Green tea with jasmine: good and harm

Green tea with jasmine: good and harm

The exquisite aroma of green tea with jasmine soothes, improves mood and sets a positive mood. A cup of invigorating hot drink will help you wake up in the morning, concentrate before an important business meeting and will warm you well after a hard day’s work. Add to these characteristics amazing healing properties - and you will understand why the drink has so many fans all over the world.

How is jasmine green tea useful?

The astounding antioxidant qualities of green tea are doubled due to the addition of jasmine flowers. The composition of the drink is very rich: vitamins, alkaloids, minerals, amino acids. This is hard to believe, but green tea with jasmine contains several hundred organic compounds, micro- and macroelements, including almost all the vitamin groups known to science.

Green tea with jasmine:

  • serves as a cancer prevention;
  • prevents the occurrence of atherosclerosis, thrombosis and heart attack;
  • lowers cholesterol;
  • burns calories;
  • well quenches thirst;
  • stimulates the immune system;
  • lowers blood pressure;
  • improves bowel function;
  • smoothes allergic manifestations;
  • helps with chronic fatigue syndrome.

The main component of green tea with jasmine is caffeine. It is he who is responsible for improving the work of the brain, a surge of vitality and strength, which visit us after taking a drink. In green tea, this alkaloid is contained in a lightweight form, called theine. That is, you get all the benefits of coffee, but avoid problems with the cardiovascular system.

About 7% of the total weight of tea is accounted for by minerals and vitamins, approximately 25% by vegetable proteins. According to its nutritional value, green tea with jasmine can be compared with legumes, in the amount and balance of vitamins - with citrus fruits.

Regular consumption of green tea, enriched with jasmine flowers, helps relieve chronic stress, shows an antispasmodic effect, improves eyesight, cleanses the blood and tones the heart. However, this is not all, because green tea can alleviate pain in rheumatism, strengthen tooth enamel, heal wounds and relieve the unpleasant manifestations of motion sickness. Do you know any other product with so many useful properties? With that, there are practically no contraindications for green tea.

Does jasmine tea have contraindications?

As we said above, they are so insignificant that they can be called, rather, features. So, it is not recommended to drink green tea with jasmine before bedtime or as a snack between main meals. In the first case, you simply can not fall asleep, in the second - even more you want to eat. However, it is quite natural, because the title of an excellent energy drink is firmly attached to green tea. So he certainly should not contribute to fast falling asleep. The ability of green tea to arouse appetite is caused by the fact that it increases the acidity of gastric juice. Therefore, it is recommended to take it after, and not instead of food. So it will facilitate the digestion of food and, concurrently, burn excess body fat.

Council finally. True connoisseurs know that the product that is sold in bags under the guise of green tea with jasmine, in most cases is not. High-quality and fresh tea leaves simply will not grind for use in tea bags, as shredded tea leaves are quickly oxidized in air, as a result of which they lose most of their beneficial properties. Therefore, if you want to fully enjoy the special aroma and unique taste of green tea with jasmine, buy non-packaged varieties.

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