Cake "Royal" - recipes of modern confectioners. Sponge, sand, honey cakes according to royal recipes


Today we are preparing royal recipes for cakes - luxurious, sweet and, with all that, quite simple. How so? Yes, elementary!

It is customary to attribute sweets to this type of desserts, complemented by flavoring components that only a titled rich people could afford a few years ago. There were even bans on the sale of such delicacies to everyone.

Royal Cake - General Cooking Principles

• Recipes of the “Royal” cake are quite diverse. They may consist of nutty, biscuit, sand and honey cakes. Chic cakes with nuts, poppy seeds, fruits and dried fruits can be safely attributed to such a dessert. In order to cook a truly royal cake, it is not necessary to be near the plate for a long time, because self-baked cakes can replace the purchased blanks or sliced ​​biscuit rolls.

• Coat cakes with butter creams and boiled or plain white condensed milk. Layers of cream mass are perelajut fruit, chopped nuts or chopped prunes. It all depends on the recipe and the type of cake.

• They make cakes at their discretion, most often they use finely chopped nuts and grated chocolate. If fruits are used in cooking, they are spread over the surface of the dessert.

Sponge cake “Royal”: a recipe with poppy seeds, dried apricots and nuts


For poppy seed cake:

• half a cup of wheat flour and white sugar;

• medium fat sour cream - 120 milliliters;

• one egg;

• soda;

• 20 gr. dry poppy pastry;

• starch - 2 tsp.

For chocolate and nut brownies:

• high-quality white flour - 1/2 tbsp .;

• half a cup of sugar;

• half a cup of medium-fat sour cream;

• two spoons of starch;

• 50 gr. shelled nuts; • soda - 1 tsp;

• 2 scoops of powdered dry cocoa;

• fresh egg.

For dried apricots cake:

• egg;

• 80 gr. flour;

• beet sugar - 100 gr .;

• a spoon of soda;

• starch - 2 tsp;

• 20% sour cream - half a glass;

• 50 gr. dried apricots.

For cream:

• 2 spoons of cocoa;

• 400 gr. 33% cream;

• icing sugar - 120 gr .;

• 1 gram of vanillin (crystalline).


1. Whip sour cream with egg and sugar. Add flour with potato starch, a spoon of soda and whisk again. Sprinkle poppy mix.

2. Cover with oil the inner surface of the round shape, sprinkle decoy. Fill the form with dough and send to bake. In order for your sponge cake to bake well, it is enough to hold it at 190 degrees for a quarter of an hour.

3. For chocolate-nut cake mix cocoa, sugar and egg with sour cream, whisk. Then add flour with starch and soda. Stir the dough until smooth and mix it with finely chopped nuts. Bake.

4. For the dried apricots cakes, knead the dough like a poppy seed, only instead of the poppy seed, add the dried apricots into slices. Bake it.

5. Beat cold cream with powdered sugar and vanilla powder until fluffy foam. The cream will beat better if you use a more fatty product, and powder is added in small portions in the process of whipping. For reliability, you can use a thickener bag.

6. Prepare the cream, place the well-cooled cakes, as well as the sides and top of the cake. Decorate the dessert with cocoa powder, walnuts, and then put in the refrigerator for five or more hours.

Sand cake “Royal”: recipe with meringue and nuts


• two raw fresh eggs;

• a full glass and another spoon of sugar;

• half a pack of butter;

• soda - 1/2 tsp;

• vinegar - 1 tsp;

• a glass of first-class flour;

• 150 gr. dried and peeled nuts.

In cream:

• butter, natural - 150 gr .;

• 360 gr. whole condensed milk. Preparation:

1. Melt a little cream and wait until it cools to room temperature. Immediately whisk with yolks and sugar (80 g. Sand). Add the hydrated soda, the sifted flour and knead the dough without delay. Shape it with a ball, pack with a layer of film and place in the refrigerator for half an hour.

