Apple wine at home is not easy, but very simple! Recipes for making delicious wine from apples at home

Apple wine at home is not easy, but very simple! Recipes for making delicious wine from apples at home

Everyone knows that homemade wine is much tastier than that bought in a store.

You can, of course, buy quality wine, but, first, it is expensive.

Secondly, there is no guarantee that it will not be a fake. Let's learn how to make a delicious and aromatic apple wine at home, especially since it is not as difficult as it may seem at first glance.

Apple wine at home - the basic principles of cooking

Apples are sorted, removed rot, garbage and tails. Fruits do not wash! Then they are grated or twisted in a meat grinder.

Wine is also made from the juice of apples, in this case, the fruit is passed through a juicer.

Prepared apple puree is placed in a container with a wide neck, covered with gauze and left to ferment. This process lasts an average of three days. All this time mashed several times a day, mix.

Three days later, pulp (cap over wort) is collected using a colander. Then add sugar. For table wines, sugar is poured all at once, but for other varieties of wine they pour half, and only on the fifth day - the rest. The wort is poured into fermentation vessels so that it is not fully filled. A medical glove with a hole is put on the throat, oxygen is stopped and left to ferment for a month and a half.

As soon as the wine stops fermenting, it is poured (removed from the sediment). It turns out the young wine, which can already be consumed. In order for the wine to acquire a noble taste, it is sent to the basement and left to ripen for six months at a temperature not higher than +15, avoiding temperature fluctuations.

At the end of ripening, the wine is carefully bottled and sent to storage in the basement or pantry.

Wine from apples is of three types: semi-sweet, dry and table. They differ in sweetness and strength.

Recipe 1. Apple wine at home


apples - five kg;

six glasses of granulated sugar.

Method of preparation

1. Cut the apples into quarters, remove the seed box and grind using a meat grinder, or three grated. We get pulp. 2. Place it in a glass container with a wide neck, add half of the granulated sugar and mix. We close the throat with a cork and leave the pulp warm for several days to ferment.

3. Merge the fermented juice, squeeze the pulp, and discard. Pour the rest of the sugar into the juice and mix. Pour the resulting juice into the bottle, close the cork with the water seal and leave to ferment in a warm place for a month.

4. When the fermentation is over, pour out the wine, filter it and pour it into prepared bottles. We cork and ship for three months in a dark cool place.

Recipe 2. Apple wine at home with raisins


ten pounds of selected juicy apples;

sugar - 2 kg 200 g;

100 g unwashed raisins.

Method of preparation

1. Cut the washed apples, remove the seed box and twist them in a meat grinder. In a puree of apples, add two kg of sugar, raisins and mix.

2. Put the apple mass into the glass bottle, put a rubber glove on the throat with a small puncture.

3. Twenty days later, pour the wine, filter, add 200 g of sugar, seal the container and leave in a cool place where there is no access to light for three to four months.

4. Filter the ripened wine again, you can add 150 g of high-quality vodka. Bottle, stopper and store in a cellar or refrigerator.

Recipe 3. Ranet apple wine at home with cinnamon


two kilograms of apples “rannet”;

cinnamon - 12 g;

granulated sugar - half a kilo;

two liters of water.

Method of preparation

1. Wash, cut the apples into quarters, remove the seed box and cut into small pieces. Put the crushed fruit in a saucepan, pour in water, add cinnamon and cook on low heat until the fruit is soft.

2. Cool the mass of apples, grind through a sieve and put to wander in a warm place. At the beginning of the fermentation process, add sugar, mix, close the bottle with a lid with a water seal and leave to ferment the mass.

3. Drain the wine, strain, pour into bottles and close them with corks. Store wine in the cellar.

Recipe 4. Apple wine at home with pear juice


six liters of juice from apples;

700 ml pear juice;

550 g of sugar;

raisins - 110 g

Method of preparation

1. In a large bottle pour the juice from apples and pears, add sugar and add unwashed raisins. Shake the liquid well and leave for half an hour to completely dissolve the sugar. Cover container neck with gauze and leave to ferment for two weeks in a warm place.

