Bergamot Oil: Properties and Applications

Bergamot Oil: Properties and Applications

Many people love bergamot tea, but not everyone knows that this plant not only has a pleasant aroma, but is also characterized by its beneficial composition. Bergamot grows in the traditional form only in Italy, near the city of Bergamo. From the peel of the fruit, flowers and leaves of the plant receive the essential oil of bergamot, about the amazing properties of which we decided to talk today.

Bergamot Oil: Ingredients

The beneficial properties of bergamot oil have been talked about for a long time, but the exact chemical composition of the product is still unknown. According to one version, the oil contains about 300 components, if you believe the other, then there are more than five hundred nutrients in the butter, but both versions agree that linalyl acetate, limonene, linalool is considered the main components of the oil. By the way, it is the first and last of these elements that cause the pleasant smell of bergamot. Contained in oil and furocoumarins, including bergapten, bergamotin.

Oil Properties

We agree that for those who are not particularly friendly with chemistry, the components of bergamot oil listed above are unlikely to make it possible to understand what properties the product is famous for. Therefore, the enumeration of states, when the oil will be particularly useful, will not be superfluous.

Bergamot oil is characterized by:

  • antifungal,
  • anti-inflammatory,
  • bactericidal,
  • antivirus,
  • antispasmodic,
  • sedative,
  • antioxidant action.

In addition, with the help of bergamot oil, you can fight viruses and pathogenic bacteria, cuts, burns and wounds. Bergamot oil is effective even in the fight against such a complex disease as vitiligo. It is used to treat diseases of the upper respiratory tract, as well as to reduce the temperature. Beneficial effect of oil on the digestive process. It is believed that it is even capable of dissolving gallstones. It helps with cystitis and urethritis. Drinks with the addition of bergamot oil drink to relieve anxiety, depression, nervous tension, getting rid of feelings of depression and hopelessness.

Many use bergamot oil as an aphrodisiac, because it increases the sexual attraction of partners. Saturation of the air with fragrant vapors of oil helps to restore the energy of a person, helps to increase sociability, improves imagination and creative thinking. Oil is also used in cosmetology - carrying out procedures using an aromatic product normalizes the secretion of the sebaceous and sweat glands, eliminates inflammatory processes. Bergamot oil helps with herpes. It is effective in psoriasis, eczema, scabies, wounds, seborrhea. Bergamot oil strengthens the hair and gives it a healthy shine. Surprisingly, bergamot oil can also be used as a fragrant repellent to repel insects.


Much has been said about the benefits of bergamot oil, and if many of you decide to go to the pharmacy to get this amazing product to immediately begin therapy, do not rush. Before taking consult with a specialist. Bergamot oil is not recommended for people suffering from acute diseases of the gastrointestinal tract and epilepsy. Its use is contraindicated in pregnant women. You should also not forget that bergamot oil is incompatible with sunlight - if you immediately go outside after applying the oil, your skin risks getting unwanted pigmentation.

Bergamot Oil: Application

If you do not fall into the group of those people who are not recommended to take bergamot oil, then it will be useful for you to learn how to use the oil.

Bergamot oil for inflammatory ENT organs. Half an hour before meals, take 2-5 drops of bergamot oil mixed with a tablespoon of natural honey.

This tool also effectively treats inflammation of the genitourinary system. They take rich oil of bergamot medok to reduce the temperature, increase appetite and destroy intestinal parasites. Some traditional healers claim that this tool helps to overcome such addiction as smoking.

Bergamot oil for sore throat. In 1/2 cup of warm water dissolve 2 drops of bergamot oil and tea tree oil. Gargle several times a day with the prepared solution.

Bergamot oil in cosmetology

For the beauty of hair. Put on a wooden comb 2-3 drops of oil and thoroughly comb their hair, moving from the back of the head to the forehead, after from the forehead to the back of the head, then from one temple to another, and vice versa. This procedure will create a protective film for the hair, saturate them with useful substances and gives them health and shine.

For skin beauty. Add bergamot oil to your favorite face or hand cream at the rate of 2 drops for every 10 ml of product, mix well and use in the traditional way.

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