Caloric value of barley porridge

Caloric value of barley porridge

In recent years, the popularity of barley porridge has been steadily growing, and this fact is explained by the fact that this dish belongs to the category of dietary. Indeed, in 100 g of pearl barley, prepared on water with the addition of vegetable matter and salt, contains a total of 109 kilocalories. For this reason, barley porridge is often used to combat obesity. It should be borne in mind that this dish contains a lot of nutrients and vitamins, which, even with a strict diet, help a person maintain vigor. Indeed, in the barley porridge on the water contains about 22% of carbohydrates, 3% of proteins and only 0, 2% of fats.

How many calories in barley porridge

If you make this porridge in milk with added butter, then 100 g of the dish will contain about 150 kilocalories. Nevertheless, this recipe is considered the most popular, as barley is obtained especially tender, juicy and soft. However, if you do not adhere to a strict diet, then barley porridge on the water can be filled with melted lard and onion. But in this case, the energy value of 100 g of the product will almost double and amount to at least 200 calories, and the fat content in the finished dish will reach at least 10-15%, provided that only 1 tablespoon of lard is added to it.

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