Seafood Pizza

Seafood Pizza

Thin pizza dough is the easiest thing to do without yeast - it is easy to roll it to the desired thickness, and baking it makes a thin crunchy crust. In this recipe there is no baking powder, but if you choose this type of dough, you definitely need to roll it very thin. Even a thickness of 0.5 cm will be excessive, since the dough does not rise and part of it between the crust and the filling will be dense and viscous: the thickness of the rolled dough is 2-2.5 mm - an indispensable condition for a tasty pizza on unleavened dough.

Stuffing made of frozen seafood, pre-boiled them.


  • frozen seafood (assorted) - 300 g;
  • 1 ripe tomato;
  • cheese (to taste) - 150 g;
  • egg;
  • 1 tbsp. flour;
  • water - 1/2 cup;
  • a pinch of salt;
  • ketchup, mayonnaise.

How to make seafood pizza

1. The first stage - the preparation of ingredients.

Seafood Pizza

2. Seafood cocktail (frozen seafood platter) is left to be thawed in a bowl.

Seafood Pizza

3. Knead dough from flour, water and one egg. Add some salt. If necessary, you can add more flour to make the dough no longer stick to your hands.

Seafood Pizza

4. Tear off the required piece of dough and sprinkle it with flour.

Seafood Pizza

5. Roll out the dough into a thin round pancake (about 2 mm thick).

Seafood Pizza

6. Seafood put in the pan.

Seafood Pizza

7. Fill the pot with water and set on fire for 5 minutes.

Seafood Pizza

8. Lubricate the dough with ketchup and mayonnaise to your own taste.

Seafood Pizza

9. Top lay seafood.

Seafood Pizza

10. Cut the tomato into thin circles and stack on top.

Seafood Pizza

11. Liberally sprinkle the filling with grated cheese.

Seafood Pizza

12. Pizza is sent to the oven for 15 minutes (set the temperature to 200 degrees).

Seafood Pizza

13. Finished pizza can be decorated on top with leaves of greenery. Enjoy your meal!

Seafood Pizza
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