Cucumber salad with mustard for the winter

Cucumber salad with mustard for the winter

It is possible to make cucumbers for the future only by salting them or pickling them. However, this does not mean that the harvest of these vegetables is very monotonous. After all, they make a variety of salads. For example, an unusual and savory taste has a cucumber salad with mustard, for the winter which can be prepared according to different recipes, with or without sterilization.

Cooking Features

A cucumber salad can be considered successful if it is tasty, without excess acid, the vegetables in it crunch, and the salad itself costs a long time without spoiling. In order to make such a snack, it is not enough to find a successful recipe, because not only the ratio of ingredients, but also the technology of preparation is important. Knowing a few secrets will allow you to get the desired result.

  • For cooking salads, you can use not only small young cucumbers, but also slightly overgrown ones. If they are too large, they should be cleaned and the seeds removed, after which the cucumber pulp should be cut into slices. However, it should be borne in mind that in this case the salad will be less tasty and appetizing. Medium-sized cucumbers only cut a little smaller than small ones. Salad of them is no less tasty.
  • In order for the cucumbers to remain crispy in the salad, they should be soaked in cold water for 2 hours before cooking. This will allow and wash them much better.
  • The lower the heat treatment, the fresher the taste of the salad, the more useful it is. At the same time, the crunchiness of cucumbers is preserved better. However, it is impossible to refuse heat treatment or shorten its time relative to that specified in a particular recipe, since this will adversely affect the preservation of canned food.
  • Banks for salads must be thoroughly washed and sterilized, even if they are later sterilized with the salad. The lids must also be sterilized.

Compliance with the recipe and technology of cooking cucumber salad with mustard for the winter will allow you to enjoy the savory taste of this snack until next season.

Cucumber-mustard salad without sterilization

Composition (5-5, 5 l):

  • cucumbers - 3 kg;
  • onions - 3 kg;
  • salt - 2, 5 st. l .;
  • sugar - 2, 5 st. l .;
  • table vinegar (9 percent) - 100 ml;
  • ground turmeric - 5 g;
  • black pepper peas - 10 pcs .;
  • allspice peas - 10 pcs .;
  • mustard seeds - 80 g.

Method of preparation:

  • Wash cucumbers well. When water is drained from them, use a peeler to peel strips of skin to make the cucumbers look striped. Cut them in circles of 1 cm thick, throwing out “tails” and “noses”. Put them in a large enamel pot.
  • Peel the onions, cut each in half and cut into thin rings. Put the onion in the same pan as the cucumbers. Stir them. Sprinkle with two tablespoons of salt and mix again. Leave for two hours under the lid so that they let the juice.
  • While cucumbers are sown, prepare the jars by washing them and sterilizing them in any way that is convenient for you. Boil metal lids, screw or turnkey.
  • Pour juice from under vegetables into a small saucepan, add vinegar and the remaining salt to it. Add sugar, turmeric and mustard seeds. Put the pot on the stove and, stirring, wait until the grains of sugar and salt dissolve completely. After that, boil marinade for a couple of minutes and fill them with vegetables.
  • Put on the fire a large pot of salad. Boil it over low heat until all the cucumbers change color.
  • Spread the salad in hot cans and close them tightly.
  • Put the jars on the lids, wrap them with a blanket and leave to cool in this form.
  • Remove the jars and store them in storage.

Salad prepared according to this recipe is well worth the whole winter. It costs very cheap, but at the same time it turns out tasty and appetizing, able to decorate even a festive table.

Spicy cucumber salad with mustard (sterilized)

Composition (for 3-3, 5 l):

  • medium-sized cucumbers - 4 kg;
  • fresh dill - 100 g;
  • garlic - 1 head;
  • sugar - 100 g;
  • vegetable oil - 1 tbsp .;
  • table vinegar (9 percent) - 100 ml;
  • salt - 60 g;
  • mustard powder - 50 g;
  • black ground pepper - 10 g;
  • red (spicy) ground pepper - 10 g.

