The whole chicken in the slow cooker does not burn, it does not dry out! Recipes for cooking different chicken in a slow cooker entirely

The whole chicken in the slow cooker does not burn, it does not dry out! Recipes for cooking different chicken in a slow cooker entirely

For some reason, a whole chicken always arouses admiration and looks appetizing. In addition, you do not need to spend time cutting the carcass, which makes the cooking process even easier. H

Greatly simplifies the already simple exercise multicooker.

In it the chicken will not exactly burn, it will not dry, it will turn out fragrant and beautiful, even entirely!

Whole multi-cooker chicken - general principles of cooking

Chicken carcass should be washed outside, inside and carefully examine the skin. Leftover feathers need to be removed. Also check the abdomen, it may also be something extra. Next, the chicken can be rubbed with spices, smeared with sauces, stuffed with vegetables, fruits, cereals, or simply put in a slow cooker and cooked. Wonderful pot will cope with any task!

Usually for baking chicken carcass using a baking program. In the middle of cooking the bird is turned over. But if this is not done, nothing terrible will happen, the chicken will be ready as it is, but it may take a little longer. For stewing and boiling use other modes, add water to the bird, broth, sauces.

Chicken in a multivariate whole with garlic

Recipe for ruddy, fragrant and unusually tasty chicken in a whole multicooker, which is desirable to give a little marinated.


• chicken 1.5-1.8 kg;

• 5 cloves of garlic;

• 1 spoon of mustard;

• 3 tablespoons of soy sauce;

• 1 tsp. seasonings for chicken;

• 30 ml of oil;

• 2 spoons of mayonnaise;

• 1 spoon of butter plums.


1. Clean the garlic cloves, chop and shift to a bowl.

2. Add soy sauce, mustard, spices for chicken, put a couple of spoons of mayonnaise and carefully stir.

3. We wash the chicken carcass from all sides, be sure to wipe the skin with wipes to get rid of water droplets.

4. Shift the skin on the breast and put on a piece of butter on the fillet.

5. Rub the inside and outside of the bird with mayonnaise sauce. 6. We shift in the package, we tie and leave to marinate for three hours. Periodically, the package is turned over to the other side so that all parts of the carcass are saturated.

7. Pour vegetable oil into the slow cooker. Enough amount specified in the recipe, extra fat to melt from the skin, mayonnaise also contains it.

8. Put the chicken, turn on the baking mode for an hour. In half an hour the bird will need to be turned over to the other side.

Chicken in a multivariate with potatoes

Recipe for delicious chicken, baked whole with potatoes. A baking program is again used, which allows the bird to be dressed up in an appetizing crust. Choose a small carcass so that it can prepare for an hour and cooked in all places.


• hen;

• 6 potatoes;

• 80 ml of mayonnaise;

• 1 tsp. sweet paprika;

• salt, oil;

• some black pepper.


1. Mix 50 ml of mayonnaise with salt and black pepper, if desired, add garlic.

2. We process chicken, wash, wipe and lubricate with mayonnaise. Leave to pickle, you can do it in the evening and leave the bird in the fridge, but just cover something up.

3. We clean the potatoes, cut into four parts. Add mayonnaise, paprika and salt. Stir with the hands to cover each bite with the sauce.

4. Pour a couple of spoons of butter, put the chicken belly down. On the sides we lay out potatoes. You can put a few pieces inside the chicken.

5. Turn on the slow cooker, bake the carcass for half an hour.

6. We turn the carcass back. Potatoes fall to the bottom, no big deal. Close the cartoon again and cook another half an hour. If necessary, time can always be added.

Boiled chicken in a full cooker

Need to cook whole chicken in a slow cooker? Nothing is easier! You can do this not only easily, but also very tasty.


• 1 chicken;

• 2 bay leaves;

• 1 yellow onion;

• 1 carrot;

• 3-4 peppercorns;

• 30 grams of butter;

• salt;

• 1.5-2 liters of water. Cooking

1. We throw in a slow cooker a piece of butter. Set baking, give melt.

2. We cut the unpeeled, but washed onion in half, put slices down to fry.

3. Cut the carrots into large circles, put them in a bowl, let them redden.

4. As soon as the vegetables are covered with a beautiful crust, a pleasant aroma goes, we add warm water. Give the broth to boil before laying the bird to seal the taste in it.

5. Put the washed chicken. If necessary, then add hot water, the carcass should be covered.

6. Turn on the “Soup” mode and cook 40-60 minutes. If the chicken is old, you can increase the time to two hours.

Chicken in a multivariate with apples

A wonderful recipe from chicken with apples, sharpened under the slow cooker. The bird turns out very juicy, the aroma is simply magical. It is advisable to use green apples with sourness.


