What makes blueberries different from blueberries

What makes blueberries different from blueberries

Residents of southern latitudes do not even know how rich tundra or Siberian forests are in berries. But it was there that such berries as blueberries and blueberries got accustomed.

Many of those who did not see firsthand how these berries grow, consider that blueberries and blueberries are one and the same. They say that people both want and call. But in fact, these berries are united only by a common family - heather. Yes “place of residence” - tundra, forests and swamps. Although it should be noted that blueberries have advanced further than the northern regions and are even found in the Caucasus, the Urals, Siberia and the Far East.

And the rest is completely different berries. Of course, if you do not look at them from the “height of bird flight”, but try to figure it out by examining the bushes close: touch, taste.

The benefits of blueberries

Many people know about blueberries. After all, blueberries have a beneficial effect on the retina. It is on its basis that modern medicines are prescribed, prescribed by oculists.

Also tannins are found in the fruits, which help the body to cope with diarrhea, fermentation in the intestines, enterocolitis.

Bilberry lowers blood sugar levels.

Blueberries contain vitamins C, A, PP, B, as well as iron, manganese, potassium, phosphorus, copper, zinc, chromium, sulfur, proteins, fats, carbohydrates, pectins, fiber ...

The benefits of blueberries

Blueberries are rich in vitamins C, K, PP, A, B, pectins, trace elements: magnesium, calcium, phosphorus, iron. In blueberry there is nicotinic, malic, ascorbic, oxalic, acetic acid.

It also improves metabolism.

Strengthens blood vessels, improves heart function.

Blueberry has a diuretic, choleretic, antiscorbutic, antisclerotic, antimicrobial actions.

Due to the large amount of tannins, blueberries improve the functioning of the digestive organs.

Eating blueberry prevents skin wilting.

If you need to improve your health and purposefully eat this or that berry, then how to understand these two plants?

How to distinguish blueberries from blueberries

Knowledgeable people believe that these berries can be identified by the type of bush. But in reality this is not so easy to do. After all, both blueberries and blueberries at a young age are shrubs up to 50 cm high. And only at a more adult age does blueberries grow taller, sometimes reaching one and a half meters. Therefore, the size of the bush should not be considered. The main thing is not this.

If we look at the structure of the leaves and the elasticity of the twigs, we can see that blueberries have flexible, greenish twigs, so blueberries most often spread along the ground, while blueberries have lignified branches, and not only at the bottom, but at the top parts. And much lighter.

Blueberry and blueberry leaves are also slightly different from each other. Blueberries have ovate leaves, but with a sharp tip and slightly serrate edges. In blueberry leaves are most often with a slightly dulled tip and a little wider. But most often the leaves are almost the same. By the way, according to the location of the berries on the bush, you can also determine their name. Blueberries grow individually, and blueberries form clusters.

Bilberries and blueberries are similar at first sight only. But, after looking closely, you can see that blueberries have a rich dark blue, almost black color with a slight touch of. And the blueberry justifies its name - it is a bluish-blue color. If you compare the size of these berries, you can see that blueberries are slightly smaller than blueberries.

And, finally, to accurately determine the name of the berry, it is enough ... crush with your fingers.

Blueberries instantly paint their hands in a dark blue color, which is very difficult to wash off. No wonder blueberry juice is used in the form of a violet dye, for example, in the meat industry for branding meat.

If you look closely, in a blueberry the shape of the berries resembles a pear. They are slightly elongated in contrast to round blueberries and a bit larger.

Blueberries can be safely crushed in the hand, if only to make sure that when the greenish pulp is not at all easily soiled, it is almost transparent.

The taste of blueberries and blueberries is also different. Blueberries have a richer flavor, while blueberries have slightly watery and sour berries.

But, despite the seeming differences, these berries are successfully harvested for future use, so that in winter, while enjoying their taste, to recall the warm, fruitful summer.

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