Mushroom sauce with tomatoes and olives

Mushroom sauce with tomatoes and olives

Mushroom sauce with tomatoes and olives is perfect for meat, fish or side dishes. Since the sauce is lean, it can be prepared for people who follow a vegetarian diet. The sauce has a pleasant taste, however, the taste of olives, as brighter, dominates it, so you need to add quite a bit. If desired, the sauce can be made thicker or thinner so that it flows.

List of ingredients:

  • 1 tomato,
  • 1 onion,
  • 6-7 champignons,
  • 10 g butter,
  • 6-7 olives,
  • 3 tbsp. l soy sauce
  • 1 green onion feather.


1. Wash the tomato and chop finely. Peel off the onion and finely chop. By the way, instead of fresh tomato, you can use already prepared ground tomatoes, whole peeled tomatoes, tomato juice or tomato paste (previously slightly diluted with water).

Mushroom sauce with tomatoes and olives

2. Wash the champignons, scrape the cap and legs, finely chop. You can use royal champignons. However, although they have a more pronounced mushroom taste, they are more dense and the sauce will not be so tender.

Mushroom sauce with tomatoes and olives

3. In order for the sauce to have a delicate, creamy flavor, it is best to fry the vegetables with mushrooms in melted butter. Make a weak fire and put the tomato, onion and mushrooms in the pan. Fry on low heat for 5-7 minutes, stirring.

Mushroom sauce with tomatoes and olives

4. Add the classic-flavored soy sauce to the pan. Salt sauce is not necessary, as the sauce itself is salty. Cut the olives in halves and send them to the pan. Stir and simmer another 5-7 minutes.

Mushroom sauce with tomatoes and olives

5. When the mushrooms and onions are soft, transfer all the ingredients into a large cup or glass, chop the blender until smooth.

Mushroom sauce with tomatoes and olives

6. Wash the green onions and chop finely. Put the sauce in a sauceboat, sprinkle with green onions before serving. You can serve the sauce in one way or pour the finished dish, such as a steak or a chop.

Mushroom sauce with tomatoes and olives
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