• 2 apples;

• 1 chicken per 1.5 kg;

• 3 spoons of butter;

• 3 cloves of garlic;

• salt, herbs;

• some soy sauce;

• 3 toothpicks.


1. Chop the garlic, add a few spoons of soy sauce, pepper, dried herbs and some salt. Leave the sauce for a few minutes to soak the herbs.

2. We rub the chicken with spicy mixture, do not forget to process the belly from the inside. Leave for a couple of hours to marinate the bird.

3. Apples are cut into 4 parts, the skin and bits can not be removed. If confused, then cut off the stubs.

4. We take out the chicken, rub it with our hands again to evenly distribute the remnants of the spices.

5. Lay in the belly of apples.

6. Sew the cavity with toothpicks. You can use regular thread.

7. Put the bird in the slow cooker with oil.

8. Bake half an hour on one side, then you need to turn the carcass and bring to readiness. About the same time.

Stuffed chicken in a slow cooker entirely with buckwheat

The recipe for a wonderful buckwheat chicken with porridge, which fits perfectly into a family dinner. Similarly, you can cook a bird with boiled rice.

Ingredients • hen;

• 1 cup of buckwheat;

• 1 carrot;

• butter;

• vegetable oil;

• 1 onion;

• 2 glasses of water;

• 2 cloves of garlic;

• 1 scoop of sour cream;

• spices are different.


1. The chicken must be immediately marinated so that it is infused during the preparation of the buckwheat. To do this, we wash the bird, dry it. Mix sour cream with garlic, put seasonings to your taste and rub the bird. Especially pay attention to the breast. You can push the skin and fluff the sauce under it.

2. Prepare the stuffing. To do this, pour the washed grits with two cups of boiling water, salt and cook until ready.

3. Melt a piece of butter, no regrets. You can in a slow cooker or in a skillet.

4. Put chopped onion and carrot in butter, fry.

5. We shift the vegetables to buckwheat porridge, stir, give a little cool.

6. Fill chicken belly buckwheat porridge with vegetables. We sew with threads or we pin up with toothpicks.

7. Pour some oil into the slow cooker, put the bird in and cook an hour by turning on the baking program. In the middle of the cycle turn the carcass.

Whole Multi-Cooked Chicken with Lemon

Very simple chicken recipe that can help out at any time. For cooking you will need a minimum set of spices and just one lemon.


• hen;

• lemon;

• salt pepper;

• 100 grams of butter;

• 50 ml vegetable oil.


1. We wash the carcass, remove the remnants of feathers, wipe them with napkins.

2. Rub on all sides with salt and pepper.

3. Take a piece of softened butter and also go over the top of the chicken.

4. We lay the remnants of the oil under the skin on the breast and distribute it evenly.

5. Cut the lemon in half and throw it in the abdomen of the bird.

6. Pour oil into the slow cooker, put the chicken on the back.

7. Turn on pastries, prepare an hour.

8. Then leave the bird for half an hour to maintain the temperature.

9. Before serving, remove from the chicken halves of lemons, squeeze the juice on the bird. You can first disassemble into pieces and then flavor with citrus juice.

Whole chicken stew in a slow cooker with prunes

Option chicken stew entirely in a slow cooker, which is prepared along with prunes. The recipe is good because it does not require pre-marinating the bird, but it also turns out to be very tender and fragrant.


• 1 chicken;

• 250 grams of prunes;

• 1 cup of boiling water;

• 40 ml of oil;

• salt pepper;

• 50 ml of soy sauce.


1. Rub the chicken with salt and pepper until we leave.

2. Pour oil into the slow cooker, heat it up in baking mode.

3. Run the chicken and fry for 15 minutes on each side.

4. Add prunes, soy sauce and pour broth.

5. Close the slow cooker, transfer to the extinguishing program and cook another 40 minutes.

6. Gentle chicken is ready! Serve with prunes.

Whole multi-cooker chicken - useful tips and tricks

• For cooking a whole chicken in a slow cooker, it is very convenient to use the “delayed start” mode. The carcass can be rubbed, prepared and placed in a miracle pot. Let her marinate in it until the desired hour, then begin preparing for lunch or dinner. Just do not forget to set the alarm in half an hour to turn the carcass.

• If the chicken carcass is large, only half can be cooked by dividing the bird along the ridge or using certain parts. Or increase the time in the recipe.

• Chicken breast is often dry. To prevent this from happening, one pelt is stuffed with pieces of butter or ghee. You can pre-mix them with spices, herbs, garlic, fillets will not only be more tender, but also more aromatic.

• The crust on the bird will be beautiful and rosy if you cook the chicken in butter. You can use a mixture with vegetable or olive oil.

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