Buckwheat with mushrooms, and onions, and carrots

Buckwheat with mushrooms, and onions, and carrots

Buckwheat contains many substances that are beneficial to health. It helps prevent the occurrence of iron deficiency anemia, improves the body's resistance to stress and infections, helps to normalize the metabolism. This product is shown to those who follow a diet to lose weight. It is recommended to include in the diet, along with legumes for people who do not eat meat. Buckwheat porridge is an indispensable dish during fasting. Buckwheat with mushrooms, and onions, and carrots are so tasty that they rarely get bored. She is happy to eat even those who treat the cereal with coolness.

Cooking Features

Buckwheat with mushrooms, onions and carrots will be a pleasure to eat if properly cooked. Otherwise, it will have an unappetizing appearance, inharmonious taste.

  • Before cooking, buckwheat must be picked and washed in three to five waters. To do this, pour the rump with water, washed. Then the water needs to be drained. The operation is repeated until the liquid to be drained is completely clear and transparent.
  • Cook buckwheat in water, mixing them in a ratio of one to two. It is calculated taking into account the volume, but not the weight of the products. A glass of buckwheat will need two glasses of water. In a glass with a capacity of 0.25 liters, 210 g of cereals are placed.
  • When cooking with mushrooms and vegetables, buckwheat can be cooked separately or together with other ingredients - the choice depends on the specific recipe. If the cereal is boiled with mushrooms, onions and carrots, the dish is more fragrant. Another option allows you to use buckwheat, left after lunch or dinner, so as not to throw away products.
  • You can use fresh, frozen or dried mushrooms for cooking. Frozen product should be allowed to thaw in natural conditions, dried mushrooms are pre-soaked in cool water so that they regain their shape. Sometimes they need more and boil.

Buckwheat with mushrooms, onions and carrots is most often cooked in a large frying pan, a cauldron or a thick-walled pan. There are recipes for cooking this dish in the oven and a slow cooker.

A simple recipe for buckwheat with mushrooms, onions and carrots


  • buckwheat - 0, 21 kg;
  • water - 0, 5 l;
  • fresh mushrooms (white, champignons) - 0, 25 kg;
  • onions - 100 g;
  • carrots - 100 g;
  • salt, spices - to taste;
  • vegetable oil - as required;
  • butter (optional) - 20 g;
  • fresh greens (optional) - to taste.

Method of preparation:

  • Reassemble the buckwheat, rinse, fill with water and put on the stove. After boiling reduce heat, boil until cooked. Shortly before the readiness of the rump will not interfere with salt.
  • Wash the mushrooms, dry them with napkins and cut into strips.
  • Wash and peel vegetables.
  • Coarsely grate carrots.
  • Onion cut into small cubes.
  • In vegetable oil, fry onion with carrots for 5 minutes.
  • Add the mushrooms and cook until the juice from them evaporates from the pan.
  • Mix buckwheat with mushrooms and vegetables by placing in a cauldron or a thick-walled pan.
  • Tomit on low heat under the lid for 10 minutes.
  • Put a piece of butter, greens, mix.

After removing the pan with buckwheat from the heat, leave it for 10 minutes under the lid, then arrange in plates and serve to the table. If you are fasting, butter will have to be excluded from the recipe.

Buckwheat with mushrooms, onions and carrots in a slow cooker


  • buckwheat - 0, 21 kg;
  • fresh champignons - 0, 4 kg;
  • carrots - 0, 2 kg;
  • onions - 0, 2 kg;
  • vegetable oil - 40 ml;
  • water - 0, 5 l;
  • salt, seasonings - to taste.

Method of preparation:

  • Sort through the buckwheat, rinse.
  • Finely chop the onion and grate the carrots.
  • Wash champignons, pat dry with a napkin, cut into thin plates.
  • Pour oil into the multicooker bowl. Turn it on by selecting the “Frying” mode. If this feature is not available, select Baking mode.
  • Put the vegetables in the butter, cook for 5 minutes.
  • Add the mushrooms, continue cooking in the same mode for 10 minutes.
  • Mix water with salt and seasonings.
  • Spread the buckwheat over the mushrooms.
  • Fill with water.
  • Activate the “Buckwheat” program. If there is no such program in your unit, select the “Pic”, “Pilaf” mode or similar. Set the timer for 30 minutes.
  • After completion of the program, stir the dish and leave in the heating mode for another 10-20 minutes.

Cooking a dish of buckwheat, mushrooms and vegetables in a slow cooker will not take much strength from the hostess. Impregnated with the aroma of mushrooms and vegetables, buckwheat becomes especially tasty.

Buckwheat with dried mushrooms, onions and carrots


  • buckwheat groats - 0, 3 kg;
  • white dried mushrooms - 50 g;
  • garlic - 2 cloves;
  • onions - 0, 3 kg;
  • carrots - 150 g;
  • vegetable oil - 80 ml;
  • water or mushroom broth - 0, 75 l;
  • salt, spices - to taste.

Method of preparation:

  • Pour the dried mushrooms in three glasses of water, leave for at least 4 hours, you can overnight.
  • Wash the mushrooms, cut into small pieces.
  • Free the onions from the husk, finely chop.
  • Peel the carrots, chop on a grater with large holes or cut into strips.
  • Chop the garlic as small as possible with a knife.
  • Heat oil in a cauldron, put onion and garlic in it, fry until golden brown.
  • Add carrots, fry them with onions for 5 minutes.
  • Spread the mushrooms, continue cooking for another 5 minutes.
  • Put buckwheat over vegetables with mushrooms, cover with water or broth.
  • Cook over low heat, stirring occasionally, until buckwheat is cooked.

Dried mushrooms give the buckwheat dish a unique flavor. Vegetables harmoniously complement the bouquet. The dish is nourishing and tasty. Suitable for those who observe fasting, for a vegetarian menu.

Buckwheat with mushrooms, onions and carrots in a merchant's manner


  • buckwheat groats - 0, 3 kg;
  • pork - 0, 2 kg;
  • fresh white mushrooms - 0, 2 kg;
  • carrots - 100 g;
  • onions - 100 g;
  • water - 0, 75 l;
  • vegetable oil - as needed;
  • salt, pepper - to taste.

Method of preparation:

  • Boil buckwheat in salted water until tender.
  • Finely chop the onions, carrots and mushrooms, after having washed and dried them. Instead of boletus mushrooms can be used. A dish with them will turn out a little less fragrant, but also tasty.
  • Wash pork, dry with a napkin. Cut into small cubes or straws.
  • Preheat pan, pour a small amount of oil into it.
  • Put the pork in and fry for 5 minutes.
  • Add vegetables. Continue to fry as much again.
  • Put the mushrooms. Fry everything together until excess liquid evaporates from the pan.
  • Mix with buckwheat, put in pots, put them in the oven.
  • Tomite 10 minutes at minimum temperature.

It is not a shame to serve such a dish even for a festive table. Serve can be in pots or laid out on plates. It is useful to sprinkle buckwheat with fresh herbs.

Buckwheat porridge with mushrooms, onions and carrots is a nourishing, tasty and flavorful dish. Suitable for the daily menu, but there are recipes to make it for the holiday.

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