Errors novices making omelettes

Errors novices making omelettes

When a person does not know how to cook, he often says: “I can only scramble fried eggs”. If it is a bit close to cooking, then you can hear the word “omelette” in this phrase. It is believed that this is also a very simple dish. But is it really so? Who can not cook a delicious, lush and cute omelet? Let us analyze the most common mistakes!

Why can't lush omelet

The French say that eggs for an omelet must be whipped 17 times. That is, you need to lower the fork and make just such a number of rotational movements. Many cooks hard beat them with a mixer, a whisk or even a blender, but this does not help. Even a lush and airy omelet in a pan sits and falls in a plate, it turns out egg pancake. In fact, no need to whisk for so long. The goal is to mix white and yolk until smooth. Omelette in any case will sit, but you can prevent it.

Secrets of a magnificent omelet:

  1. A lush and airy omelet is made by cooking it with flour. One tablespoon is enough for three or four eggs. The mass must be thoroughly stirred so that there are no lumps in it. You can enter the flour through a strainer.
  2. It keeps its shape better and it turns out a high omelet from the oven. For its preparation use trays with sides. Such omelets are prepared in rest houses and other catering establishments. By the way, the flour in them is present.
  3. Eggs need to be diluted. It is not necessary to use milk, as in the classic recipe. Delicious omelet is obtained with sour cream and cream. If there is nothing, then add a little water or broth.

Some chefs add soda or baking powder to the omelet. In no case should this be done.

These ingredients are used for baking flour products. Perhaps they will give the eggs pomp, but at the same time shamelessly spoil the taste, especially soda.

Proteins or yolks?

People who monitor the calorie intake and CBDI often prepare protein omelets. Sometimes there is simply nowhere to put yolks, in this case yolk dishes are made. But in fact it is no longer an omelet. In the classic and correct version, you need to use whole eggs. Additional proteins are allowed, you can enter the remaining yolks, but not more than one per three eggs. So, protein gives splendor, and the yolk has a rich egg taste. One without the other suffers.

If you need to make a protein omelet, then be sure to add additional ingredients into it: poultry or meat, vegetables, fish and other flavor additives.

The yolk-like omelet can be made, but it will turn out to be a hard and dry dish, it is difficult to dilute it with something.

Pans and oven bugs

Of great importance is the method of cooking omelets. As mentioned above, in the oven, it turns out lush, holds its shape better. Cook eggs at 170 degrees, not higher. But this method has a big minus. Cooking time can take up to half an hour or even 40 minutes, depending on the desired crust and thickness of the egg mixture. In the pan it all turns out much faster, the dish is really hastily, but there are other nuances.

Errors omelet in a pan:

  1. Frying pan with a thin bottom. As a result, the omelet will be quickly roasted from the bottom, but not cooked on top. It is best to take dishes from cast iron or other thick material.
  2. Frying pan of large diameter. This is especially true if preparing 1-2 servings of an omelet. The result is an egg pancake.
  3. The pan is not warmed up. In this case, even with a large amount of oil, eggs can stick. They will raise the fat up, it will be absorbed into the omelet.
  4. Frying pan overheated. In this case, the egg instantly grabs from the bottom to the crust, it can even burn, and the liquid mass remains on top.

It is often considered an error to stir an omelet in a frying pan. In fact, it is not. You can cook a dish with one large pancake, but it is also allowed to mix it, it is necessary if there are various fillers (vegetables, mushrooms, meat products). Without stirring, pieces of food are unevenly distributed in eggs.

By the way, if you cook an omelet in an aluminum pan, it may appear blue or gray. Also, sometimes the color changes due to the addition of baking soda. This dish looks extremely unattractive.

That same butter!

There is a mass of recipes for omelet with fried bacon or bacon, on various fats, but the perfect dish is obtained with butter. That it gives the desired taste. If vegetables or meat are added to the omelet, then they should be fried in butter. It is also used to lubricate the form while cooking an omelet in the oven.

Butter can be not melted, but simply rub with a slice of the bottom and sides, optionally sprinkle with flour, crackers.

Other nuances

  • Greens from the finished omelet crumble. Therefore, you need to add it to the pan, when the omelet is almost ready, but the egg is not thick on top. Greens "imprinted" in the dish and will not remain on the plate.
  • If you want to add tomatoes and tomato puree into an omelet, these ingredients should be fried in a frying pan, with vegetables or meat. Otherwise, there is a risk of heartburn.
  • An omelet is a quickie dish. Therefore, even before sending eggs to the griddle, you need to prepare a plate, put vegetables, chop bread, make sauce, cheese for sprinkling.
  • They do not eat cold omelet, for this reason you do not need to cook a lot.
  • Eggs need to be broken one by one into a small bowl and then poured into a common dish. Otherwise, if you get a spoiled copy, we spoil the whole omelet.

The last and most important error!

This moment does not affect the taste, but it can hit health very much. Eggs need to be washed! And it is advisable to do this immediately when the product gets into the house. Salmonellosis is a serious disease that is easily avoided. Just make a habit of washing the shell with warm water and soap.

By the way, they are infected with salmonella more often from domestic eggs. On poultry farms and farms chickens are regularly processed. This is good, but still no one takes care of the safety of food better than ourselves.

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