Cake “Broken Glass” with sour cream - a variety of flavors. The history of the appearance and the recipe for an exquisite cake "Broken glass" "with sour cream

Cake “Broken Glass” with sour cream - a variety of flavors. The history of the appearance and the recipe for an exquisite cake

The basis for creating a tender dessert is a gelling agent.

Without gelatin, agar and even pectin, the creation of such a recipe would be impossible.

Although the discovery of agar belongs to the inhabitants of the island of Java, where, quite possibly, thousands of years ago, they also cooked sweet dishes with an extract of seaweed, on the creation of the “Broken Glass” cake, whole Europe worked with sour cream.

Initially, this dessert was more like pudding, but when agar-agar came to Europe, and a little later the continents learned how to extract pure collagen, transparent and odorless, smet pudding changed, turning into a jelly mass with a variety of additives: fruits, oriental sweets, but more than all other ingredients, the Europeans preferred jelly and marmalades.

These multi-colored pieces in a frozen creamy mass really resemble glass fragments.

Broken Glass Cake with Sour Cream - Basic Technological Principles

The famous Bavarian cream, ease inherent in all Italian desserts and British practicality, which became the basis of the dessert, in the literal and figurative sense, constitute the overall composition of the “Broken Glass” cake.

This recipe provides complete creative freedom, both for masters and for beginner confectioners.

The basis of the cake is the bottom layer, on which the entire jelly mass with “splinters” is laid - sponge cake. But this basis can be any kind of sweet dough - cookies, wafer cakes, products made of puff pastry.

Now about “shattered glass”. This is a thick jelly mass of fruit syrups, juices and mashed potatoes. “Splinters” can also be pieces of coffee or chocolate jelly, dessert liqueurs.

The jelly mass means not only jelly prepared on the basis of gelatin, but also agar-agar. Although the properties of these two components are similar, there are qualitative differences between them. Both components help create a firm, dense jelly texture. But the heat, occasional overheating can turn jelly from gelatin into a sweet liquid, without the possibility of re-solidification. With agar-agar such a nuisance is excluded. For example, if the jelly prepared on the basis of agar-agar was not sweet enough, or vice versa, it should be made less sugary, then you can safely warm up such jelly, add everything you need and chill it again, without loss of quality. The advantages of agar-agar are obvious. In addition, agar-agar freezes at times faster, the jelly from it turns out more vivid and transparent. But its price significantly exceeds the cost of gelatin. Here everyone decides on their own, based on their own capabilities. Ready jelly mixes, in principle, also fit as a component. But everyone seems to understand that if the packaging says “Pineapple jelly”, then there are no pineapples, in fact there is no such packaging.

Marmalade can be used as colorful fragments, which freezes mainly due to pectin. Pectin - gelling component, extract from the fruits of some plants. But cooking marmalade at home is troublesome, especially since cooking both marmalade and “Broken glass” cake on sour cream is doubly troublesome.

What can you advise? Fruit is a very desirable element in any dessert. But to save the name of the cake - “Broken glass” with sour cream - all the same, fruits or berries are better “hidden” in a jelly mass. In addition, there is one practical benefit in this: fresh fruit in the jelly mass will produce juice, which will disrupt the aesthetics and structure of the cake, while frozen in the jelly mass they will organically fit into the composition of the cake.

Sour cream can be combined with cream, cottage cheese, paint it with fruit additives, fill cocoa, liqueurs. Of course, any combination of products should be decided in a beautiful color scheme and harmoniously combined to taste.

In the cakes “Broken glass” with sour cream, as in any desserts, vanilla, fruit extracts, any flavors are used. Their smell should also be a single composition.

Of course, since this is a fruit and dairy product dessert, some precautions should be kept in mind.

First of all it refers to the quality of the products used. And again a question of combination, but this time from a different perspective. Briefly and as an example: the combination of pear and milk can cause intestinal upset. There are other similar examples. Consider this question as well before you start making dessert.

1. Recipe for “Broken Glass” cake with sour cream (tender)

Ingredients: • Strawberry 200 g

• Strawberry Jelly Package

• Gelatin 10 g

• Biscuit 100 - 200 g

• Sour cream 1 l

• Candied 100 g

• Sugar 1 tbsp.

• Vanillin


Wash strawberries and remove tails. Put in a suitable container (deep and wide). Dilute strawberry jelly according to the instructions. Pour over strawberries and leave to harden for a couple of hours.

Soak gelatin for 30 minutes in water, and reheat in a water bath. After the strawberry jelly is frozen, whip the sour cream with vanilla and sugar. When beating at high speeds, add melted gelatin and beat for another 5 minutes.

Jelly with strawberry berries randomly cut into pieces. Put in the form and add candied fruits. Pour sweet sour cream. Cake biscuit, if desired, can also be arbitrarily cut into pieces or put on sour cream whole. Leave in the refrigerator for a couple of hours until fully frozen.

When the cake is completely frozen, lower it into boiling water for about 15 seconds. Invert the cake over the dish.

