Cheesecake cake - the best recipes. How to properly and tasty to cook the curd cake.

Cheesecake cake - the best recipes. How to properly and tasty to cook the curd cake.

Cottage cheese cake - general principles and methods of cooking

The use of cottage cheese in all types of baking is characterized by a huge abundance of options. All sorts of casseroles, cheesecakes, shangi and, of course, cottage cheese cakes. In fact, they are very different from other types of desserts and taste properties, and nutritional value. It's no secret that cottage cheese is a unique food product. It is rich in vitamins and essential trace elements, which play a major role in the formation of bone apparatus in humans.

By nutritional value and content of easily digestible protein, it surpasses any other dairy product. That is why cottage cheese cakes can be safely included in your diet. They are extremely tasty, fragrant and appetizing. Any woman who knows how to cook a light curd dessert will be respected by her beloved man. After all, oddly enough, but according to statistics, it is men who most of all pay tribute to cottage cheese cakes.

Preparing such cakes are usually in two ways: freeze or bake in the oven. Cottage cheese must be sufficiently fat (at least 18% fat). To give the best taste to the dessert, the dairy product is rubbed through a sieve or whipped thoroughly. This simple, but important manipulation also helps to “destroy” the smallest grains in the curd. And if you add cream to it, it will be doubly wonderful. At your discretion, cheese cake can be enriched with fruit pieces, berries, vanilla sugar, condensed milk, chocolate, etc.

Cottage Cheese Cake - Food Preparation

Buying cottage cheese in the store, many completely rely on the integrity of the manufacturer and seller, forgetting to evaluate the quality of the product. Often it turns out that the purchased product is generally not suitable for baking, you have to throw it away, and forget about the cake. In order not to produce such situations, let us be more attentive to the purchase of any food. You do not want yourself, beloved, to bring to the poisoning?

So, how not to get lost and make the right choice? First, pay attention to the color: the curd should be white, a cream shade is allowed, but not bluish. Rate the smell: too sour and yeast we do not like. First-class cottage cheese will never be sour. In addition, for baking the cake, we need exactly the fat product, soft-oily, uniform, but not dry, according to the consistency. Cottage Cheese Cake - Best Recipes

Recipe 1: Tears of an Angel Curd Cake

Cake "Angel's Tears" - a very common dessert. Surely, many housewives did it for a holiday or just for tea. It is prepared quite simply and quickly, but the result exceeds all expectations. And why “angel's tears”, you ask? Yes, because in the process of freezing the cake, small droplets form on its surface, like tear-beads.


- 150 gr. fine flour

- granulated sugar (50 g. in the dough + 150 g. in the filling + 3 tablespoons)

- butter 80-90 gr.

- three eggs + protein from two eggs

- 1 hour l. baking powder for dough

- 50 gr. sour cream in the dough

- 100 gr. cream in stuffing

- fat cottage cheese 500 gr.

- 20-30 gr. semolina

- bag of vanillin

Cooking Method:

1. Knead the dough by mixing flour, sand, lightly flooded butter, one egg, sour cream and baking powder. Knead the dough with a spoon, because it is too sticky.

2. We grease the form with butter (approximately 10 gr.), Put the dough into it with wet hands, level it, periodically wetting the fingers. We preheat the oven to 210-220 degrees and send the dough there for ten minutes.

3. While our dough is baked, prepare the filling. To do this, we need a mixer that needs to beat eggs with cottage cheese, sour cream, sugar (sand), vanilla and semolina. Whip one or two minutes, no more.

4. We take out the dough from the oven, spread the “stuffing” on it and send it back to the oven for half an hour. While the cake is baked, beat the whites (2 pieces) with sugar until fluffy foam. It turned out meringues. Grease them with dessert from the top after they got it out of the oven. And again (for the last time now) we send him there for ten to fifteen minutes. That's all! Cake is ready!

Recipe 2: Cheesecake with Chocolate and Cherry

No one will remain indifferent to such an exquisite delicacy! The combination of delicate cottage cheese and chocolate with the addition of slightly noticeable acidity always results in a grand “something” that cannot be described. It is necessary to cook and try!


- three eggs

- a glass of fresh sour cream

- 1.5 stak. Sahara - two glasses of flour

- two hours lodges. baking powder

- cherry pulp 200 gr. (seedless)

- small chocolate chips (cocoa) 4 table. spoons

- 500 gr. cottage cheese

- 7-8 Art. lie sour cream (for cream)

- a glass of powder for cream

- one chocolate bar for icing

- 50 gr. oils for glaze

- vanillin at will

Cooking Method:

1. Beat the eggs first. After the appearance of the foam, gradually introduce sugar and chocolate chips into them. At the very end, add sour cream and mix. Mix baking powder and flour separately, pour into the resulting mass.

2. Roll cherries in flour and place them in dough. At the bottom of the form we line the oiled parchment and pour the dough into it. Next, bake it at 160-170 degrees for 50-70 minutes. Willingness check toothpick or match.