Method of preparation:

  • Wash the cucumbers well. Drain them, cut off the tips. If the cucumbers are small, then cut them lengthwise into 4 pieces; if they are medium in size, first cut them in half across, then cut each cucumber “column” along the length of 6-8 pieces.
  • Peel the garlic and chop finely with a knife.
  • Wash, dry, finely chop the dill, mix it with garlic.
  • In a bowl with dill and garlic, add salt, sugar, both types of pepper, mustard powder, mix everything, add oil and vinegar, mix again.
  • Pour the cucumbers with the mixture and mix well. Leave it under the lid for 2 hours at room temperature.
  • Sterilize the jars. When they dry, fill them with salad. Pour the remaining juice in the pan.
  • In a large pot, place a wooden circle or lay a dishcloth on the bottom.
  • Put the salad jars in the pot. Cover them with clean covers.
  • Pour water into the pan so that it reaches the “hangers” of the cans. Banks need to be set the same size.
  • Put the pan on, turn on the fire. Warm over low heat until the water in the pot begins to boil. After that, spot 15-30 minutes depending on the volume of cans used (15 minutes is necessary for sterilization of half-liter cans, 30 minutes - for liter ones).
  • After sterilization is completed, remove the jars from the pan with special tongs. Roll them up tightly, turn them over.
  • Wrap the cans in blankets and leave them to cool them down completely.
  • When the banks are cool, remove them for winter storage.

Salad prepared for the winter according to this recipe will appeal to lovers of savory snacks.

Spicy cucumber salad with mustard (sterilized)

Composition (for 3-3, 5 l):

  • cucumbers - 4 kg;
  • sugar - 100 g;
  • table vinegar (9 percent) - 100 ml;
  • vegetable oil - 1 tbsp .;
  • black ground pepper - 20 g;
  • mustard seeds - 30 g;
  • dill seeds - 10 g;
  • salt - 2, 5 st. l without top.

Method of preparation:

  • Wash cucumbers, remove “tails” and “noses”. Cut into 4-8 pieces along depending on the size of the fruit.
  • Fold cucumbers into a large saucepan, add mustard seeds and dill, black pepper to them, pour in oil and vinegar, add sugar and salt, mix everything thoroughly.
  • Put the saucepan with the salad for 4-5 hours in a cool place, you can even in the refrigerator.
  • Spread the salad on sterilized jars of the same size, cover with lids.
  • Put the jars in a large vat filled with water reaching the jars up to the “coat hanger”. Lay a cloth on the bottom of the vat before it is necessary so that when sterilizing the jars do not crack. Sterilize 20-40 minutes depending on the capacity of the cans.
  • Remove the jars from the vat. It is safer to do this with the help of special forceps, which can tightly clasp the jar by the neck.
  • Roll cans with metal lids. Turning over, cover with a blanket.
  • After 24 hours, remove the cans from under the blanket and store your supplies for the winter to the place of permanent storage.

This salad has a spicy aroma and delicate flavor. It will be a good addition to any side dish, suitable as a snack for alcoholic beverages.

Cucumber salad with mustard, onion and carrot

Composition (for 3, 5-4 l):

  • cucumbers - 4 kg;
  • bulb onion - 0, 2 kg;
  • carrots - 0, 2 kg;
  • dill - 100 g;
  • mustard seeds - 50 g;
  • garlic - 1 head;
  • table vinegar (9 percent) - 100 ml;
  • vegetable oil - 1 tbsp .;
  • salt - 2, 5 st. l without top;
  • sugar - 100 g;
  • black pepper peas - 10 pcs.

Method of preparation:

  • Soak cucumbers in ice water for 2 hours. Wash, cut into circles or semicircles.
  • Peel the carrots and rub on any grater, although it is better to use it intended for Korean salads.
  • Cut peeled onions into half rings.
  • Peel the garlic and run it through the press.
  • Chop the dill with a knife.
  • Stir vegetables, add dill with garlic, mustard seeds and peppercorns, salt, add sugar, pour in a little and vinegar, mix everything. Leave for 2 hours, preferably under the yoke.
  • Spread the snack on the cans, tamping it with a spoon. Pour the juice remaining in the pan.
  • Sterilize the jars with the salad for 15-30 minutes. Hermetically close. Cool down leave under the blanket upside down.

Such a salad looks very bright, which is perceived well on winter days. In addition, this snack has a fresh taste and spicy aroma.

Cucumber salad with mustard is an unusual snack for the winter, which, despite its spicy taste, is enjoyed by almost everyone. In addition, the presence of a large number of recipes allows you to make a salad that meets your ideas about the perfect snack.

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