What to cook from beef quickly and tasty: a selection of simple dishes for every day. Beef on the menu - tasty and healthy

What to cook from beef quickly and tasty: a selection of simple dishes for every day. Beef on the menu - tasty and healthy

Among all sorts of meat, beef should occupy a special place in the diet.

According to nutritionists, it is cattle meat that contains many vital elements for the normal development of the human body.

Beef is divided into three categories:

• top grade;

• first grade;

• second grade.

The main dividing characteristic is from which part of the carcass this meat is taken.

Top grade beef is used for frying a whole piece, baking, boiling, making corned beef. The first grade is suitable for boiling, stewing, processing for stuffing. The second grade is used for long-term heat treatment, most often it is aspic, prolonged baking, stewing with vegetables.

Cooking rules for beef is quick and tasty.

Beef contains a large amount of protein to fully ensure the normal functioning of the human body. Meat is also rich in iron, zinc and other trace elements, contains vitamins of group B and vitamin E.

Despite this, not every housewife with pleasure cooks dishes from beef, many people are confused by the natural properties of meat, it is often hard and dry. People often wonder what to cook from beef quickly and tasty, to please the whole family.

So that such a question does not arise, one must learn to cook this sort of meat correctly.

For this you should know some nuances:

• An important rule in the process of cooking any dishes from beef is that you need to fry meat only in a well-heated frying pan in hot oil. Due to the high temperature on the piece, a crust is immediately formed, which will not allow the juice to flow out. It is because of this that the meat will be juicier.

• If, after roasting, you plan to stew a little beef, you should not add cold liquid. Because of this, the fibers “shrink” and give up valuable juice, therefore, the meat will become tough. • Softens beef sour cream, tomato juice or sauce, vinegar, red wines. Not bad for the marinade use soy sauce with the addition of mustard powder.

• You can marinate in cognac or vermouth, but it is worth remembering that after such alcohol there is usually a special flavor.

• Particular attention should be paid to the color of the meat when buying it, the darker the color, the older the animal was, which means that the meat will be cooked for a long time. It will not become softer neither with proper roasting, nor after pickling.

• The beef rejected on both sides is softer and softer, after that it is advisable to pickle it, and only then undergo heat treatment.

• Juiciness in beef will keep breading and batter.

• Before stewing, meat of cattle is better to fry, and then cover with a lid. Such a preparatory procedure will help preserve juiciness and softness.

These are the main features of cooking, the remaining secrets are selected individually for each dish.

How to cook beef quickly and tasty, when the whole family is looking forward to dinner after work? After all, usually this process takes at least a couple of hours, and sometimes more. There are faster methods of cooking meat of this sort, which will appeal to everyone, and the mistress herself will spend a minimum of effort. And the free moment was not superfluous to anyone.

Having rummaged in prescriptions of different nations of the world, we understand that many people eat beef, there are a lot of ways to cook meat. The most simple and tasty selected from us.

Jewish version of beef is quick and tasty

One of the easiest and most affordable ways to cook beef quickly and tasty is one recipe that came to us from Israel. For cooking, you should choose a good piece of beef, it is desirable to take light-colored meat with a small amount of fatty layers.


• kilo beef or calf tenderloin; • as many onions;

• a couple of laurels;

• salt;

• ground black pepper;

• spices.


Preparation will begin with the fact that the meat must be cut into cubes of medium size and pour cold water for 10 minutes.

Separately, shred pre-peeled onions, send it to a preheated cauldron with a thick bottom.

Fry the onion in vegetable oil.

We pour water from the meat and immediately pour it over with boiling water and leave for another 5-7 minutes.

Drain the water from the meat and lightly dry it, add to the golden onions.

Cooking without a lid until the juice released from the meat has evaporated, and then fry all the ingredients, stirring constantly.

When the beef is reddened, add salt and freshly ground black pepper.

Fill the contents of the cauldron with water so that the meat is covered by 1.5-2 cm, add the bay leaf. Cover with a lid and stew until ready, this is about 20 minutes.

Beef cooked in this way is suitable for both lunch and dinner. As a side dish served porridge or boiled vegetables. But it tastes better!

Potted Meat: Beef is quick and tasty

An excellent option for the daily menu will be roast, which is made from beef quickly and tasty. The satiety of this dish is also good.

Ingredients for 4 servings:

• kilo of beef or veal;

• 3-4 large onions;

• 2-3 potatoes;

• a pair of carrots;

• salt;

• spices.


The secret of fast cooking will be the preliminary roasting of all ingredients, precisely because of this, the roast itself will not take long to come.

Meat cut into strips or cubes of medium size.

Vegetables clean, wash, cut into cubes or strips.

Fry all the ingredients individually and lay them in ceramic pots in layers: meat, potatoes, carrots, onions.

