Squid Salad with Tomatoes and Cheese

Squid Salad with Tomatoes and Cheese

Previously, the entire modest list of our salads could easily be divided into two categories: “ordinary” and “for a holiday”, and even the festive ones were quite conditional, because the choice of products was poor for those and for others.

Today, fortunately, it is not at all necessary to wait for a special occasion, and it is not even necessary to spend a lot of money to cook an unusual and tasty salad. Only one non-standard ingredient is able to completely change the whole look of the dish, and a good example of this is our today's salad with squids, tomatoes and cheese. Slightly properly prepared seafood, a couple of tablespoons of balsamic vinegar - and now the original treat with a refined and noble taste is ready.


  • 400 g of frozen squid;
  • 3 tomatoes;
  • 200 g of cheese;
  • balsamic sauce.


1. Prepare all the listed products for cooking salad. Frozen squid give thawed in warm water (you can not put the carcass in very hot water, because the meat will be pink).

Squid Salad with Tomatoes and Cheese

2. Next you need to cook squid. To do this, we remove the thin skin from the thawed carcasses (it looks like a transparent film) and place the seafood in lightly salted boiling water for 2 minutes, then immediately take out. If you cook squid longer, it will become rubber. Cut the cooked squid meat into thin strips.

Squid Salad with Tomatoes and Cheese

3. Cut the tomatoes into cubes, drain the excess liquid and place the tomato in a container with the prepared squid.

Squid Salad with Tomatoes and Cheese

4. In the salad bowl to the rest of the ingredients rub cheese (it is better to choose from solid varieties, it will be easier to rub on a grater).

Squid Salad with Tomatoes and Cheese

5. Squid salad with tomatoes can be served on the table, simply by mixing the ingredients and watering the top with a balsamic sauce.

Squid Salad with Tomatoes and Cheese
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