Cheese dessert with jelly

Cheese dessert with jelly

A delicious and healthy cottage cheese dessert with jelly can be cooked in just half an hour and another half an hour to freeze the jelly. It turns out appetizing and even festive, you can prepare such a dessert for children who usually do not really like cottage cheese. And jelly can be used any - at your discretion. For sweets, you can add sugar, powdered sugar, condensed milk or sour cream to the dessert.

List of ingredients:

  • 2 tbsp. l dry gelatin,
  • 500 g of cottage cheese,
  • 100 ml sour cream,
  • 4 tbsp. l sugar,
  • 1 jelly package (90 g),
  • if desired, ground cinnamon (1-2 pinches), vanilla sugar (1-2 tsp.).

Before serving, you can decorate the dessert with a sprig of fresh mint.


1. Pour dry gelatin into a bowl and pour boiling water on it, stir and let it swell for about 15 minutes.

Cheese dessert with jelly

2. Put the curd in the bowl of the blender.

Cheese dessert with jelly

3. Add sour cream, sugar or powdered sugar, swollen gelatin to the blender bowl. You can also add ground cinnamon, vanilla sugar. Sugar, sour cream and vanilla sugar in advance can be made sour cream, which then add to the blender bowl.

Cheese dessert with jelly

4. Twist all the ingredients until a smooth, smooth curd mass is obtained.

Cheese dessert with jelly

5. Spread the curd mass in molds, without reporting 2-3 cm to the top - this place will then take jelly. Putting the curd in forms, put them in the fridge. Although this layer is more dense than liquid jelly, so you can pour it immediately.

Cheese dessert with jelly

6. Pour the dry jelly into a bowl and pour 350-400 ml of hot water, stir until dissolved, and allow to cool. But do not miss the moment when the jelly begins to “grasp”.

Cheese dessert with jelly

7. Pour the jelly mass into molds and put them in the fridge to set. Literally in half an hour the curd dessert with jelly will be ready.

Cheese dessert with jelly

8. Serve dessert chilled.

Cheese dessert with jelly
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