The coffee drink, known as glacier coffee, is a cold dessert made from natural coffee with the addition of ice cream. When and in which country this cocktail appeared was unknown. Some consider it their homeland Austria, others - France. The name indicates precisely French origin: the word glace is translated from this language as “icy”. That is why many dictionaries have fixed the spelling of the word “glance” not with two letters “c”, but with one. There is no single recipe for coffee glouce, but it is generally accepted that the fourth part of a cocktail should be ice cream. The coffee base itself is brewed from Arabica medium roast in a Turk or with the help of a coffee maker, coffee machine. Otherwise, a lot depends on the barista fantasy.
Cooking Features
In order for the coffee Glace according to any of the selected recipes to turn out tasty and fragrant, you need to know a few points:
- A drink made from soluble granules is always inferior in its organoleptic properties to natural coffee.
- Store coffee preferably in beans, grinding them just before cooking. Ethers quickly evaporate from the powder, due to which the coffee stored in a hammer form loses some of the flavor.
- If you decide to include sugar in the coffee drink, you can add it during coffee brewing or immediately after its preparation, since this sweet product does not dissolve in the cooled liquid. If you have already cooled the coffee, and then decided to sweeten it, it is better to use syrup for this.
- If you brewed coffee in Turk, you can cool it without straining it. Then he will get a richer taste. However, before making a cold cocktail based on black coffee, it is still necessary to filter it, otherwise it will not be very pleasant to drink it.
- When brewing coffee in a cezve, he should not be allowed to boil, but it should be brought to a boil over low heat 2-3 times.
- It is not enough to cool the coffee for making a cold coffee cocktail to room temperature. Before it is placed for 10-15 minutes in the freezer.
- Ice cream for making coffee is not suitable for glacier. Preference is given to ice cream or ice cream. Dairy desserts with fruit filling for the preparation of a coffee cocktail are not suitable, as they distort its taste and aroma.
Coffee is served in transparent glasses or glasses, having placed ice cream balls on top. A good idea would be to sprinkle it with cocoa, grated chocolate, cinnamon or candy crumbs. A dessert is served with a straw or a small spoon, which is convenient to eat ice cream.
Coffee glacé is one of the most high-calorie varieties of coffee drinks, so those who follow a diet should not be too keen on them.
A simple recipe for coffee glase
- fine ground coffee - 20 g;
- water - 0, 25 l;
- sugar (optional) - 5 g;
- ice cream (ice cream or cream) - 60-100 g;
- ground cinnamon (optional) - to taste.
Preparation Method:
- Preheat a Turk, pour ground coffee into it.
- Add sugar and a pinch of cinnamon. Sugar will give the drink sweetness, cinnamon will make its aroma even softer and more seductive.
- Fill with water. It is advisable to use filtered or spring water: from the water with high hardness of coffee it turns out less tasty.
- Put the Turk on a slow fire. Wait until the coffee starts to boil.
- Remove the Turk from the fire, count to 10 and return to the stove.
- When the coffee starts to boil again, remove it completely from the stove, mix, cover and leave to cool.
- After the coffee has cooled to room temperature, strain it through a fine sieve or cheesecloth. Clean for 10-15 minutes in the freezer.
- Pour the coffee into glasses. A drink made from the number of ingredients specified in the recipe is enough for two servings.
- Arrange ice cream in glasses, sprinkle with cinnamon and serve.
Do not forget to put a straw in each glass. Separately, you can serve a spoon for ice cream. This recipe for coffee glacé is often called the classic.
White coffee glase
- black coffee - 0, 2 l;
- milk - 0, 2 l;
- ice cream - 100-120 g;
- sugar - to taste.
Preparation Method:
- In any way you like, make black coffee, dissolve sugar in it.
- Cool the coffee, strain if necessary.
- Mix coffee with chilled milk, pour into glasses.
- Add ice cream balls.
When serving, drink may be sprinkled with grated chocolate, black or white. The coffee drink prepared according to this recipe is not too strong, it has a mild and pleasant taste. This cocktail will be enjoyed even by children, although it is still not worth offering it to young creatures.
Glazed coffee with chocolate syrup and candy
- espresso or black coffee - 0, 25 l;
- whipping cream (fatty) - 40 ml;
- chocolate syrup - 40 ml;
- ice cream - 100 g;
- sugar - 20 g;
- small caramel candies - 10 g;
- cocoa powder to taste.
Preparation Method:
- Cook your espresso. If you do not have a coffee machine, you can make black coffee in another way.
- Cool the coffee to the temperature of fresh milk and put it in the freezer for a quarter of an hour. If you cooked it in a cezve, it is recommended to strain it before placing it in the freezer.
- Sugar pour into a coffee grinder, grind to a state of powder.
- Mix the powdered sugar with cold cream and whip them using a mixer or blender.
- Pour a spoonful of chocolate syrup on the bottom of the transparent glasses.
- Pour cold coffee into glasses.
- Place whipped cream and ice cream balls on top.
- Sprinkle caramel crumb (candies) and cocoa powder.
The coffee cocktail made according to this recipe is an exquisite delicacy, which few people will refuse. Unusual decoration makes it even more seductive.
Coffee Glase refers to the number of coffee drinks that are served cold. One of its main ingredients is ice cream, which turns the cocktail into an exquisite delicacy.