Salad with cod liver and quail eggs

Salad with cod liver and quail eggs

The benefits of cod liver oil are not a discovery for many, but the specific taste of this product narrows the circles of its fans. Salad with cod liver and quail eggs is an excellent dish that contains a huge amount of vitamins, while the taste of cod liver is somewhat lost against the background of other ingredients: onions, quail eggs, mustard.

List of ingredients:

  • 100 g of Peking cabbage,
  • 1 fresh cucumber,
  • 1 onion,
  • 6-7 quail eggs,
  • 100 g cod liver,
  • 1, 5 tsp. mustard beans
  • 2 tbsp. l soy sauce
  • greens as desired.


1. Wash the Peking cabbage and shake off excess liquid, then chop it finely or tear it with your hands. The hard central part of white cabbage is usually not used for food.

Salad with cod liver and quail eggs

2. Fresh cucumber wash and cut into thin straws or semi-circles.

Salad with cod liver and quail eggs

3. Boil the quail eggs in boiling water for 3 minutes, then cool, brush and cut each egg in half. If you digest quail eggs, they will become a bit “rubber”.

Salad with cod liver and quail eggs

4. A medium bulb must be cleaned and wrinkled. To remove bitterness, you can scald onions with boiling water or add 1/5 tsp to it. sugar and 0, 5 tsp. table 9% vinegar, mix and leave for 15 minutes. Before adding to the salad onions need to rinse and slightly wring out.

Salad with cod liver and quail eggs

5. Open a can of canned cod liver, drain the oil or gently remove the liver with a spoon, put it into the salad, dividing large pieces into smaller ones.

Salad with cod liver and quail eggs

6. Add soy sauce, mustard beans, salt and spices to taste. Keep in mind that soy sauce is salty enough, so salt may not be needed at all. It is advisable to use a sauce with a classic taste, without additives.

Salad with cod liver and quail eggs

7. Mix the salad with cod liver and quail eggs and serve in portions or on a common dish.

Salad with cod liver and quail eggs
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