It is desirable to add a little of each of their layers, you can do it straight in the pan.

Add in each pot a small leaf of laurel, a few black peppercorns, rosemary or coriander to taste. Pour half the capacity with boiling water or hot broth and set for 20-30 minutes. in a preheated oven. Additionally, you can make a sauce out of a glass of sour cream, a teaspoon of prepared mustard and a tablespoon of flour. Then you need to pour sauce, and cooking time is increased by another half an hour.

A hearty beef dinner quick and tasty

With this dish you can not only feed the home, but also meet the guests. In one plate, everyone will find for themselves what they want, because there are a great combination of various vegetables for girls and meat that will satisfy the boys' hunger.


• beef tenderloin - 300 g;

• white or cauliflower - 300 g;

• 10 small potatoes;

• carrots and onions need 1 piece, the size is average;

• one sweet peppercorn;

• 2 tbsp. l tomato paste;

• 250 g brine from cucumbers or tomatoes;

• salt, spices to taste.


Prepare the meat and cut into small cubes, lightly fry in butter, add chopped onion and grated carrots. Give a little stew and add tomato paste, mix. Put cubes of sweet pepper, whole peeled potatoes and cabbage, cut into cubes 4 * 4. If you use color, then it is pre-disassembled into inflorescences. Pour the contents of brine, salt and pepper. Add water so that the liquid covers the contents of the pan. Simmer under the lid closed for about half an hour. Serve on a large common dish.

For this dinner, well served separately of fresh tomatoes or cucumbers, as well as dill.

A vintage beef recipe is quick and tasty.

Our ancestors were also able to cook beef fast and tasty, and they helped them bake. Nowadays, an electric oven or oven will be a great helper. This dish is also worth adopting to those who have mulvarka.


• a kilo of good quality meat;

• three onions;

• a pair of carrots;

• garlic;

• 200 g of mushrooms, you can ordinary champignons;

• broth;

• vegetable oil for frying;

• salt, spices. Cooking

1. Cut the meat into pieces and fry in a frying pan with a thick bottom.

2. Add chopped onion and chopped garlic.

3. After 3-5 minutes throw the chopped mushrooms.

4. After another 7 minutes put grated carrots.

5. All mix and cover with a lid.

6. Then add the broth, salt pepper. Add the remaining spices to taste.

7. Soak over low heat for at least 40 minutes.

This dish can go as an independent or as a sauce for cereals, pasta, vegetables.

From seasonings and spices, oregano, rosemary, thyme, chili, nutmeg are best suited.

Vegetables are not superfluous celery, but this is a matter of personal taste.

Beef first course quickly and deliciously

You can cook a lot of first courses from beef quickly and tasty. Soup with beef brisket and tomatoes will not leave anyone indifferent.


• 300 g brisket;

• 300 g of potatoes;

• 300 g ripe tomatoes;

• 1 sweet pepper;

• bulbs;

• carrots;

• 70 grams of rice or millet;

• salt, pepper and other spices.


Brisket must be well washed, pour 2.5 liters of boiling water and cook for 25-35 minutes. After that add chopped potatoes. Tomatoes are scalded and peeled, ground. Onions, carrots and peppers cut finely. Vegetables and washed cereals are added to boiling broth and boiled over low heat for another 10 minutes. At the end lay a bay leaf, ground pepper mixture, finely chopped basil and dill.

It is advisable that the soup be insisted for about twenty minutes, from which its taste will only improve.

Marinated meat in nature: beef is fast and tasty

In nature, beef steaks are cooked quickly and tasty, for this it is desirable to marinate meat in advance. To him, it is desirable to submit grilled vegetables, or tomatoes and fresh cucumbers. Well suited and greens.

Need for marinade:

• 6 Art. l soy sauce;

• tablespoon sesame oil; • a teaspoon of sugar;

• a teaspoon of grated ginger horse;

• a teaspoon of mustard;

• chopped half of the chilli pod.

It takes meat itself, about 300 grams per serving, the marinade recipe is designed for two such pieces.


All the ingredients for the marinade are mixed in a deep container and put the meat in there for 1.5-3 hours. Before cooking, steaks are preferably removed from the marinade. Fry on coals until ready.

Secrets and tricks of cooking beef quickly and tasty

To cook beef quickly and tasty, you must be able to choose the right meat:

• so that the people would be tastier and juicier, give up buying frozen meat;

• carefully examine the streaks of fat, if a piece of a young animal, the fat layers will be cream-colored;

• yellow strings of fat indicate that you have the meat of an old individual;

• carefully look at the color, hot pink unnatural color should alert;

• blot the meat with a usual white paper napkin, it should leave a transparent mark on it;

• pink or red patches indicate that the meat is artificially colored.

Properly selected and cooked beef will delight you and loved ones with excellent taste, tenderness and juiciness.

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