Hake baked in the oven

Hake baked in the oven

Hake is an ocean fish, and therefore fresh it can be bought only by living near the ocean. Therefore, it goes to the store shelves frozen - in the form of a fillet or a whole carcass.

Among the variety of fish hake is famous for its tender meat and a small number of bones.

If we compare the hake with the cod with which they are related, it can be noted that the hake has a more fatty meat and less fatty liver.

After heat treatment, the hake meat is easily separated from the ridge, which makes this fish suitable for baking.

The subtleties of cooking a hake baked in the oven

Heck baked on the same principle as cod. It can be baked with vegetables, in sour cream, with any other sauce, with cheese.

When baking, hake turns out juicy, but still it should not be kept in the oven for a long time. 25 minutes is enough to get a fully cooked meal. Given the speed of cooking this fish, do not add to it the products that are long prepared.

If you are baking hake with potatoes, choose such potatoes that are well boiled soft. Cut it into thin slices and lay out the first layer (under the fish). Then the potatoes are soaked with fish juice, and the hake itself during baking will be covered with a delicious crust.

Heke can be baked whole (if the size of the oven allows), cut into steaks or in the form of fillets.

To make the fish juicy, use the foil. Thanks to it, fish juice will not spill out and the fish will turn out very tasty.

Hake in sour cream, baked in the oven


  • hake - 600 g;
  • sour cream - 210 g;
  • onions - 180 g;
  • flour - 60 g;
  • margarine - 45 g;
  • salt;
  • black pepper.

Method of preparation

  • Prepared hake cut across portions. Sprinkle with salt and pepper, leave for 15 minutes on the table for marinating.
  • Dip each piece in flour, fry on margarine on both sides until golden brown.
  • Transfer to a mold lubricated with margarine.
  • On the remaining fat, save finely chopped onions. Put it on the fried fish.
  • Fill with lightly salted sour cream.
  • Put in the oven. Bake for 17-20 minutes at 200 °. Serve with fresh vegetables, salad, or fried potatoes.

Hake baked with cream sauce


  • hake - 4 portion steaks 200 g each;
  • champignons - 50 g;
  • bay leaf - 1 pc .;
  • starch - 40 g;
  • ground crackers;
  • butter - 60 g;
  • onions - 120 g;
  • milk - 400 ml;
  • salt and pepper.

Method of preparation

  • Prepared hake cut across wide slices. Sprinkle with salt and pepper. Leave for 10 minutes. Put in a greased form.
  • Cut the onion into small cubes, cut the mushrooms into thin slices. Put in the pan with butter and simmer for 5 minutes. Put in shape with the fish. Add bay leaf.
  • Dissolve starch with a small amount of milk. Heat the remaining milk to a boil. Pour thinned starch into it in a thin stream. Boil over low heat for 1 minute. Salt to taste.
  • Fill the fish with creamy sauce. Cover with foil. Put in the oven and bake for 10 minutes at 200 °.
  • Remove the foil, sprinkle the fish with ground breadcrumbs, bake for another 15 minutes.

Hake with raisins and nuts, baked in the oven


  • hake - 800 g;
  • raisins - 50 g;
  • salt;
  • vegetable oil - 70 g;
  • walnuts and almonds - 100 g;
  • tomatoes - 500 g;
  • pepper;
  • greens.

Method of preparation

  • Clean the hake, cut it into medium sized pieces. Sprinkle with spices.
  • Heat vegetable oil in a pan, quickly fry the fish on both sides until light crust.
  • Transfer to a greased mold. Bake in the oven, bake for 15-20 minutes at 200 °.
  • Pour the tomatoes with boiling water, soak for 2 minutes. Rinse with cold water, remove the skin. Cut into small cubes. Put in a separate pan, simmer until puree. Put salt and pepper.
  • Slightly roast the almonds and raisins, chop the walnuts.
  • Put the fish on a plate, pour tomato sauce, sprinkle with nuts and raisins. Decorate with greens.

