Brown rice: the benefits and harm

Brown rice: the benefits and harm

Brown rice is, in fact, not a separate type of rice, but one of the variations of white. But unlike white rice, it was not cleaned of the shell that covers the pips. Due to this, brown rice is many times more useful than its white relative, because it is in this thin, weightless skin that contains most of all nutrients.

Brown rice can be considered a perfectly balanced product that you should definitely include in your diet. It has a lot of advantages, and is devoid of all the disadvantages that are inherent in white rice.

The main drawback of brown rice is its rather high cost compared to the white relative. It would seem that if in the process of production preparation less effort is applied, the product should be cheaper. But with brown rice, this rule does not work. Sly marketers understand very well that brown rice has a lot of advantages, so the consumer will buy it even at a relatively inflated price.

Composition of brown rice

The composition of unpolished rice contains a record amount of fiber and dietary fiber, as a result of which it has an extremely positive effect on intestinal motility. The gastrointestinal tract is gently cleaned from toxins, its work is gradually adjusted. Dietary fibers normalize all metabolic processes, provide stabilization of sugar levels and dissolution of cholesterol plaques. During the preparation of rice, useful mucus is formed, which envelops the walls of the stomach and has an anti-inflammatory effect. Selenium, thiamine, niacin and riboflavin in unpolished rice is twice as much as white rice. In fact, three times more vitamin E, folic acid and pyrodoxin. And almost half - potassium, phosphorus and magnesium. At the same time, there is absolutely no gluten vegetable protein in cereal, which often causes food allergies. Calorie brown rice is also within reasonable limits: about 330 kcal per 100 g of cooked rice.

How is brown rice useful?

Such a stunning chemical composition makes unrefined rice an effective “doctor” of many diseases. In particular, he:

  • normalizes the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract;
  • cleanses the body of toxins and toxins;
  • fights bad cholesterol;
  • prevents constipation;
  • improves skin and hair condition;
  • normalizes the body’s water-salt balance;
  • protects the nervous system, eliminates insomnia;
  • lowers blood pressure;
  • improves kidney function and blood circulation.

Brown rice is a dietary product. It can be safely used by people with disorders of the gastrointestinal tract. Moreover, with diarrhea, a decoction of rice will serve as an excellent strengthening effect, preventing the leaching of beneficial substances from the body. And according to the latest research by Japanese scientists, regular consumption of brown rice helps improve memory and increase intelligence.

With regular use, effective antioxidants in the composition of rice help to get rid of many chronic diseases, promote the removal of toxins and dangerous radicals from the body, prolong beauty and youth. Impressive dosages of potassium and magnesium eliminate neurosis, help to recover from diseases of the blood vessels and the cardiovascular system. To understand how powerful brown rice affects the body, it is enough to replace your usual breakfast with it at least once. You will feel a charge of cheerfulness, which does not give even coffee. Just to stay in good shape, you will not need to “recharge” in the form of a second cup of coffee by noon - the activity from rice will last until the evening without unpleasant states of “rollback”.

Can brown rice harm?

To learn firsthand about the harm brown rice can cause, you need to try very hard. For example, do not know the measures in its use, replacing them with all other food. Then there is the risk that unrefined rice will cause meteorism, bloating and constipation. However, such a plot, as we see it, is unlikely.

Nutritionists recommend eating brown rice two or three times a week. This is enough for the body to receive the required amount of all the nutrients that are contained in rice, but not affected by their hyper-dosages. Stick to this rule, and you will enrich your diet with a healing product with a versatile healing effect on the body.

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