2. Prepare another container. When fermentation is over, pour the strained liquid into it. Close the cork and send the wine to ripen in a cool place.

3. Wash bottles thoroughly. Pour the finished wine in the prepared glassware, cork tightly with corks and keep the year in a dark, cool place.

Recipe 5. Apple wine at home with honey


ten kg of juicy apples;

half a kilo of honey;

700 g of sugar;

200 g raisins.

Method of preparation

1. Peel unwashed apples, cut them into quarters and remove the core. Skip the prepared fruit through the juicer. It should make about five and a half liters of juice.

2. Pour some juice and dilute it with honey. Pour the mixture into the rest of the juice, strain it through the gauze folded several times, and pour it into the bottle, not completely filling it.

3. Pour the raisins into a half-liter bottle, pour in slightly warm boiled water, not filling it to the end, and plug the neck with a cotton swab. Keep it warm for three days, then pour the leaven into the juice.

4. Wear a rubber glove with a small puncture on the neck of the bottle. After a week and a half, add sugar.

5. After a month and a half, drain the wine using a rubber tube. Strain the finished product and bottle it. Dip corks in liquid paraffin and bottle them with wine. Soak them in a cool place, without the light coming in for six months.

Recipe 6. Fortified apple wine at home


dried and fresh apples;

granulated sugar - at the rate of a glass per kg of apples;

alcohol - 300 ml per liter of wort; yeast yeast - 300 g;

800 ml of water per kg of fruit.

Method of preparation

1. Prepare a leaven. Keep the yeast diluted in warm water for a couple of hours in a warm place. As soon as signs of fermentation appear on top, the leaven is ready.

2. Apples take sour and sweet varieties in a ratio of 1: 1 and dried apples at the rate of 100 g per kilogram of fresh fruit. Cut the apples into quarters, remove the seed box, finely chop and cover with water. Heat the mixture to 60 degrees and put in a couple of days in heat.

3. After two days, strain the wort through cheesecloth, and squeeze the flesh. Strained infusion is poured into the bottle. Add sourdough to this, mix, cover with water seal and place in heat for fermentation.

4. As soon as fermentation stops, pour the filtered wine into a clean container, pour in the alcohol and seal it tightly. Wine stand in a cool room for two weeks. Pour the young wine into bottles, cork tightly and send for storage in the cellar.

Recipe 7. Wine from dried apples at home


dried apples - kilogram;

3 kg of sugar;

eight liters of water;

yeast - 20 g

Method of preparation

1. Sprinkle dried apples in an enamel container and pour with warm water. Leave overnight, drain the water, lightly dry and grind in a blender or in a food processor.

2. Puree pour half the sugar, pour boiling water and leave to cool. Strain the concentrated liquid and pour it into the bottle. We put on the rubber glove in the throat, in which it is necessary to make a needle puncture.

3. From the wort, which fermented, pour out the young wine and filter. Pour it into bottles, cork tightly and put the rest in the fridge for a few hours. Wine bottles stored in the basement.

Recipe 8. Apple wine at home with currants


seven liters of apple juice;

red currant juice - one and a half liters;

granulated sugar - 2 kg 300 g;

water - 800 ml.

Method of preparation

1. Mix the juice of apples and currants, add water and dissolve half of the sugar. Pour the mixture into the bottle for 2/3 and leave to ferment for a month at room temperature. 2. When fermentation is complete, pour off the wine using a fine schlag and strain. Pour it into another container and leave for another month at room temperature.

3. Wine to drain, strain and bottle. The finished product is stored in the cellar.

Recipe 9. Apple wine at home with chokeberry


on one and a half kilograms of apples and black chokeberry;

three kilograms of sugar.

Method of preparation

1. Separate the rowan tree from the branches, sort, remove the rotted berries, and rinse the rest well. Rinse the apples, peel, remove the seed box and cut into small pieces. Chop the mountain ash using a food processor or mince. Mix the crushed apples with milled rowan in a large basin, add a kilogram of sugar and mix well.

