Chuka Salad: Benefit and Harm

Chuka Salad: Benefit and Harm

Want to make up for vitamin deficiencies? Eat Chuk Salad! Thinking to diversify the usual diet? Eat Chuk Salad! Would you like to join the centuries-old cultural traditions of Asian countries? Eat Chuk Salad!

The deceptive name of Chuka salad hides behind it not the usual greens, such as arugula or Iceberg lettuce, but real seaweed. More precisely, the mix of wild algae Kayso, Wakame and Kombu. In terms of its organoleptic properties, this salad is much softer and softer than the sea cabbage we are used to, it has a less pronounced iodine smell.

Juicy, with a pleasant hint of spicy chuka salad goes well with rice, buckwheat and “glass” noodles, Chinese nut sauce, shrimp, fish, chicken, avocado and vegetables, ideal as a side dish to the rolls. It is good in itself - with finely grated daikon or vinegar dressing, hot red pepper and sesame seeds. The texture of the salad is very pleasant: moderately soft, moderately crispy and elastic.

Benefits of Chuka Salad

Invaluable influence overseas delicacy on the human body. Chuka has such an abundance of vitamins, minerals and active compounds that they fit to replace a number of ordinary multivitamins. Just look at what these bright emerald algae contain: calcium, potassium, manganese, copper, zinc, phosphorus, sodium, selenium, iron, iodine; vitamins C, B, E, A, PP, D, and K; thiamine, choline, phytohormones, omega-3 fatty acids, amino acids, enzymes and fiber.

Separately, each of the elements is aimed at solving one specific problem, together they have a powerful rejuvenating effect, slow down aging and prevent the action of free radicals. Regular consumption of Chuka lettuce helps cleanse the kidneys and blood, restores the gastric mucosa, contributes to increased stamina and overall immunity. In the stomach, it behaves like adsorbents, absorbing and excreting toxins and toxins. The work of the cardiovascular system is stabilized, the walls of blood vessels are strengthened, the risk of a heart attack is reduced. Among people who prefer Chuka salad to anyone else, there are far fewer people who suffer from atherosclerosis who suffer from depression. In Japan, the properties of a powerful sexual stimulant are attributed to him, widely used in many recipes of traditional medicine.

Low calorie content (only 58-60 kcal per 100 grams) makes the Chuka salad a welcome guest of dietary rations. The almost complete absence of fat and an impressive amount of protein - the main building material for muscles, makes this marine delicacy an indispensable product for athletes.

However, the salad is also good for those who are engaged in mental work and due to circumstances have to face frequent nervous overstrains. Chuka algae improves brain activity and restores strength, allows you to regain concentration and perseverance.

Chuk lettuce harm

There are few contraindications for Chuka salad: idiosyncrasy and thyroid disease. Like any other marine products, the composition of the salad contains a large amount of iodine, which can have a negative impact on the body in case of any disruptions in the endocrine system.

For the same reason, it is not advised to abuse the Chuka salad in the diet of children under 12 years old. Excessive active influence on metabolic processes in a nekrepshy organism, which is undergoing the process of formation, can lead to completely unexpected consequences. In particular, to the problems of hormonal nature or pathological stagnation of fluid in the body.

How to choose Chuka salad?

On the shelves of our stores Chuka gets mostly frozen. This method of storage allows you to minimize the loss of nutrients and maintain taste. Do not buy Chuka salad from unknown producers. Algae - natural sea cleaners. If they were collected in ecologically unfavorable areas, there is a high risk that the product may contain not only useful, but also extremely dangerous elements.

When choosing a salad, preference should be given to transparent or translucent packages, through which the contents are clearly visible. Salad must be clean, free of debris and impurities. Only a small amount of pure ice crystals is allowed, which indicates proper storage conditions.

If there is a large amount of snow in the package, this means that the lettuce has been repeatedly frozen and thawed. Consequently, he lost most of all useful substances and, at best, will be useless ballast for the body. At worst, it may even be harmful. For example, lead to eating disorders or poisoning.

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