3. Cool the cake and cut it across into three parts. Whip the cottage cheese, sour cream and sugar until smooth (you can add vanilla on request). Soap the cream soaps, folding them on top of each other. Liberally lubricate the sides, as well as the top.

4. Melt a bar of chocolate (in a water bath) with butter, whip slightly and decorate a cake with chocolate icing. You can, for example, draw a rose, a heart or a mesh. Unleash your imagination. Beautifully decorated cake looks more attractive and more appetizing.

Recipe 3: Strawberry Cheesecake

Light, tasty and hearty cake can be prepared with the addition of any fruit or berries. We will use the fruit of real and passionate love - strawberries.


- two eggs

- 80 gr. sugar on sponge cake

- 150 gr. sugar on cream

- 75 gr. flour

- soft butter (cream) 80 gr.

- cottage cheese (fat or low-fat) 250 gr.

- 250 gr. sour cream

- 280 gr. cream (better than fat)

- 460-500 gr. strawberries

- 16 gr. gelatin

- any red jelly (strawberry can be)

Cooking Method:

1. Prepare the sponge cake: sift the flour, beat the eggs with sugar, gradually pouring in the flour. Gently knead the dough with a spatula. Lay out the parchment on the form, lubricate the bottom with oil and pour in the dough. Heat the oven (180 degrees) and send the dough to it for 10 minutes. Next, remove the sponge cake and let it cool.

2. Curd well whisk or rub through a sieve. Instant gelatin is soaked in water. We make strawberry puree from 160 gr. berries and 160 gr. Sahara. Put off a couple of spoons of mashed potatoes for later, and heat the rest with the addition of swollen gelatin and stir (but do not boil) until all the ingredients are dissolved. Cool 3. Spread the biscuit in a detachable form, grease with strawberry puree, around the edges we lay out whole berries. Whip cottage cheese with softened butter and sour cream, add strawberries with gelatin. Whisk.

4. Whip cream separately and mix with curd and sour cream mass. Grind 50 grams of strawberries and add them to the cream with which we pour the sponge cake. Cake clean in the cold for an hour to freeze. Then we decorate it with red jelly (can be bought in a store with gelatin) and berries. Again, we remove the cold for an hour or two and get. We fly and enjoy!

Recipe 4: Cheesecake Without Baking

Cake is a great joy for sweet teeth: adults and children. There are many options for making cakes without baking. Here we are with you and consider some of them.

Option 1: Almond flakes curd cake (no baking)


- 300 gr. cottage cheese

- 300 gr. cream

- 200 gr. marshmallow

- bananas

- almond flakes

- sugar and vanilla

Cooking method:

Whip cream, cottage cheese, vanilla and sugar together. Lay out the layer of marshmallow on the bottom of the form. Fill it with mostly curd cream, and lay bananas in slices on top. Cover the cake with cling film and put in the freezer for 20-30 minutes. Then lay it on a plate, cover it with the remaining cream and sprinkle it abundantly with almond flakes.

Option 2: Shortcake cottage cheese cake (without baking)


- 250 gr. soft plums. oils

- 500 gr. cookies

- 100 gr. dried apricots

- 60 ml liquid curd

- vanilla, gelatin, sugar

- 300 ml orange juice

Cooking Method:

Crush the cookies, melt the butter and mix them together. Put the “gruel” on the form of the first layer. We cut dried apricots and evenly decompose the second layer. Take sugar to taste, mix it with vanilla and cottage cheese. Beat with a mixer, adding there gelatin (beat again). The resulting mixture lay out the third layer. Well leveled. We remove the dessert in the cold before freezing. While it freezes, brew jelly from gelatin (2 bags) and orange juice. Cooling down. A little disturb our cake to fill it with orange jelly, and then again put in the fridge until it hardens. A delicious cake for tea is ready. Enjoy your meal! Option 3: Curd ice cream cake


- 500 gr. cottage cheese

- strawberries or any fruit at your discretion (you can mix)

- can of condensed milk

- three stak. Sahara

Cooking Method:

Cottage cheese, respectively, whisk or rub to eliminate the lumps. Add sugar and condensed milk to it and beat everything thoroughly. The berries or fruits are ground with a knife. Lay out the plastic wrap on the form and begin to fold our ice cream. Layer 1 - cheese mixture, layer 2 - fruit pieces, layer 3 - again, cheese mixture, and so on until the end of the ingredients. The last layer should end with cream. Now we hide the cake in the freezer until it freezes. Dessert is ready.

Cottage Cheese Cake - useful tips from experienced chefs

Cottage cheese from the point of view of pastry art is a universal product. Therefore, cheese products, including cakes, can be safely supplemented with any components. The combination of cottage cheese with honey, chocolate, slightly sour berries and fruits, cream, nuts, candied fruits and even sweet carrots is especially attractive. Try to decorate your cake with the listed ingredients, and see how its appearance, aroma and taste change for the better.

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