Cake Bird's milk - the best recipes. How to properly and tasty cook at home cake Bird's milk.

Cake Bird's milk - the best recipes. How to properly and tasty cook at home cake Bird's milk.

Cake poultry milk - general principles and methods of cooking

The old-timers of the former Soviet Union perfectly remember this tradition - to bring from the capital of the Motherland a scarce and very demanded for those times delicacy - the “Bird's Milk” cake. “Catch” him in grocery stores could not, as the saying goes, “the day with the fire.” The lines behind him on the New and Old Arbat lined up such that blocked the movement, and they had to be deployed to police outfits. And all because the patented by Vladimir Guralnyk (the chef of the Prague restaurant) the cake was produced in strictly limited quantities, as it was prepared from perishable products.

Of course, this can be considered as an excuse, because now it is sold in stores completely without a queue. But why do we need to shop the cake, if you know a lot of homemade recipes. According to its technology, it is simply created in order to cook it in the home kitchen. In most recipes, “Bird's Milk” is made from beaten eggs of the Mashmellou type of candy with semi-air filling, known since the 30s of the last century. The first of them began to produce Poland under the name ptasie mleczko. Cake "Bird's milk" has a special technology. At the bottom there should be a layer of baking, but not shortcrust pastry and not biscuit.

Inventors experimented for a long time, and came to the conclusion that the best basis would be a dough, similar to a cake. As for the soufflé, it didn’t immediately come to a classic look either. They did it not on gelatin, but using agar-agar, which does not collapse at a temperature of 117 degrees. With a scarce exotic additive, the cake becomes soft and melting in the mouth. In homemade recipes it is quite possible to do gelatin and egg whites, the main thing - to get an airy soufflé. With the help of modern mixers and blenders, you can beat various mixtures until the creamy mass really becomes the same as in bird's milk.

Avian milk cake - food preparation

In any options for making a cake, we need a certain number of eggs, milk, cream, butter. Almost all recipes use gelatin - animal glue. It is obtained by digesting from fat-free cartilage or veins. That is why the meat “jelly” freezes on its own, due to the natural presence of gelatin in the meat broth. Culinary gelatin is a well-swollen plate or leaf in warm water (their thickness is only 2-3 mm). To quickly dissolve the gelatin, you need to carefully raise the temperature to 45 degrees, stirring the solution.

Avian Milk Cake - Best Recipes

Recipe 1. Classic bird's milk with egg souffle

By the way, “Bird's Milk” has quite a few calories. This recipe, despite the festive look and curvaceous form contains almost no cream. Cooking this cake is much easier than it might seem at first glance. See for yourself.


Sponge cake: 4 eggs; flour (1 cup), sugar.

Soufflé: eggs (10 pcs), milk (1 cup), sugar (1 1/2 cups), gelatin (bag), butter (200 grams), flour (1 spoon).

Method of preparation

Fill the gelatin with a glass of cold water. Cooking sponge cake. Beat eggs with sugar, add flour and knead well. We grease the greased form with parchment, pour out the dough and bake for 30 minutes or less. Readiness is checked using torches.

Soufflé: separate the yolks from the proteins and rub them with half of the prepared sugar, add the milk, mix with the flour and put in a water bath to bring to thickening. Cool the mixture and add soft butter into it, beat with a mixer. Gelatin is completely dissolved in water and stirred until the lumps disappear. Protein, beat with a mixer until fluffy foam, adding a pinch of salt. Add the second part of the sugar, beat. Add the gelatin and continue to beat. Mix both masses and put in the fridge until thickening. Ready cooled biscuit cut lengthwise into two parts. The bottom part is laid on the bottom of the form, top lay out the resulting souffle, cover with the second part of the cake. Top decorate with melted chocolate. Had to tinker? But what a result! This homemade cake “Bird's Milk” is an affordable, no longer scarce crunch.

Recipe 2. Bird's milk with manna soufflé

In order not to feel semolina in the cream - there is a little secret. You will definitely want to cook it again if you try it at least once.

Ingredients: margarine (cream, 100 g), vanillin, eggs (3 pieces), soda, hydrated vinegar, sugar (1 cup), cocoa (2 tablespoons), flour (1 cup).

Cream: butter (butter, 300 grams), vanillin, milk (2 tablespoons), sugar (1 cup).

Frosting: milk and sugar 4 tablespoons, half a glass of sugar.

Method of preparation

Mix cocoa with sugar and vanilla, add margarine, water and set on slow fire. It must be ensured that a homogeneous mass is obtained. In the cooled mass, we put three eggs one by one, carefully stir. Separately, flour mixed with slaked soda, add to the previous mass. We bake in the oven.


And here is the promised secret: we rub the semolina on the coffee grinder before receiving the flour. Now no one ever guesses what the cream is made of. Cook semolina in milk until thick. Separately, whip butter with sugar, add vanillin and pour into porridge. Stir well. Cake placed in a round shape with a side. Put the cream on top, put in the fridge until it thickens.


Mix sugar with cocoa, add milk and bring to a boil, stirring. Add 1 tbsp. spoon of butter. Cool and pour the cake. Let the cake harden completely.

Recipe 3: Bird's Milk Cake with Cottage Cheese Soufflé

Ingredients: cottage cheese (300 grams), gelatin (30-40 gr.), Sour cream (400-450 gr), milk (1 cup), cocoa (4 tablespoons), sugar (1 cup) , sugar (4 tablespoons).

Method of preparation

The cake will be formed from two parts - chocolate and white. For the preparation of the chocolate layer, fill it with water and leave it to swell. Add 4 tablespoons of gelatin mixed with cocoa, heat until gelatin is dissolved. Pour into the mold and leave for 25-35 minutes to infuse. White layer: pour gelatin with milk, let it dissolve. Curd cheese through a sieve, get a pasty mixture, mix with sour cream, add cream, a glass of sugar. Beat the resulting paste until thick. Gelatin with milk is heated, mixed with the milk mass with a mixer, cooled (10-15 minutes). Pour into the form on top of the first layer and put at least 2 hours in the fridge.

Avian Milk Cake - useful tips from experienced chefs

- As a rule, on top of the cake is covered with chocolate icing. For a holiday or anniversary glaze, you can make any drawings or inscriptions. To do this, we collect sugar powder in a paper envelope and sprinkle it on the cake in the form of an ornament or letters.

- This advice is borrowed from a similar recipe for candy "bird's milk." In order to make the filling with a more pronounced taste, gelatin can be soaked in fruit juice or compote. Concentrated milk whipped with a mixer into thick foam is used as filling.

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