How to store daikon

How to store daikon

Daikon is a large root vegetable from Japan with a mass of beneficial properties. In our market it is often called sweet radish. And it is no coincidence that a Japanese vegetable has a really pleasant sweetish taste. And it is replete with calcium and vitamin C. Save the root can be until the spring.

How to store fresh daikon for the winter in the sand

If everything is done correctly, the Japanese root crop will overwinter without any problems. It is best to store it in the sand (but you can also in sawdust):

  • First of all, sorting out vegetables, weed out everything that has rotted, has dents and spots that differ in color from the rind.
  • Layers of roots are placed in wooden boxes.
  • Between each layer we pour sand. Daikon is by nature very wet; if it dries, it starts to rot. Therefore, you need to use wet sand and add some water to it every week.
  • We carry boxes to the cellar, basement or any other room with low temperature and minimal access to sunlight.

It is desirable that the storage temperature does not exceed + 3 ... + 5 degrees (but also did not fall below 0), and the humidity of the air was consistently high (95-98%). In such conditions, daikon can be maintained for more than 8-10 months.

How to store fresh daikon in the refrigerator

In the fridge, the root vegetable can be stored for more than six months:

  • Each vegetable should be wrapped in a film of polyethylene, which has small (perforated) holes. If the film does not have them, self-punch holes with an awl or fork. If this is not done, then due to the absence of air circulation in the “convolutions” condensate will accumulate and the Japanese “radish” will begin to rot.
  • After wrapping the fruit in the film should be put in the vegetable refrigeration compartment. By the way, it is quite permissible to store only part of the root. From this Japanese vegetable does not spoil.
  • It is necessary regularly (at least once a week) to inspect the daikon fruits, to check whether they have begun to rot.

On a sweet radish there may be no external signs of damage. Therefore, to determine if everything is in order with it, you should touch the fruit with your hands. If the vegetables are soft, then they have already begun to deteriorate. It is impossible to store such root crops further. But you can eat - slightly rotten vegetables do no harm.

There is one interesting way to find out if the daikons have begun to deteriorate. You just need to look at their stick. While those are green, daikons are usually edible. If the petioles withered and turned black, it means that the Japanese radish began to deteriorate.

How to store in an apartment (balcony or closet)

In the apartment daikon save quite real. Suitable for this:

  • Balcony. But you need to cover the vegetables with some rags so that they do not freeze. Especially if the temperature outside is below zero.
  • Closet. The temperature in it should not exceed +8.

How to freeze

You can store daikon in the freezer. And a very long time - up to one year. For this:

  • Remove petioles, wash vegetables.
  • Cut them in small pieces or rub on a grater (only large, otherwise the juice will begin to flow).
  • We put in plastic bags or sealed containers and ship them in the freezer.

Daikon cannot be re-frozen. Also, it can not be defrosted using microwaves - you just need to put the radish on the table and let it melt itself.

How to store daikon in the form of juice and other canned foods

Sweet radish can be stored for a long time as a very useful juice. Should:

  • Steam and warm the jars (half an hour in the oven).
  • Squeeze juice (using a juicer).
  • Pour into jars and roll them up.
  • Keep stored in a cool dark place.

Daikon canned and can form a variety of salads.

Here is one of the most popular recipes:

  • Clean, wash and cut daikon.
  • We put in sterilized heated jars.
  • We take one glass of water and half a glass of vinegar, to taste pepper and salt - mix everything and bring to a boil.
  • The resulting marinade is added to jaikon jars.
  • We roll up the container and set it in a cool dark place.

It will be possible to enjoy canned sweet radish all winter.

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