How to store vodka

How to store vodka

There is an opinion that vodka has no statute of limitations and it can be stored for a very long time. No wonder medical tinctures do on alcohol, so that they do not spoil.

And vodka is ethyl alcohol, diluted with water so that a 40-degree alcoholic liquid is obtained. Of course, a lot of technological processes are involved in the manufacture of vodka, but this article will deal with its storage.

It turns out that vodka can deteriorate if it is stored incorrectly. Especially it concerns drinks in a beautiful, unusual container. Often just such vodka is placed on the most prominent place to surprise friends and acquaintances with it. And it stands in the light, but at this time a chemical reaction occurs in it, which spoils the quality of the drink.

Therefore, vodka must be kept in a dark place. This could be a wardrobe, nightstand, bar, box, which should not be located near radiators or stoves - high temperatures also have a negative effect on vodka.

Storage of vodka in the refrigerator

The refrigerator is the best place to store vodka. Especially if in its composition there are flavors, colors, spices. After all, it is not known what components the manufacturers added to this hot drink and what chemical reaction occurs at this time in the bottle.

It is believed that vodka can be stored in the freezer, because alcohol will not allow it to freeze. But connoisseurs of this high-grade drink believe that its quality after storage at sub-zero temperatures is deteriorating.

Vodka storage time

They argue constantly about how long a bottle of vodka can stand in a fridge or bar. Some people think that vodka is a product that does not spoil. Others are wary of this statement.

It is not known what alcohol was used in the manufacture of vodka, what water, how the distillation or purification of the raw materials took place. Therefore, vodka for more than a year is better not to store. The only exception may be expensive vodka made from high-quality raw materials. But the ordinary consumer, as a rule, cannot know this.

And if flavoring and aromatic components are added to vodka, then its shelf life is halved or even tripled. And this is the case if vodka is stored in a suitable container.

Packaging for vodka

Despite the variety of bottles made of plastic, ceramic, even crystal, the most suitable container for vodka is glass. It is in a glass bottle that vodka is stored best. And if the glass is also frosted, this is an additional plus when it is stored.

If vodka is poured into a glass bottle, that's good. But sometimes it is sold in plastic. Such a container is a cheap vodka, which in itself is not credible.

If vodka is stored in a plastic container, then over time, irreversible changes begin to occur inside the bottle, as the plastic, interacting with aggressive media, gradually releases harmful substances to the liquid into the liquid. It is not for nothing that vodka is most often poisoned in such a container. Therefore, vodka from a plastic bottle must be poured into a glass bottle and well corked. If the bottle is badly closed, the alcohol will very quickly dry out, and the vodka will become much weaker. And the water will also gradually evaporate.

A bottle of vodka you started should not be stored for a long time even in the refrigerator, since the air inside will start a chemical reaction process that will change the quality of the vodka not for the better.

But no matter how vodka is stored, it must be periodically checked. If it has changed color (especially with colored drinks or infused with herbs) or sediment has appeared, then it cannot be consumed inside. Such vodka is suitable only for rubbing or compresses.


  • Vodka is stored in a dark place.
  • Containers for vodka should be only glass.
  • It must be hermetically sealed to prevent air from getting inside.
  • The optimal storage temperature is 5-20 ° C.
  • The shelf life without loss of quality for ordinary vodka is 1 year, and for special (with additives) it is 6 months.
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