, coarsely grate.

Cut the cabbage into strips.

Boil the onions, garlic, grated ginger, and tomato alternately in boiling broth.

Pour over wine and soy sauce. Add spices and sugar.

Pour the vinegar and mix.

Leave to prepare for five minutes.

Add noodles and chopped cabbage. After three minutes, load roasted beef. Mix. Boil for about fifteen minutes.

Grind fresh cilantro. Add it to the cauldron with Uzbek noodle soup a minute before cooking is finished.

Uzbek lamb soup with noodles - tricks and tips

  • Lamb should be young with a light shade and white elastic fat.
  • It should not be re-frozen — this will worsen the taste of the prepared soup.
  • Meat should be cut as small as possible. So it gives the taste more and prepares more quickly.
  • Not a single gram of foam should remain in the cauldron. Therefore, it must be removed with a slotted spoon.
  • During the cooking process, bay leaf is not used. It is replaced by basil and garden savory.
  • Hot pepper must be without any damage, otherwise it will be impossible to eat soup.
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