At what temperature should the potatoes be baked

At what temperature should the potatoes be baked

Potatoes are truly a versatile product. It can be found in almost any store, it has an affordable price, and besides, it has excellent taste. An incredibly large number of dishes can be made from potatoes, but still one of the most delicious remains is baked potatoes. In addition to taste, baked potatoes also attracts the simplicity of preparation. But do not forget that even the simplest dish has its own cooking characteristics.

Potato baking time and temperature

Indicators such as time and temperature are very important in preparing delicious baked potatoes. They can vary depending on what you cook the potatoes, how and in what form, that is, in whole or in slices.

  • It is recommended to cook whole potato in uniform in the oven at 180 degrees for 35-40 minutes. In a multivariate on “Baking” mode, such potatoes are baked for 25 minutes, then steam is released and potatoes are turned over, and then cooked for another 20 minutes. If you want to bake potatoes in aerogrill, then do it at 260 degrees for about 40 minutes.
  • You can also bake whole potatoes in food foil. For cooking potatoes in foil, the oven must be heated to 180 degrees. It will be ready in one hour. In convection ovens, potatoes wrapped in foil should be cooked at a temperature of 250 degrees with an average speed of blowing. After 30 minutes, the baked potatoes will be ready to eat. In a slow cooker, potatoes are baked under “Baking” mode for 40 minutes. When the first 20 minutes have passed, the slow cooker should be opened to turn the potatoes. Please note: for baking potatoes in foil you need to wrap each potato separately.
  • In the foil, you can cook not only whole raw potatoes, but also half cooked ones, that is, pre-boiled. In this case, bake the potatoes in the oven at 200 degrees, previously wrapped with two layers of food foil. For baking semi-finished potatoes will need a third of an hour.
  • In order to bake potatoes with slices on a baking sheet in an oven, it must be heated to 180 degrees. After 25-30 minutes, potatoes can be removed from the oven. In the oven you can also bake the potatoes in the sleeve. The oven must be heated to the same temperature, that is, to 180 degrees. A kilogram of sliced ​​potatoes is cooked for about 40 minutes. For 1, 5 kilograms of potatoes it will take 60 minutes, and for 2 kilograms - 75 minutes. In a slow cooker, potato wedges are cooked for about 35 minutes in the “Baking” mode. After the passage of 15 minutes you need to remember to mix the dish. In the convection oven, you can also bake potatoes with slices. This should be done at a temperature of 250 degrees for 25 minutes.
  • Sliced ​​potatoes can also be cooked in an oven in a pot. To bake it in this way, you should heat the oven to 200 degrees. When 45-55 minutes pass, the dish will be ready. It is best to bake potatoes, sliced ​​into slices, at an average level.

Delicious Baked Potato: Secrets

  • For baked potatoes to turn out delicious, you need to choose varieties of potatoes that contain an average amount of starch. Such a potato has a dense white core and perfectly retains its shape after heat treatment.
  • If you cook whole potatoes, you should take potatoes of approximately the same size. The same applies to the lobules - they must also be the same.
  • New potatoes are baked faster. It should be baked for 5-7 minutes less.
  • Meat or mushrooms perfectly complement baked potatoes. It also goes well with French and Italian herbs, cream, sour cream, mayonnaise, ketchup and other sauces.
  • You can bake potatoes with filling. To keep the filling in place, the potatoes are wrapped in food foil. The following products can be used as a filling: mushrooms, cheese, minced meat, lard, greens, bacon and bacon.

If you precisely follow all the recommendations listed above, you will have amazingly delicious baked potatoes, which close people will appreciate.

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