Dietary beef roll with chicken fillet

Beef roll with chicken fillet and sweet pepper - juicy, tasty and healthy. This dish is suitable for diet and low-calorie menu. A few thin slices of juicy meatloaf with a salad of fresh vegetables - what is not breakfast before a working day. You will have to tinker a bit with the formation of the product itself, and then watch cooking for a couple of hours - you can steam the rolls in baking bags or cook in a large saucepan at about 80 degrees Celsius. When cooking, water tends to boil, so you need to lower the temperature several times, pouring cold water into the pan.

Dietary beef roll with chicken fillet
  • Cooking time: 2 hours 30 minutes
  • Servings: 10

Ingredients for Beef Roll with Chicken Fillet

  • 700 g chicken breast;
  • 700 g of beef;
  • 20 g of gelatin;
  • 1 pod of red bell pepper;
  • 1 tablespoon of horseradish;
  • 1 teaspoon dried garlic;
  • 1/2 tsp of ground fenugreek;
  • pepper, salt.

Method of making a diet roll of beef with chicken fillet

We take chicken breast, remove the skin, cut the fillets from the bones. Use a sharp knife to make 4-6 thin slices for the outer shell of the rolls, cut the rest into cubes, it will be needed for minced meat. The breast bone and skin can be left to make chicken broth.

Dietary beef roll with chicken fillet

Place the thin fillet slices on a cutting board, cover with food film, beat with a hammer on one side, then on the other side. Fillets must be beaten as thin as veal for a Viennese schnitzel.

Dietary beef roll with chicken fillet

From the beef we cut off the films and tendons, cut the meat into cubes, as well as chicken fillet.

Dietary beef roll with chicken fillet

We send the fillet and beef to a blender, grind until a gentle and uniform minced meat is obtained.

A pod of sweet pepper is cleaned from seeds, cut into cubes. Fry the peppers in a skillet greased with a thin layer of vegetable oil for a few minutes so that the pepper is soft and moisture is evaporated from it.

Add to the minced meat cooled pepper and a tablespoon of grated horseradish.

Next, pour seasoning and spices - ground dried garlic and fenugreek, salt to taste, black pepper.

Soak gelatin in water according to the manufacturer's recommendations, pour 50 ml of water, stir, cool to 30 degrees, filter. Add dissolved gelatin to the rest of the ingredients.

Dietary beef roll with chicken fillet Dietary beef roll with chicken fillet Dietary beef roll with chicken fillet

Fold in several layers of food film, for one roll take two slices of broken fillets, put them overlap.

Dietary beef roll with chicken fillet

Thoroughly knead minced meat, form oval sausages, put on chicken fillet.

Wrap the minced chicken meat, then wrap everything in plastic wrap, tie the edges of the film tight. Hands roll the rolls on the board to give them the correct shape.

Wrap the product in several layers of the film, tied the edges with a string or rope tightly.

Dietary beef roll with chicken fillet Dietary beef roll with chicken fillet Dietary beef roll with chicken fillet

Pour 4 liters of water heated to 80 degrees Celsius into a saucepan, put the rolls. Cook on low heat for 2 hours, do not let the water boil!

You can also put the rolls in bags for baking, and cook in a double boiler.

Dietary beef roll with chicken fillet

Cool the meat, remove the beef roll with chicken fillet in the fridge for a day.

Dietary beef roll with chicken fillet

Cut in portions, served with a salad of fresh vegetables. Enjoy your meal!

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