2. Put the fruit and berry mixture in the bottle, pour water almost to the top. Wrap a throat with several layers of gauze. Put the bottle in the heat for a week. Shake the contents daily.

3. After a week, add another kilogram of sugar, shake and leave for a week. Then pour the remaining sugar and mix. Leave the wine for three weeks, while shaking it daily. After this time, insist the wine for another month in complete peace.

4. Strained wine bottled, cork tightly corked and clean in a cool dark place.

Recipe 10. Apple compote wine at home


ten kg of apples;

three liters of apple compote;

2.5 kg of sugar.

Method of preparation

1. Fresh apples wipe dry with a rag, cut into quarters and remove the core. Prepared apples skip through a juicer. Juice merge into a large saucepan and mix with fruit compote.

2. In the apple mixture, pour half the sugar and put it for fermentation in a warm place. As soon as the wort ferments, after about three days, pour it into the bottle and close it tightly with a cotton swab. We leave the bottle with the wort for another three days in a warm place, then remove the cork and put on the cap with the water seal. 3. Leave the apple wine to ferment for a week, then pour out the rest of the sugar. We transfer the bottle with wort to a cool place and leave for fermentation for a month and a half. Strain the finished wine and pour it into clean, dry bottles. We place them in storage in the cellar.

Recipe 11. Apple wine at home on yeast


two pounds of apples and sugar;

tablespoon fresh yeast;

two lemons.

Method of preparation

1. Wash the apples, peel the skins and remove the seed box. Cut the fruit into small pieces and twist in a meat grinder. Put applesauce in a saucepan, pour boiling water on top, set the load and leave for four days in a warm place.

2. After the indicated time, strain the liquid, squeeze the flesh of the apples well. It should make about four liters of apple juice. Add sugar to it, add yeast and mix well. Pour boiling water over the lemons, cut it in half, squeeze the juice, strain it, pour it into the apple juice and mix.

2. Pour the resulting mixture into a large bottle, put a rubber glove on the throat, in which a needle is punctured. Leave the container in a warm place. As soon as the fermentation process is over, shake the bottle well and leave for another three days.

3. Drain the finished wine with a rubber tube, strain and bottle. Send wine for storage in the basement.

Recipe 12. Apple wine at home with raspberries


four liters of apple juice;

a glass of fresh raspberry berries;

kilogram of sugar.

Method of preparation

1. Raspberry berries, sort, wash and pour into a jar, add sugar to them and pour in a glass of water. Mix well. Fold the gauze in several layers and tie the neck of the jar with it. Keep the tank warm for three days. Shake the contents of the jar daily.

2. Pour the apple juice into the pan, add two glasses of water to it, add sugar and mix. In the apple mixture, add the raspberry starter. Pour the resulting liquid into the bottle and leave for a week in a warm place. After seven days, strain the wine, bottle it and seal it tightly with traffic jams. Wine store in the basement or on the bottom shelf of the refrigerator.

Apple wine at home - tips and tricks from winemakers

  • In order for the wine not to taste bitter it is necessary to remove the bones and the core.
  • Carefully select apples for maturity. Green fruits will turn wine into sour vinegar, and rotted ones will spoil its aroma. For wine are just clean and ripened apples.
  • Winemakers recommend not to wash the apples from which wine will be made. You will wash away the natural yeast, due to which fermentation is carried out. It is best to wipe the fruit dry with a clean rag.
  • It is important that in the fermentation process no air enters the container with the wort, otherwise you will get not vinegar, but vinegar.
  • One of the secrets of delicious apple wine is pure water. The spring or well well is best for this. It is advisable to filter boiled water so that no precipitate forms in the beverage.
  • For cooking, take dishes from glass, preferably dark.
  • To make the taste of the wine more saturated, cook it by mixing different varieties.
  • You can add spices to your taste, such as cloves, cinnamon, nutmeg or allspice, as well as slices and zest of citrus fruits.
  • Store wine bottles horizontally. If the bottles are kept standing, the corks will dry out over time, and the sealing of the bottle will suffer.
  • Drink apple wine chilled. Pour it into glasses “from above” to free the beverage from carbon dioxide.
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