Why dough is not baked

Why dough is not baked

How nice it is when on the table in front of the guests there is a hand-made cake or a cake!

Well, if the hostess is friends with the dough, and she always succeeds in baking. And if not? After all, failures occur not only in young hostesses, but also in more experienced ones, when a freshly baked beautiful and ruddy cake turns out to be raw inside.

Individual test approach

As the theater begins with a hanger, so any cake begins with kneading dough.

After all, no wonder the dough is divided into puff, yeast, shortbread, biscuit ... So, the approach to each test should be different.

Very often, you can stumble upon recommendations that state that the baking temperature of any dough should be 180-200 °. But in fact, if one dough feels great at this temperature, then the other dough will be irretrievably spoiled!

Why the shortbread dough is not baked

Sand dough is rich in sugar, eggs and fat. To make shortbread dough crumbly and well cooked, it can not be kneaded for a long time.

This dough is baked at 220-240 °. It quickly becomes covered with a ruddy crust, slightly increasing in volume. And if it is not very thick, it is well baked.

Sand dough inside is almost never wet, as there is little liquid in it. But because of the wrong kneading, it can turn out to be tight and hard, like a cracker.

To get crumbly and well baked shortbread dough, it is best to use only the yolks, and do not melt the butter, but put in the dough in a softened or even frozen form. To make shortbread dough well baked, the ingredients for its kneading are used chilled.

Why don't biscuit dough bake?

Biscuit dough, perhaps the most capricious. But you can find an approach to it. The main thing is to follow a few rules.

  • In order for the biscuit dough to be well baked, it must be lush. And this can only be achieved through well-beaten eggs. And most often, whites and yolks should be whipped separately.
  • Biscuit dough is immediately put into the oven after kneading, until it has settled.
  • It is very important that the oven is not too hot. After all, if the temperature in it is above 200 °, then the dough will immediately become covered in a crust, which will block access to the hot air, and the dough itself will not be able to rise. Therefore, the form with biscuit dough put in the oven, heated to 200 °, and after 5-10 minutes the temperature is reduced to 170-175 °. And at this temperature, the biscuit is baked for a total of 30-35 minutes.
  • During baking, you cannot open the oven, otherwise the cake will fall off, and it will be impossible to fix it. As a result, the cake will turn out to be covered with a ruddy crust or even a burnt crust, and inside there will be a dense, half-moist mass.

Why aren't puff pastry baked

Puff pastry is rich in fat. Butter in such a dough is put either in one large piece, or crushed with a knife, but in no case melt. Thin, crispy plates of the finished ruddy dough are obtained due to the high temperature and a certain kneading. At high temperatures (240-260 °), the butter in the puff pastry begins to boil and bubble actively, thus raising the layers of the dough. They fry quickly, without sticking to each other. But if the puff pastry is put in a slightly heated oven, then the butter, having melted, will simply flow out onto the baking sheet, and the layers of dough will stick together among themselves. The result will be a heavy, wet, unbaked cake. In addition, more and tasteless.

Why the yeast dough is not baked

If you approach the preparation of yeast dough correctly, it is very difficult to spoil it. The main conditions for its preparation:

  • You cannot use expired yeast. Since this dough just does not rise, and therefore will not bake.
  • You can not increase the dosage of yeast. Baking from such a dough acquires a sour taste and smell of home brew.
  • Yeast dough should be thoroughly kneaded. It should not be steep, since the products from the tight yeast dough are heavy and unbaked.
  • Yeast dough requires good proofing. Yeast dough products need to be kept in a warm place for baking before baking. If this is not done, and immediately put the cake in the oven, then the pastry is soon covered with a dense crust, and the dough does not have time to rise and does not bake in the middle.

Why the protein dough is not baked

From the protein dough make air cakes for cakes and meringue-type cakes.

Protein dough is the most tender and brittle. For it to be baked, we need only three conditions:

  • Proteins should be thoroughly whipped until stable peaks.
  • You cannot bake protein dough in a hot oven. Otherwise, its products are instantly covered with a brown crust, remaining moist inside. If you get such products from the oven, they will immediately fall off, turning into thin, viscous, unbaked pancakes.
  • In order for the protein dough to be well baked, it is put in an oven heated not higher than 100 °, and baked (dried) for about 1, 5-2 hours.

Why the pastry is not baked

Sweet dough cooked on kefir or sour cream, often gives the hostess a lot of trouble.

When baking, it turns out to be very beautiful, ruddy, with an appetizing crust. And inside it turns out raw. What does the mistress do wrong?

  • Before you put the eggs in such a dough, you need to beat them well.
  • Excess sugar also adversely affects the quality of the dough. Strongly sweet dough is badly baked. As well as too fat.
  • To make dough on kefir well baked, soda or baking powder is added to it for pomp. But you need to know that the dough on soda can not be kept for a long time without baking. Especially if the dough is thin. Therefore, as soon as they put the soda in the dough and stirred before the bubbles appear, it should be sent to the oven.
  • The optimum temperature for baking products from kefir or sweet dough is 200-210 °. But if the dough is kneaded for the filling pie, then the temperature after a few minutes after planting in the oven should be reduced to 180 °. Otherwise, the top of the cake will burn, and the middle will remain raw.
  • The first 20 minutes you can not open the oven so that the cake does not donkey. Readiness check with a toothpick. If pieces of dough are stuck to the toothpick, and the top of the cake has already browned, then you need to cover it with parchment or foil, and lower the temperature slightly.

To make pies from any dough well baked, you need:

  • Adhere to the temperature regime, both during the dough kneading and during its baking.
  • Observe the proportions of the ingredients in the dough. Especially flour. After all, because of the reduced amount of flour, most often the dough is not baked.
  • Beat eggs well, if required in the recipe.
  • Do not remove the cake before the due date.
  • A pie that has just been taken out of the oven cannot be immediately cut into portions. Hot dough when slicing crushed under the knife and on the cut seems to be unbaked. Especially for biscuit dough. The only exceptions are products made from shortcrust pastry, as it is very difficult to carefully cut the cooled shortcrust dough.
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