Tomatoes with bell peppers and garlic for the winter

Tomatoes with bell peppers and garlic for the winter

Tomatoes make excellent snacks and delicious juice, but even you can make a wonderful sauce by adding sweet Bulgarian pepper and garlic to taste (chili lovers can, if desired, put a little hot pepper.)

The most embarrassing moment of cooking the sauce is grinding the mixture that has been ground in a blender through a sieve, but if you skip this step, the sauce will not turn out to be uniform due to the tomato seeds.

A canned tomato with pepper and garlic can be used to make borscht, hot main dishes and sauces, and can also be served as a savory tomato juice.


  • tomatoes - 1 kg;
  • Bulgarian pepper - 2 pcs .;
  • garlic - 1 pc .;
  • salt - 0, 5 tsp;
  • sugar - 0, 5 tsp;


Tomatoes with bell peppers and garlic for the winter

1. We take the necessary ingredients for the preparation of the workpiece. Tomatoes choose ripe enough and juicy, so that the tomato comes out of a rich hue. Wash them under cold water, remove the stem.

Tomatoes with bell peppers and garlic for the winter

2. In order to kill the vegetables to a thick homogeneous mass, we need a blender. We divide tomatoes into four parts. Pepper cut arbitrarily. Put all the products in the bowl of the kitchen machine. Peel the garlic cloves.

Tomatoes with bell peppers and garlic for the winter

3. After finishing the grinding process, wipe the resulting gruel through a sieve. This is done to ensure that the skins and vegetable seeds are not left in the juice. Then send to a slow fire for 15 minutes, add salt and sugar.

Tomatoes with bell peppers and garlic for the winter

4. Wash the glass bottle in a soapy solution, rinse and dry.

Tomatoes with bell peppers and garlic for the winter

5. Pour juice into glass containers, cork it.

Tomatoes with bell peppers and garlic for the winter

6. Turning the seam upside down.

Tomatoes with bell peppers and garlic for the winter

7. Delicious tomatoes with bell peppers and garlic are ready. Keep refrigerated. When stored in the pantry, add 40 ml of 9% vinegar when cooking in step 3.

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