Hake baked with potatoes in the oven


  • hake - 700 g;
  • potatoes - 450 g;
  • sour cream - 220 g;
  • seasoning for fish - 6 g;
  • salt and pepper;
  • vegetable oil - 35 g;
  • onions - 120 g;
  • mustard - 3 g.

Method of preparation

  • Prepared hake cut into portions. Sprinkle with seasoning for fish. Leave for 10 minutes.
  • Cut the potatoes into thin slices. Cut onions into strips.
  • In a cup, mix the sour cream, mustard, salt and pepper. Dilute slightly with water.
  • Grease the baking tray. Put in a single layer potatoes. Put a fish on it. Cover it with onions.
  • Pour sour cream.
  • Put in the oven and bake at 200 ° until the potatoes are ready.

Hake baked in an oven in a foil on a vegetable cushion


  • hake - 800 g;
  • onions - 180 g;
  • tomatoes - 150 g;
  • mayonnaise - 90 g;
  • salt, pepper;
  • vegetable oil - 25 g;
  • cheese - 180 g;
  • carrots - 120 g.

Method of preparation

  • Prepared hake cut into portions. Coat mayonnaise on all sides.
  • Cut the tomatoes into circles, cut the onion into half rings, chop the carrot into strips.
  • Place onions on the foil. Put carrots on it. Place a portion of fish on the carrot. Fish cover circles of tomatoes. Lightly salt and pepper. Sprinkle with oil. Wrap the foil in the form of an envelope.
  • Place on baking sheet. Put in preheated oven and bake for 25 minutes.
  • Open the foil. On the fish lay slices of cheese. Let it melt in the oven.

Hake baked with apples in the oven


  • hake - 800 g;
  • sweet and sour apples - 2 pcs .;
  • lemon - 1 pc .;
  • parsley - 2-3 sprigs;
  • thyme, dill;
  • salt, pepper;
  • olive oil - 60 g;
  • orange juice - 100 ml;
  • soy sauce - 1 tsp.

Method of preparation

  • First cook the marinade. To do this, mix orange juice, salt, pepper, soy sauce, and olive oil in dishes.
  • Grease the prepared fish on all sides with marinade. Store in the refrigerator for one hour.
  • Cut the apples into quarters, remove the core. Slices of juice, squeezed out of lemon.
  • Take the fish out of the refrigerator. Inside, put in a few slices of lemon, dill, thyme and parsley.
  • Place the fish on a greased baking tray. Bake for 15 minutes at 200 °.
  • Next to the fish, place the apples, pour them with the remaining marinade. Put the baking sheet in the oven for another 20 minutes.

Hake baked with lemon in the oven


  • hake - 2 pcs .;
  • lemon - 1 pc .;
  • salt;
  • white pepper;
  • hops-suneli - 3 g;
  • vegetable oil - 25 g.

Method of preparation

  • Clean the carcass of the hake, wash it. Trim the fins and tail. Make several shallow transverse cuts on both sides of the carcass.
  • Mix salt, hop-suneli and pepper. Rub the carcass with the mixture.
  • Lay the fish on a piece of foil. Liberally pour it with lemon juice. Put one or two lemon wedges inside. Pour over oil. Wrap the hake tightly in foil.
  • Put on a baking sheet. Put in the oven, preheated to 200 °. Bake for 15 minutes.
  • Open the foil, making the sides so as not to drain the juice. Bake the fish for another 15 minutes until a brown crust appears.
  • Sprinkle with greens.

Council. As soon as you open the foil, sprinkle the fish with grated cheese. Place the baking tray in the oven and bake for 15 minutes, until the cheese is completely melted and becomes a beautiful yellowish tint.

Mistress of the note

Knowing the principle of roasting fish, you can change the ratio of ingredients, replace one product with another. For example, if you like spicy dishes, instead of black pepper, put red, and replace sour cream with tomato paste. But in this case add some sugar and coriander to the sauce. Fish will get a savory taste and spicy flavor.

If you fry fish in a pan before baking, be sure to marinate it in a mixture of salt and pepper. Such fish during roasting will not fall apart and will not stick to the dishes.

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