What is the difference between fish soup and fish soup

What is the difference between fish soup and fish soup

Many housewives, cooking fish soup, easily call it fish soup, thereby causing resentment among true connoisseurs of this dish - fishermen. Those will surely say what the ear should be and how it differs from the usual fish soup.

It is now cooking soup are so scrupulous. And once the fish soup was called any liquid brew made not only from fish, but from meat and even peas.

Gradually, the points above i were placed, and the chefs decided on the peculiarities of this dish.

The subtleties of cooking soup

Any fisherman will say that a real ear is made only from live fish, or, in extreme cases, from recently caught fish. But not from the frozen, which is not one day lay on the counter of the store.

Most often it is made from fish, which has tender, soft meat. It can be a pike perch, a whitefish, a sturgeon, a sterlet, a perch. Carp, carp, asp, and chub are second in taste. From catfish, burbot and silver carp ear does not boil. The meat of this fish can only be added to the basic composition, and it should be no more than one third of the total number of fish.

The list of ingredients also matters. In the real ear should be one fish, or rather, a lot of fish. And no cereal!

Although, to be objective, there is a recipe for cooking karasevoi soup, to which rice or pearl barley is added. But this is not a classic ear, but only its interpretation. What must be in the ear is the bow. It is put at the very beginning of preparation in the form of a whole head or finely chopped. It gives the ear a special flavor, like a carrot, which is put whole, boiled, and then removed. Thanks to the carrot broth acquires a beautiful golden hue and a pleasant taste.

Since there should be a lot of fish in the ear, it should not be digested so that it does not accidentally get a mash of meat, skin and bones.

There are temporary restrictions boiling fish in the ear. It is accepted to cook river fish from seven to twenty minutes. It all depends on the size of the fish and its habitat. For example, large fish caught from Siberian rivers are boiled for about half an hour. Sea fish cooked no more than twelve minutes.

Do not mix several types of fish in the same pot. Although opinions differ here, as there is a recipe for a triple soup, in which all the “small things” are first cooked, then this fish is taken out and the broth is filtered. The second stage - laying the next batch of fish, which is waiting for the same fate as the first. And only after that the best (at the moment) fish is dipped into the rich broth.

There should be a minimum amount of spices in the ear. Usually it is black pepper (peas or ground), bay leaf, celery, parsley, dill. Sometimes put nutmeg, saffron and other spices. But they should be just enough so that they do not drown out the natural flavor of the fish. Fishermen argue that a real ear can only be cooked on a fire and always in a pot. Moreover, the lid is not closed during cooking, so that the ear is soaked with smoke from the fire. There is even a tradition of dipping a smoldering golovyshku in a pot of soup, to give her a unique smell of nature.

The broth in the ear should not be cloudy. Therefore, you need time to remove the foam, to prevent the digestion of fish. Sometimes potatoes are added to the ear. They put it entirely, not letting it boil out so that it does not spoil the transparency of the broth. For the same reason, the ear should be simmered on low heat.

Fish in the ear put as a whole, and cut into pieces. If the fish is boiled with the head, then the gills are necessarily removed.

But the ear can be cooked on the stove, if you follow the rules by which the ear is different from the usual fish soup.

What is the difference between fish soup and fish soup

In cooking fish soup all of these restrictions are not. It is made from any fish: whether it is fresh, frozen, salted, or even canned. And for cooking fish soup canned fish is used not only in oil, but also in tomato.

The number of ingredients in the soup is not normalized and depends on the hostess's fantasy, as well as on the taste preferences of her household.

In each region, fish soup is distinguished not only by its taste, but also by the rules of cooking. This is influenced by the national traditions of the people and the kind of fish they are most available. In the fish soup put various vegetables, cereals. Add pickles, lemon, olives, capers, tomato paste, soy sauce.

If cooking of fish soup is not allowed to add zazharki, then in fish soup it is commonplace. And you can sauté not only onions and carrots, but also tomatoes, peppers, garlic.

Fish soup is cooked, closing the pan with a lid, until all ingredients are fully cooked.

Capacity for cooking fish soup can be any. It is cooked in a pan, a pot, in a microwave and a slow cooker.

If the broth in the ear should be clear, then the fish soup is sometimes specially whitened with milk, flour or melted cheese.


We bought frozen fish or bought canned fish - cook fish soup.

If you want to try this soup, collect fishing gear and go fishing to the nearest reservoir.

But the dish will only turn out really tasty if you cook it in a good mood and without coercion.

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