The main dish is cod under the marinade. Recipes for soft and juicy cod under the marinade in the oven and slow cooker

The main dish is cod under the marinade. Recipes for soft and juicy cod under the marinade in the oven and slow cooker

Cod dishes are popular due to the prevalence of the product itself and due to its properties. Rarely what kind of fish “keeps its shape” so well and so intensively absorbs the juices of the surrounding products. She marries, surprisingly, quickly, but in the oven it is better to overdo it a little.

Sufficiently large carcasses are conveniently cut into portions, and a small amount, or rather an almost complete absence, of pits in the pulp, allows children to be given cod without undue fear. It all depends on the marinade, having guessed once, you get a wonderful dish, well preserved in the fridge - juicy, healthy and nutritious.

Cod under marinade - general principles of cooking

• Cod meat itself after frying or boiling turns out to be rather dry, and therefore the fish is best cooked under a vegetable marinade. In order not to complicate the technology, the fish and marinade are prepared separately. After that, the fried or boiled pieces of fish are interbedded with marinade or mixed with it. Further preparation depends on the recipe.

• Cod under a marinade according to the classic recipe can be cooked in a frying pan, cooked in a slow cooker, baked in the oven, or simply put on the marinade and let stand for a while to soak.

• The main and invariable components of the vegetable marinade for cod according to the classic recipe are carrots and onions spasserovanyan on vegetable oil with tomato or fresh tomatoes. According to the classic recipe, marinade must be sour-sweet. Therefore, in vegetables, after browning with tomato, add table or wine vinegar. Vinegar is often replaced with lemon or its juice, wine or sour apples.

• Sweeten the marinade with sugar, sometimes replacing it with honey. Spices and spices are added to taste.

Cod marinated: a classic recipe with vinegar


• 700 gr. cod steaks;

• three heads of bitter white onions;

• two large carrots;

• 100 gr. white baking flour;

• five tablespoons of thick, natural tomato; • incomplete glass of drinking water;

• a tablespoon of 9% vinegar;

• six tablespoons of olive oil.

Cooking Method:

1. Cut the onion into medium, or slightly smaller, pieces; rub the carrot with a large grater.

2. In a skillet or thick-walled frying pan, heat a couple of tablespoons of vegetable fat and lower the chopped vegetables. While stirring systematically, cook for about three minutes on a little heat until they soften.

3. To your taste pepper, add a little salt and a tomato. Pour in vinegar, water and, increasing the heat, bring to a boil. Lower the heat again and cook the sauce for another five minutes.

4. Carefully peel the skin of the thawed cod steaks with a knife. Roll the fish in flour and fry in oil from all sides until cooked. Cool, separate the meat from the bones and skin, break it into small pieces with a fork.

5. Place half of the still hot marinade on the bottom of the saucepan. On it, lay out the pieces of roasted cod and cover with the remaining vegetables.

6. Cover the skillet with a lid and stew the dish at minimum heat for a quarter of an hour.

Cod under the marinade: a classic recipe with fresh tomatoes in the oven


• half a kilo of cod (fillet);

• five small carrots;

• four large onions;

• five fresh middle-sized tomatoes;

• two tablespoons of high-quality flour;

• large leaf of laurel;

• three peas allspice.

Cooking Method:

1. Thawed cod fillets rinse well and blot a few times with a towel or napkin.

2. Cut the fillet into pieces, three-centimeter width, lightly salt and fry in vegetable oil, achieving a pleasant golden hue.

3. Take any fire-resistant form and spread pieces of fried fish on its bottom. You can take a wide pan or pan without plastic handles.

4. Fry the onion half rings to transparency in boiling vegetable fat. Add coarsely worn carrots, and warm up until the carrots become brighter and soften slightly.

5. After that, lay small sliced ​​tomatoes into vegetables and simmer everything together for another 10 minutes.

6. Add laurel, sweet pepper peas and flour the vegetables. While stirring, pour in a third of the glass of boiled but cooled water and warm slightly with minimal heat. 7. Put the finished hot marinade over the fish in the shape, and place in the hot oven for 25 minutes (160 degrees).

Cod under the marinade in the oven


• cod - one and a half kilograms;

• large onion;

• two sweet bell peppers;

• carrots - 2 pcs .;

• white baking flour - 1 tbsp. l .;

• 200 gr. unsalted tomato paste;

• dry herbs and spices - to taste.

Cooking Method:

1. Chop a carrot and onion half rings chopped for 3 minutes over low heat in refined sunflower oil. During this time, the vegetables will soften slightly and give the marinade their juice.

2. Add tomato and chopped Bulgarian pepper. Stir and continue to simmer for a quarter of an hour.

3. At the end of cooking salt to your taste, add spices and dry herbs. You can sweeten a little, but it's an amateur.

4. Scrape the skin of a previously thawed fish with a knife to remove the remains of scales. Gut the remaining entrails and rinse well, especially the abdomen. Cut off the fins, remove the tails with a knife. Drain and slice into desired size.

5. Most of the marinade put in the form, lay on it pieces of raw cod and bake in 180 degree mode for about a quarter of an hour.

6. After that, remove the form from the oven, cover the pieces of fish with the remaining marinade and put it back into the hot oven, but now only for 10 minutes.

Cod under the marinade: a classic recipe for the multicooker


• kg of cod fillet;

• five large carrots;

• four onions;

• half a cup of white flour;

• one glass of drinking water;

• half a liter of pure, spice-free tomato;

• four carnation umbrellas;

• two small leaves of laurel;

• a spoonful of vinegar, best wine;

• spoon of granulated sugar;

• to taste - allspice peas.