2. Broken glass cake recipe with sour cream and cherries


• Cherry fresh or frozen (pitted) 250 g

• Sponge cake (for roll) about 200 g

• Cream “Ganash” 300 g

• Liquor "Baileys" 100 ml

• Peaches (canned) 250 g

• Cherry Jelly 1 pack

• Gelatin 15 g

• Sour cream 1.5 liters

• Sugar 300 g


Prepare a bag of jelly in accordance with the instructions, and leave to freeze in a container. Soak the crust with liqueur, brush with cream, put the cherry and wrap roll. Roll cut.

Beat sour cream with sugar and mix with gelatin at high speed. Ready cherry jelly, arbitrarily cut into “fragments”.

In a large embossed cake pan, we shift all the received blanks in the following order: distribute the sliced ​​roll into the deep reliefs of the mold; to distribute between them the “fragments” of jelly and pieces of peaches; Pour sour cream mixed with sugar and gelatin. Leave freeze and readiness. Frozen dessert hold a little boiling water to make it easier to shift to the dish.

3. Broken glass cake recipe with sour cream (east)


• “Rahat-Lukum” 200 g

• Candied 100 g

• Marmalade 200 g

• Sour cream 1 l

• Gelatin 10 g

• Sugar 1 tbsp.

• Sponge cake

• Whipped cream


Soak gelatin, melt in a water bath. Add to the whipped sour cream with sugar, mix with a mixer, at high speeds.

We form a cake.

In a form (detachable), in the form of a “heart”, lay out the cake;

Then mix Turkish delight, marmalade and candied fruit; fill them with the mixture. Leave freeze the cake until ready.

Remove the finished cake from the mold, decorate the sides with whipped cream.

4. Recipe for “Broken Glass” Cake with Sour Cream (a la bird's milk)


• Milk 500 ml

• Coffee (instant) 1 tbsp. l

• Coconut shavings

• Sour cream 1 l

• Sugar 300 g

• Biscuit cake

• Cream “Ganash” 300 g

• Raspberry 200g

• Coconut milk 100 ml

• Gelatin 20 g


Pre-soak the gelatin. Heat in a water bath to a liquid and viscous consistency. Boil the milk, dissolve the coffee and half the sugar. Allow to cool to 50–60 ° C, then add half of the gelatin. Stir well and cool to room temperature. Put the prepared raspberries in a container, pour milk with coffee and leave to freeze.

Ready coffee jelly with berries, arbitrarily chopped. Transfer to a deep bowl.

Add sour cream coconut milk, sugar and gelatin. Beat until smooth. Pour the jelly pieces, cover with the cake top. Leave to freeze until fully prepared.

Frozen cake, heat slightly over the steam and turn on the dish. Put the “Ganache” in the pastry bag and decorate the cake, tuck it with coconut chips.

5. Broken glass cake recipe, with sour cream (tropical)


• Grape 1 bunch

• Orange 1 pc.

• Sour cream 1 l

• Banana 2 pcs.

• Mint leaves

• Lemon juice 2 tbsp. l

• Gelatin 10 g

• Pineapple (canned), slices

• Sponge cake

• Sugar 300 g

• Kiwi 2 pcs.


Melt the soaked gelatin. Rinse the grapes and pick berries with a brush. Peel the orange, divide it into slices and remove the film. Fruits and berries of grapes shift into a silicone form.

Peel banana and grind in a blender with lemon juice. Add sour cream and 200 grams of sugar. Beating until smooth, pour a thin stream of gelatin. The resulting mass is poured into a form with berries and fruits, put biscuit cake on top of the mass. Cool until solid.

Peel kiwi, mash in a puree, rub through a sieve and mix with 100 grams of sugar. Cook in stainless dishes for no more than 5 minutes. Prepare kornetik from parchment or buy ready. Place the resulting sauce in the cornet.

Heat the prepared cake in the form of steam a little, turn it over on a plate and carefully remove the silicone mold. Sprinkle with cornet sauce and garnish with mint leaves.

6. Recipe for “Broken Glass” Cake with Sour Cream and Cocoa


• Coffee ice cream 500 g

• Whipped cream

• Cocoa 2 tbsp. l

• Cherry (pitted) 200 g

• Sour cream 1 l

• Sugar 300 g

• Sponge cake

• Agar-Agar 20 g

• Milk 600 ml

• Almond (plates)


In a detachable form at the bottom, place the cake. Mix half the cocoa with half the sugar, pour in 400 ml of milk and bring to the boil. In the boiling milk, add the third part of the agar-agar, quickly mix and pour into a separate container. Allow to cool to room temperature, then to stand in a refrigerator until fully frozen. Remove the frozen jelly from the container and randomly cut it into “fragments”.

Boil the remaining milk with agar-agar, stirring constantly. Beat sour cream with sugar, quickly combining with milk (enter in small portions). Pour half of the cake, let it harden a little. Top with ice cream. Ice cream cover with a layer of cherries, then distribute the "fragments" of jelly. All pour the remaining mixture on the basis of sour cream. Cool until solid. Serve the cake with garnished with almonds and whipped cream.

Tips and useful tips on making broken glass cake with sour cream

• To reduce cholesterol and carbohydrates, replace sugar with fructose.

• If you want to reduce calories, replace gelatin with agar-agar. Agar-agar prevents the absorption of cholesterol.

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