Meat Zrazy with Egg and Onion

Meat Zrazy with Egg and Onion

Cutlets are the magic wand of those hostesses who do not know what to cook for dinner, besides meat balls are also appropriate on a festive table, the main thing is to choose the right side dish. Cutlets are tasty, nutritious, and it is simply impossible not to love them. However, not everyone knows that cutlets can be made even more appetizing by stuffing them. It is true, however, to admit that burgers with filling will be called nothing other than zrazy. As a filling, you can use mushrooms, onions, eggs, cheese, in a word, whatever you want. We will devote today's master class to cooking eggs with onion and filling.

For cooking meat dishes with onions and eggs, you will need:

  • ground beef (made from pork, beef, mutton or mixed, which is preferable) - 500 g,
  • chicken egg - 3 pcs.,
  • bulb onions - 1 large and 1 medium sized onions,
  • salt - to taste,
  • freshly ground black pepper - to taste,
  • vegetable oil - for frying.


1. Prepare the ingredients listed above.

Meat Zrazy with Egg and Onion

2. Chop a medium-sized onion in a blender or skip through a meat grinder.

Meat Zrazy with Egg and Onion

3. Combine onion and minced meat.

Meat Zrazy with Egg and Onion

4. Salt, pepper. If desired, a raw egg can be added to the mass at this stage. Stir well.

Meat Zrazy with Egg and Onion

5. Boil eggs. We clean. Finely cut.

Meat Zrazy with Egg and Onion

6. Finely chop the large onion.

Meat Zrazy with Egg and Onion

7. Heat some vegetable oil in a frying pan and fry onion until golden brown.

Meat Zrazy with Egg and Onion

8. Combine chopped eggs and onions.

Meat Zrazy with Egg and Onion

9. Salt, pepper. Stir.

Meat Zrazy with Egg and Onion

10. Proceed to modeling zraz. From a small amount of mincemeat form a lozenge.

Meat Zrazy with Egg and Onion

11. Place the egg-onion filling in the center of the tortilla.

Meat Zrazy with Egg and Onion

12. Stomp on the spot. Described in paragraphs 10-12, we get rid of all the stuffing and stuffing.

Meat Zrazy with Egg and Onion

13. Zrazy fry in a frying pan in a small amount of vegetable oil until golden brown on both sides.

Meat Zrazy with Egg and Onion

14. We garnish meat zrazy at will. It is excellent for meatballs with mashed potatoes, boiled rice or buckwheat, as well as vegetable salad.

Meat Zrazy with Egg and Onion
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