2. While the dough is cooling, whip the whites, gradually pouring the remaining sugar to them in a spoon. Do not add a new portion until the grains of the previous one are completely dissolved. You can replace the sand with powder, it will speed up the process. Beat until the mass rises behind the mixer beaters with firm, non-spreading peaks.

3. Separate the dough in the refrigerator with four equilibrium parts.

4. Using a small plate as a stencil, draw a circle on the parchment sheet and place the sheet on a baking sheet. Put a piece of dough on paper and evenly distribute it, trying not to go beyond the contour.

5. Formed in this way, sprinkle the billet with plenty of finely chopped nuts and lightly press them into the dough with your hand. Spread a quarter of the protein mass over the nuts and place the pan in the oven. Bake at 180 degrees until soft golden brown. Also prepare and bake three more cakes.

6. Beat the softened butter until homogeneous with condensed milk. Well promezhte cream already cooled cakes. Sprinkle crushed nuts over the surface of the king's cake and put it in the refrigerator for overnight soaking.

Sour cream cake “Royal”: a recipe with dried fruits, poppy seeds and butter cream


• three eggs;

• 325 gr. medium fat sour cream (15-20%);

• 30 gr. baking powder for dough;

• 275 gr. sugar sand;

• wheat flour - 245 gr .;

• half a cup of dry poppy;

• soft pitted prunes - 0.5 st .;

• half a cup of light raisins;

• three fruits of an unripe Kiwi;

• medium orange;

• banana.

Preparation: 1. Without mixing scald with boiling water poppy, raisins and prunes. Drain the dried fruits, laying out on a towel, and poppy seeds, laid out on a sieve.

2. Combine eggs with sugar and, gradually increasing the speed of the mixer, whisk until a white foam mass is obtained. Grain sugar should not remain.

3. Now transfer the sour cream to the egg mass, re-run through the whole volume with a mixer and add the crossed ripper and flour. Beat gently, bring to homogeneity, and then divide into three parts, the dough.

4. Mix one with poppy seeds, the other with raisins, and the third with chopped prunes. Bake three cakes in turn, putting the dough in a lined parchment sheet. Place the dough only in a hot oven, check the readiness with a skewer no earlier than after 25 minutes.

5. Spend cooking time for the preparation of the cream. Slice the butter and fold it into a deep bowl. When it becomes soft, lightly whisk together to bring to homogeneity. Add condensed milk and continue beating until a sufficiently thick and visually uniform cream is obtained. You can at the end enter a few tablespoons of brandy, it will give an additional taste.

6. Prepare the butter cream and coat the cooled cakes with the layers of the creamy mass of sliced ​​peeled fruit. From above, decorate the dessert with semi-rings of kiwi and orange.

Royal Honey Cake: Recipe with Condensed Milk and Prunes


• large spoon of any liquid honey;

• 50 gr. thickened homemade cream or butter;

• soda - teaspoon;

• flour with a high percentage of gluten - 2.5 cups;

• 250 gr. unrefined beet sugar;

• two large raw eggs.

In cream:

• homemade butter - 400 gr .;

• two jars of condensed milk;

• a glass of brandy.


• 100 gr. prunes juicy, pitted;

• dark chocolate, dairy - 100 gr.


1. Thaw at room temperature and mix the chopped butter with honey, eggs and sugar. Add soda and stir again. 2. Place the container with the mixture on the heat and, not allowing to boil, warm up until the crystals disappear.

3. Remove from heat and immediately pour in the sifted white flour. First, stir with a spoon, and then knead the dough with your hands, roll it with a sausage and divide it into eight pieces.

4. Lightly flour the bottom of the round 22 cm form with flour and put a piece of dough into it, kneaded in a pancake. Gently pressing your fingers, distribute it over the entire form and put the bake until light browning.

5. Place the mold on a moistened towel and, once it has cooled, remove the cake. Thus, make another seven cakes and put them in a stack to cool.

6. Cook the cream. Put the butter in a deep bowl, cut it into pieces, add condensed milk. Pour in brandy and beat with a mixer until a thick oil-brandy mass is obtained.

