Pizza dough without eggs

Pizza dough without eggs

Pizza can be made with very different fillings, and each time this Italian pie will acquire a new taste. From the dough from which the base of the cake is made, its organoleptic qualities depend directly on it. Eggs are often added to give the base a more pronounced taste, although this ingredient is not necessary. Italians claim that the classic pizza dough is made without eggs. If you don’t have this product on hand or you don’t eat it for any reason, you don’t have to deny yourself the pleasure of enjoying the taste of Italian open pie. There are many recipes for dough for its basics, which do not involve the use of eggs, but allow you to cook a really tasty and delicious dish.

Cooking Features

The basis for pizza without eggs can be made fluffy, thin, liquid. The technology of dough preparation for the Italian cake can be different, but there are a few rules, the observance of which will allow to get the expected result even for an inexperienced cook.

  • Taste and type of baking directly depends on the quality of flour. From the second-rate flour, the pizza base is greyish with an unpleasant aftertaste. It is believed that a tasty pizza dough is more important to prepare than to make a good filling. For its preparation, it is customary to use high-grade flour.
  • Sifting flour before use - mandatory manipulation. Its main purpose is not to get rid of insect larvae and to cleanse from small litter, although this is also important. The main task of sifting flour is to saturate the product with oxygen. After this procedure, the flour becomes light, combines well with other components, without forming lumps. Sifted flour dough rises better than wholemeal, and it turns out much more tender.
  • The lush pizza dough is kneaded with yeast or with the addition of a significant amount of baking powder, the role of which can be soda. For thin dough a lot of baking powder is not necessary, sometimes it can do without it.
  • The temperature of the food used to make the dough can be important. If there are indications in the recipe about how to heat the liquid ingredient, you should not neglect them.
  • Eggs give dough elasticity. When the dough is prepared without them, oil is often added to it, which also makes the dough more elastic. Experienced chefs also point out that the most malleable is dough mixed with fermented milk products. This secret can also be used by selecting a recipe for pizza dough without eggs.
  • If you are going to make a thin pizza base, do not rush to use the dough immediately after kneading. Give him a half hour rest. Gluten contained in flour, during this time will have time to swell, so that the dough will become more malleable.

The basis for pizza is usually dried in the oven at least until half cooked, and then covered with sauce and stuffing, baked until the filling is ready. If the dough is liquid, the filling is spread on it immediately, then it is advisable to cover the sauce not with the base itself, but with the filling.

Yeast-Free Pizza Yeast


  • wheat flour - 0, 6 kg;
  • water - 0, 3 l;
  • pressed yeast - 25 g;
  • salt - 5 g;
  • sugar - 40 g;
  • refined vegetable oil - 80 ml.

Method of preparation:

  • Boil the water, cool it to about 35 degrees, pour it into a bowl.
  • Crumble the yeast in warm water. Pour the sugar and salt. Stir until complete dissolution of the introduced components.
  • Sift flour. Add about 100 g of it in a bowl with water and yeast. Stir to such an extent that the resulting liquid mass does not come across flour lumps.
  • Cover the bowl with cling film. Wait until the opara comes up - rises, having doubled.
  • Pour oil into the brew and stir. In parts, enter the remaining flour. After adding each new portion of flour, stir the dough until smooth.
  • When it becomes difficult to stir the dough with a spatula, transfer it onto the floured work surface of the table. Complete the kneading process with your hands. It should turn out soft, but not sticking to hands.
  • Put the dough in the pan, cover with a damp towel, put in a warm place.
  • Wait until the dough rises, increasing by 2 times. Punch it and proceed to the formation of a pizza.

The pizza base from the dough prepared according to this recipe will turn out lush and tender, but if desired it can be rolled out and thinly. This variant of pizza will suit those who prefer baking yeast dough. The advantage of the recipe is the absence of not only eggs, but also butter, milk, dairy products. This dough can be used to make vegetarian and lean pizza.

Unleavened Egg Pizza Dough


  • wheat flour of the highest grade - 0, 35 kg;
  • water - 150 ml;
  • olive oil - 80 ml;
  • salt - a large shchip.

Method of preparation:

  • Sift flour, make a well in it.
  • Mix water at room temperature with salt, pour into the prepared well.
  • Stir the products with a spatula.
  • Make a small hole in the dough, pour oil into it.
  • Stir the dough again with a spatula.
  • Put the dough on a floured board, knead it with your hands.
  • Form a ball of dough. Put it in a plastic bag. Leave it to rest for half an hour.

The dough made according to this recipe is suitable for a thin rolling pizza base.

Pizza batter without eggs


  • wheat flour - 0, 25 kg;
  • kefir - 0, 25 l;
  • starch - 30 g;
  • soda - 3 g;
  • salt - 3 g;
  • sugar - 3 g.

Method of preparation:

  • Sift flour, mix it with other dry ingredients (starch, soda, sugar and salt).
  • Remove the kefir from the refrigerator beforehand so that it can warm up to room temperature by the time the dough is prepared.
  • Pour the kefir into the bowl. Pour dry mixture into it and mix well. It is important to ensure that the dough becomes homogeneous, without flour lumps.

The dough is poured into a mold, spread on top of it, stuffed, covered with sauce and cheese, baked until done. Readiness basics check with a toothpick. If the wooden stick remains dry after dipping into the dough, the pizza is ready.

Delicate pizza dough without eggs with sour cream


  • wheat flour - 0, 35 kg;
  • sour cream - 0, 25 l;
  • soda, quenched with vinegar - 3-5 g;
  • salt - 5 g;
  • sugar - 20 g;
  • refined vegetable oil - 100 ml.

Method of preparation:

  • Put sour cream in a bowl, add salt, sugar and butter to it. Beat the food with a whisk or mixer.
  • Add extinguished soda. Take its quantity taking into account how much you want to get a lush pizza base.
  • Pour the flour in portions and stir until smooth, knead the soft, but not sticky dough.

The pizza base from the dough mixed with this recipe turns out to be soft and soft, it does not get stale for a long time.

Eggs are not a required ingredient in pizza dough. A delicious basis for an Italian cake can be made without them. Egg-free pizza dough can be baked and unleavened, lean or mixed in milk, kefir, sour cream. Among the many options it is difficult not to find the one that will appeal to even the most picky gourmet.

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