Garlic Potato Sauce

Garlic Potato Sauce

Potato sauce with garlic is similar to aioli on the principle of cooking, although some compare it to mayonnaise. In mayonnaise, it is mustard that makes this sauce thick, and in aioli and in the potato sauce presented in the recipe, this role is assigned to garlic. Since the sauce does not contain any animal components, it may well be considered vegan, that is, it can be used in Lent. If you can not live without mayonnaise, then this sauce can be an excellent alternative at least sometimes.

List of ingredients:

  • 1 potato,
  • 20 ml of vegetable oil,
  • 1 clove of garlic,
  • 2 tbsp. l lemon juice,
  • 1/3 tsp salt,
  • 100-150 ml of broth.


1. Remove the husks from the garlic and finely chop the cloves. You can skip it through the press. Add salt and knead everything with a spoon. It should make an improvised sticky gruel.

Garlic Potato Sauce

2. Boil the potatoes in a uniform. The specified amount of ingredients will be enough for one good portion of the sauce. If you want to cook more, for example, for a large company of tasters, then use 2-3 times more products. Slightly cool the potatoes, peel and cut into pieces.

Garlic Potato Sauce

3. Mash the potatoes with a spoon or pestle. Stir in garlic and salt.

Garlic Potato Sauce

4. Now add lemon juice, mix.

Garlic Potato Sauce

5. Add vegetable oil and mix again. Now begin to simultaneously fill up with a little warm vegetable or chicken broth, beating with a blender.

Garlic Potato Sauce

6. You choose the consistency of the sauce yourself - it can be thicker or thinner. Ready sauce can be served with meat, fish, seafood and salads. It is better to use the sauce immediately, as it thickens due to the large amount of starch. By the way, you can add other ingredients to the base.

Garlic Potato Sauce
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