7. Smearing cream cakes, and perelaivaya them chopped prunes, shape the cake. Align the sides with the remaining cream and sprinkle the top with chocolate chips.

Royal Nut Cake: Recipe without flour with yolk-based custard


• sugar, freshly ground powder - 240 g;

• ten proteins;

• half a kilo of nut kernels;

• two full spoons of starch.

For cream:

• yolks of ten eggs;

• dark cocoa, powdered - two large spoons;

• spoon, or a little more, brandy;

• 160 gr. powdered sugar;

• a pack of butter, with a fat content of 72%;

• milk - half a glass.

For clearance:

• 100% high-quality, unsweetened chocolate bar.


1. Rinse the eggs with warm water. Gently breaking the shell, pour the whites into a deep bowl, and yolks in a separate bowl and, covered with a lid, temporarily put aside.

2. Add powdered sugar to the squirrels and, gradually raising the mixer rpm, whip into a strong foam.

3. Pouring in small pieces and gently stirring with a spatula, add starch and finely chopped nuts. 4. Transfer the nut and protein mass to a baking tray covered with parchment, smooth it evenly and bake. Initially, place the baking tray in the oven at a temperature of at least 200 degrees, then immediately reduce the heat to 180 degrees and continue to bake for about 25 minutes.

5. Remove the finished cake from the oven and divide it hot into four equal parts, which you leave to cool completely without removing it from the roaster.

6. Whisk the yolks and all the powdered sugar. Add milk and, having mixed well, put in a water bath. While stirring regularly, warm the yolk mass until it thickens. After cooling, fan with a mixer, gradually adding softened butter and cocoa.

7. Enter cognac and repeat beating with a mixer.

8. Lay the cooled cakes in a stack, putting on each creamy mass. Spread the entire surface of the cake with it, and then sprinkle the dessert with chopped nuts and chocolate chips.

Fast royal cake “Royal”: a recipe without baking with biscuit rolls


• two biscuit rolls with fruit jam;

• ready biscuit cake - white;

• 400 gr. elastic, preferably fat cottage cheese:

• half a liter of fatty 33% cream;

• granulated gelatin - 1 sachet;

• canned fruit - to taste;

• three spoons of powdered sugar.


1. Pour gelatin granules with water, and after they noticeably swell, warm up in a water bath and cool.

2. Blend the curd with a blender, if there is no such device, grind it through a sieve. Add four spoons of powder while mixing.

3. In a separate enamel or glass dish, whip well-cooled cream with three tablespoons of powdered sugar and mix the fluffy cream mass to the curd.

4. Add the fruit, cooled gelatin, cut into medium slices and mix thoroughly.

5. Cover the deep bowl with cling film. Cut the biscuit cake in its diameter.

6. Cut the rolls into thin slices and enclose the entire container from the inside out. Smooth the curd mass on top and cover it with sponge cake. 7. Put the cake soak overnight in the cold. Then turn the bowl on the dish so that the cake slips out.

Useful tips and tricks for making cakes according to royal recipes

• Pre-fry the nuts in a dry frying pan or calcine in the oven for some time. After that, they will have a more persistent nut flavor, which, in turn, will saturate the cake.

• Dried fruits and poppy necessarily scald with boiling water, and then dry dry. Excess moisture will make the biscuit dough more rare and the cakes will rise poorly.

• Mack pre-rub with sugar, then its flavor will be more noticeable in the dough.

• To prepare the butter cream, remove the oil in advance from the refrigerator, to soften. Condensed milk is added to it when whisking gradually, in small portions, then the cream mass comes out silky. Cakes with butter cream surely give time for impregnation.

• When preparing a cake according to the royal recipe with dried apricots, pay special attention to this ingredient. Suspiciously inexpensive or too beautiful dried fruit is better to avoid, unscrupulous manufacturers use a large amount of chemicals to give apricots a beautiful look. It can really taste great, but you should never use them.

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