Cooking Method:

1. Rinse the thawed fillet and blot with a towel, cut into medium-sized rectangular pieces.

2. On the multicooker panel, set the “Baking” function. Pour into the bowl two spoons of pure oil and fry on it pieces of fish. Be sure to pan cod in flour before frying. 3. Put the fried fish in a separate bowl, and in a clean bowl, pour two more spoons of oil and dip the shredded onion into it. Fry, without changing the mode, until it becomes transparent.

4. Then put onion, and carrot, cut into thin strips, save until half-cooked in the same amount of oil.

5. Add the previously fried onion, unsalted tomato paste and all the prepared spices. Vinegar is not necessary to add.

6. Fill the vegetables with water and, by closing the multicooker lid, bring to the boil.

7. After that, change the mode to “Quenching” and continue cooking.

8. After 10 minutes, open the lid, pour in the vinegar, salt, mix and taste. If necessary, add the missing ingredients and place the fried fish in the marinade. Carefully, trying not to break the pieces, mix and leave to stew for one hour.

Cod under marinade in the oven with wine


• kilogram, or a little less, of large cod;

• 2-3 onions;

• small carrots;

• a large spoonful of thick, not spicy tomato;

• half a lemon;

• 0.3 cups Cagora;

• 5 peppercorns;

• Lavrushka.

Cooking Method:

1. Fish carcasses clean off scales, cut fins, slightly grabbing the skin, gut and cut into medium-sized pieces. Cut along the back to the ridge and prisalivaem.

2. At the bottom of an ordinary, without special coatings, pans pour sprinkles of coarse salt, heat and pour oil. We wipe the cod pieces off the moisture, pan flour, watching for the absence of lumps, and fry, turning on all sides.

3. Fry the large-grated carrot and onion, chopped and then chopped with a knife. The process continues until a noticeable softening of vegetables. Pour wine into the pan, drop lemon rings. Further, undiluted tomato and seasonings are added there.

4. Bring the dish to condition in a non-metallic container - porcelain, glass, etc. First, place the fish, which is not very tight, and marinade over it.

5. It remains to warm the dish in the oven at 180 degrees. If you wish, you can boil half a cup of dry red wine (not Cahor) at the same time to get rid of alcohol, cool down and gradually pour the edges of the dish when serving.

Boiled cod under marinade: a classic recipe


• coarse cod fillets - 1 kg;

• 300 gr. carrots;

• 2 tablespoons peeled flour;

• 200 gr. salad onions;

• 0.5 cups of ketchup without strong aromatic additives;

• 50 grams of sugar;

• Light seasonings to choose from.

Cooking Method:

1. Boil portions of pre-cut fish, almost bringing it to full readiness. We do this by dropping cod into boiling water, where spices and onions have boiled for a couple of minutes. Remove from heat and quickly and gently catch pieces of broth.

2. Medium-chopped onion and, medium-length carrot straw fry quickly in boiling oil. Do not let the vegetables darken, you only need to achieve a softening.

3. Add ketchup and sugar, simmer, do not cover with a lid and slightly reduce the temperature, 8-10 minutes, until a noticeable change in consistency.

4. In 100 ml of previously obtained fish broth we dilute flour and pour it over to vegetables. We prisalivaem and pepper, removing the sample. We achieve the required viscosity by adding the same fish broth, the time for heating the marinade is unlimited, but you should not overdo it.

5. Divide the vegetable marinade into three parts, and cut the fish in half, place the dish in a bowl of the appropriate size, placing the marinade on the bottom and top. Between these layers there will be two layers of fish, also interbedded with marinades.

Codfish marinated recipe in oven baked in foil


• kilogram of cod, gutted, of any size

• onions - up to half a kilo;

• 0.5 heads of garlic;

• “Rkatsiteli” - 1 cup, plus a bit of a reserve;

• large and juicy carrots - 1 pc .;

• tablespoon of good honey;

• juice 0.3 medium, thin-skinned lemon;

• large, fleshy tomato;

• Lavrushka - a few leaves;

• ground aromatic pepper.

Cooking Method:

1. Mix salt with spices and rub them with gutted and cleaned fish. The carcass is pre-cut into pieces, weighing up to 100 grams. We put it tightly in a bowl, and pour it with wine, just shake it so that it penetrates between the pieces. After waiting for at least half an hour, pour the liquid. We soak the fish from moisture and spice residues on a roasting pan, wrapped in foil, and baked. 2. Cut onions into large, well-defined half rings and pour boiling water for a minute. In this way we remove the bitterness, rinse the onions in a large volume of cold water.

3. To the onions in a heated frying pan put honey, a couple of tablespoons of good butter, laurel leaves and sprinkle with grated carrots. Stew all together for three minutes.

4. Peel the tomato - scalded with boiling water and remove it with a knife blade. Rub on a grater and stir in vegetables, salt and add lemon juice. Maintain at the very minimum of heating up to five minutes.

5. If the pan is thick-walled and deep enough, lay out part of the marinade temporarily in another dish. Place slices of baked fish and marinade in layers, be sure to be the first and last vegetable layers. It remains to warm up, about 10 minutes, so that the marinade is slightly absorbed into the fish.

Cod under the marinade - cooking tricks and useful tips

• Do not fry much carrots and onions, otherwise the marinade will be dryish

• Add vinegar, “lemon” or lemon juice in small portions, stirring and taking a sample each time. If the recipe allows it, it is best to mix the vinegar with other liquids so that it is of the minimum concentration.

• Before breading fish, be sure to inspect and rub it. Remove all large pieces of spice. It is also good to inspect the pieces after breading. During the crumbling in flour, it becomes clogged with lumps, and they can stick to the fish, and later burn in boiling oil.

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