Cucumbers marinated with red currants - all the colors of summer in one can

Cucumbers marinated with red currants - all the colors of summer in one can

Incredibly crispy, tart and juicy are pickled cucumbers marinated with red currants. Besides the fact that this is a wonderful vegetable snack, such rolled up cans with summer gifts are simply amazing with their visual beauty, because they contain all the colors of summer! Each berry in this treatment remains intact and does not burst, and cucumbers absorb the light acidity of red currants and become even tastier.

Especially your guests will be surprised with such a snack, so immediately prepare a recorded recipe for each of them, or even better - share a link to this page, adding it to your bookmarks.

So, for a 0.5 liter jar of pickled cucumbers, you will need:

- 300 g of young medium-sized cucumbers;

- 100 g of red currant;

- 2-3 inflorescences of dill;

- 2 cloves of garlic;

- 0.5 tbsp. salts;

- 0.5 tsp. sugar sand;

- 2-3 pieces of dried cloves;

- 2-3 pcs. allspice;

- 1.5 tbsp. 9% vinegar;

- 1 sheet horseradish;

- 5-6 cherry leaves.

Cucumbers marinated with red currants - all the colors of summer in one can

To start cooking, rinse the cucumbers in water, carefully washing away all the dirt from them. Tails with vegetables while cutting is not necessary. Scald the prepared jar with boiling water and place the washed cherry leaves with the horseradish leaf into it. It is horseradish that gives cucumbers a crunch, and instead of cherry leaves you can use currant leaves or raspberries!

Cucumbers marinated with red currants - all the colors of summer in one can

Pick up a jar of cucumbers so that only small openings are left on the sides, but try to choose vegetables of the same length so that none of them stick out of the jar.

Cucumbers marinated with red currants - all the colors of summer in one can

Boil water and pour boiling water over cucumbers, gradually filling the jar in three steps and letting it warm up. This method of filling is called triple. Thanks to him, vegetables will not need to be sterilized.

Cucumbers marinated with red currants - all the colors of summer in one can

Cover the jar filled with boiling water with a sealing lid, but do not seal.

Cucumbers marinated with red currants - all the colors of summer in one can

Hold the cucumbers in boiling water for exactly 10 minutes, and then drain the brine back into the container using a plastic cover with holes cut into it. By the way, this device will be useful to you in subsequent years for seaming cucumbers or tomatoes, so do not throw it away.

Cucumbers marinated with red currants - all the colors of summer in one can

Pour boiling water over cucumbers again and leave for 10-11 minutes. Then drain the liquid back into the container and add salt, sugar, spices and chopped garlic cloves, pre-peeled. As soon as the marinade boils - remove it from the heat and pour in the vinegar. In no case do not pour 9% vinegar into boiling water!

Cucumbers marinated with red currants - all the colors of summer in one can

In a jar of cucumbers, lower the brushes of red currant, trying to place them without pressing, so that the berries do not burst, and dill umbrellas. Pour the marinade over the jar and seal it with the sealer key.

Cucumbers marinated with red currants - all the colors of summer in one can

Turn the jar upside-down over the sink, checking the strength of the roll and let it cool in that position, then move it to the storeroom or cellar.

Cucumbers marinated with red currants - all the colors of summer in one can

Your cucumbers are ready for tasting.

Cucumbers marinated with red currants - all the colors of summer in one can

In the same way, you can cook quick pickles! It is enough to place the washed cucumbers with currants in a container and pour them with boiling marinade with spices. In the marinade vegetables should spend at least 6 hours. After that, pickled cucumbers are ready for tasting. Enjoy your time!

As you can see, summer is very easy to catch in banks - it is enough to start conservation. Most importantly, such blanks are very budget compared to the store:

- 300 g of young medium-sized cucumbers;

- 100 g of red currant;

- 2 cloves of garlic;

- 0.5 tsp. sugar sand;

- 2-3 pieces of dried cloves;

- 2-3 pcs. allspice;

- 1.5 tbsp. 9% vinegar.

This whole list will hardly be 20 rubles, but in winter in the store such conservation will cost from 80 rubles per can, so it is much more profitable to stock up on summer vegetables for the winter and not go to the bitter Frost for a jar of delicious cucumbers to the store - cook with us!

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